Number of twigs in a tree are? n- number of nodes
Consider the following statements:
1. All loops are meshes
2. All meshes are loops.
Which of these statements is/are correct?
The reactance offered by a capacitor to alternating current of frequency 50 Hz is 20 Q. If frequency is increased to 100 Hz, reactance becomes_____ohms.
Given the current through R is i = 1A. The value of R is ______________ Ω
A series RLC circuit has bandwidth as 1000 Hz with R = 10 Ω. If the resistance ‘R’ increased to 20 Ω, then the bandwidth of the circuit is __________
In a series RL circuit, 12 V rms is measured across the resistor, and 14 V rms is measured across the inductor. The peak value of the source voltage is
Current in some branches are given in the below figure. The value of T is ____________
A system has bandwidth as 4000 Hz with rise time 2.5 seconds. If the rise time decreased to 1.25 seconds then the bandwidth is ___________ Hz
A system with pole at -1 +j had settling time as 3 secs. If the pole shifted to -2+3j the settling time is _________ sec
In “force - current” analogy, equivalent of viscous coefficient is _________ and in “force - voltage" analogy, equivalent of spring constant is ______________
A system has transfer function (5 - S)/(5 + S). It is a _______
Consider the following ‘3’ transfer functions.
Among these minimum phase system (s) i s/are
The purpose of Pi controller is to improve ___________ of the system.
Below figure is a pole-zero plot of a ____________