Directions: For each of the below questions, identify which option(s) logically follow based on the given statement.
I will buy the airplane only if it is the costliest and the fastest.
Directions: For each of the below questions, identify which option(s) logically follow based on the given statement.
I wear a pad every time I bat.
(i) I batted.
(ii) I didn’t bat.
(iii) I wore a pad.
(iv) I didn’t wear a pad.
Directions: For each of the below questions, identify which option(s) logically follow based on the given statement.
You cannot clear the CAT unless you are hard working.
(i) You are hard working.
(ii) You can clear the CAT.
(iii) You are not hard working.
(iv) You cannot clear the CAT.
Directions: For each of the below questions, identify which option(s) logically follow based on the given statement.
Whenever my mother scolds me, I either hide behind my father or complain to my grandma.
Directions: For each of the below questions, identify which option(s) logically follow based on the given statement.
If the milk is not cold then I will not go to school and will not have dinner.
Directions: For each of the below questions, identify which option(s) logically follow based on the given statement.
K, L, M, N, O and P are six trees in a garden. Neither M nor N is the tallest tree. Tree L is taller than P but shorter than tree K. Tree O is as tall as P but taller than M. Which of the following trees is the tallest?
Directions: For each of the below questions, identify which option(s) logically follow based on the given statement.
Six persons A, B, C, D, E and F leave for the station in such a way that C leaves before F leaves and after D leaves, whereas E leaves before B leaves, who leaves before F leaves, but A leaves after both F and C leave. Who is the last person to leave?
Directions: For each of the below questions, identify which option(s) logically follow based on the given statement.
These questions are based on the following information.
P, Q, R are three girls and A, B, C are three boys.
Q is taller than R but shorter than C, who is taller than A.
P is taller than B, who is taller than C.
Who is the tallest of all the six?
Directions: For each of the below questions, identify which option(s) logically follow based on the given statement.
These questions are based on the following information.
P, Q, R are three girls and A, B, C are three boys.
Q is taller than R but shorter than C, who is taller than A.
P is taller than B, who is taller than C.
Who is the shortest of the three girls?
Directions: For each of the below questions, identify which option(s) logically follow based on the given statement.
A poem has seven lines, each of which starts with the letters P, Q, R, S, T, U and V. The line starting with R is the third from the bottom and the line starting with V is the second from the top. The line starting with Q and that starting with U have exactly three lines in between. Either S or P is the only letter between R and U. The poem is likely to start with