Which key combination is used to close a open application in Windows machine
Which one is the latest release of Windows Client Operating System
A large number of computers in a wide geographical area can be efficiently connected by
Which of the following topologies is not of broadcast type?
The part of machine level instruction, which tells the central processor what was to be Done is
Indicate which , of the following is not true about 4GL.
Indicate which of the following, best describes the term "software"
Indicate which of the following is not true about an interpreter
The errors that can be pointed out by the compiler are
Which of the following does not represent on I/O device
The communication line between the CPU, memory and peripherals is called a
The language that the computer can understand and execute is called
A step by step procedure used to solve a problem is called
Which of the following holds the ROM, CPU, RAM and expansion cards
The errors that can be pointed out by the compiler are
A computer can be defined as an electronic device that can be(choose the most precise definition):
Computer follows a simple principle called GIGO which means: