On a certain sum of money, after 2 years the simple interest and compound interest obtained are Rs 800 and Rs 960 respectively. What is the sum of money invested?
Rs 6000 becomes Rs 7200 in 3 years at a certain rate of compound interest. What will be the amount received after 9 years?
A man borrows Rs 4000 at 8% compound interest for 3 years. At the end of each year he paid Rs 500. How much amount should he pay at the end of 3rd year to clear the debt?
A sum of money is lent for 2 years at 20% p.a. compound interest. It yields Rs 482 more when compounded semi-annually than compounded annually. What is the sum lent?
The compound interest obtained after 1st and 2nd year is Rs 160 and Rs 172.8 respectively on a certain sum of money invested for 2 years. What is the rate of interest?
A sum of money becomes Rs 35,280 after 2 years and Rs 37,044 after 3 years when lent on compound interest. Find the principal amount.
The difference between compound interest earned after 3 years at 5% p.a. and simple interest earned after 4 years at 4% p.a. is Rs 76. Find the principal amount.
A sum of money is lent at simple interest and compound interest. The ratio between the difference of compound interest and simple interest of 3 years and 2 years is 35 : 11. What is the rate of interest per annum?
A sum of money borrowed at 5% compound interest is to paid in two annual installments of Rs 882 each. What is the sum borrowed?
Rs 3903 is to be divided in a way that A’s share at the end of 7 years is equal to the B’s share at the end of 9 years. If the rate of interest is 4% compounded annually, find A’s share.
The difference between the total simple interest and the total compound interest compounded annually at the same rate of interest on a sum of money at the end of two years is Rs. 350. What is definitely the rate of interest per cent per annum?
Aswin invested an amount of Rs.9000 in a fixed deposit scheme for 2 years at CI rate 6% pa. How much amount will Aswin get on maturity of the fixed amount ?
A sum of money invested for 7years in Scheme 1 which offers SI at a rate of 8% pa. The amount received from Scheme 1 after 7 years invested for 2 years in Scheme 2 which offers CI rate of 10% pa. If the interest received from Scheme B was Rs.1638. What was the sum invested in Scheme 1 ?
Rs.5200 was partly invested in Scheme A at 10% pa CI for 2 years and Partly invested in Scheme B at 10% pa SI for 4 years. Both the schemes earn equal interests. How much was invested in Scheme A ?
The CI on Rs.7000 for 3 years at 5% for first year, 7% for second year, 10% for the third year will be
Poorni and Priyanka have to clear their respective loans by paying 2 equal annual instalments of Rs.20000 each. Poorni pays at 10% pa of SI and Priyanka pays at 10% CI pa. What is the difference in their payments ?
A sum of Rs.3,50,500 is to be paid back in 2 equal annual instalments. How much is each instalment, if the rate of interest charged 4% per annum compound annually ?
At CI, if a certain sum of money is doubled in 4 years, then the amount will be four fold in how many years ?
X has lent some money to A at 5% pa and B at 8% pa. At the end of the year he has gain the overall interest at 7% pa.In what ratio has he lent the money to A and B ?
The difference between interest received by X and Y is Rs.315 on Rs.3500 for 3 years. What is the difference in rate of interest ?