Study the following information to answer the given questions
A©B means A is either smaller than or equal to B
A$B means A is neither greater than nor smaller than B
A@B means A is either greater than or equal to B
A*B means A is greater than B
A%B means A is smaller than B
M @ R, R % T, T $ K
I. K *M
II. T * M
Study the following information to answer the given questions
A©B means A is either smaller than or equal to B
A$B means A is neither greater than nor smaller than B
A@B means A is either greater than or equal to B
A*B means A is greater than B
A%B means A is smaller than B
K * T, T @ B, B © M
I. M% T
II. K © B
Study the following information to answer the given questions
A©B means A is either smaller than or equal to B
A$B means A is neither greater than nor smaller than B
A@B means A is either greater than or equal to B
A*B means A is greater than B
A%B means A is smaller than B
F % J, B © J, W @ R
I. F $ J
II. J % F
Study the following information to answer the given questions
A©B means A is either smaller than or equal to B
A$B means A is neither greater than nor smaller than B
A@B means A is either greater than or equal to B
A*B means A is greater than B
A%B means A is smaller than B
A © N, N*V, V $ J
I. J @ N
II.A © V
Study the following information to answer the given questions
A©B means A is either smaller than or equal to B
A$B means A is neither greater than nor smaller than B
A@B means A is either greater than or equal to B
A*B means A is greater than B
A%B means A is smaller than B
D $ M, M % W, W @ R
I. R * W
II. W © D
A ≥ B, B > C, C< D, D ≤ E
Conclusions: I. D > B II. E >C
P = S, P < Q, R ≤ Q, R ≤ T
I. Q > S
II. Q = T
X < Y, Y = Z, Z > A, A ≥ B
I.Z > B
II.A < Y
A > N, K ≥ N, K > M, R > M
I. R≥A
II. M = N
P ≤ Q, P > R, S = R, S ≤ T
I. Q ≥ P
II.Q = T
P & Q – P is neither smaller than nor equal to Q
P@Q – P is neither greater than nor equal to Q
P*Q – P is not smaller than Q
P$Q – P is not greater than Q
P%Q – P is neither greater than nor smaller than Q
Statement A*B, B&E, F&E, F*D
Conclusion 1) A&E 2) A&D
P & Q – P is neither smaller than nor equal to Q
P@Q – P is neither greater than nor equal to Q
P*Q – P is not smaller than Q
P$Q – P is not greater than Q
P%Q – P is neither greater than nor smaller than Q
A%B, B&C, C*D, D$E
Conclusion :
1) A & C
2) B * D
P & Q – P is neither smaller than nor equal to Q
P@Q – P is neither greater than nor equal to Q
P*Q – P is not smaller than Q
P$Q – P is not greater than Q
P%Q – P is neither greater than nor smaller than Q
A % B, C & B, C * D, E@D
Conclusions :
1) C % D
2) C & D
P & Q – P is neither smaller than nor equal to Q
P@Q – P is neither greater than nor equal to Q
P*Q – P is not smaller than Q
P$Q – P is not greater than Q
P%Q – P is neither greater than nor smaller than Q
A&B, B @ C, C $ D, E &D
Conclusion :
1) E&A
2) B*E
P & Q – P is neither smaller than nor equal to Q
P@Q – P is neither greater than nor equal to Q
P*Q – P is not smaller than Q
P$Q – P is not greater than Q
P%Q – P is neither greater than nor smaller than Q
A*B, B$C, C&D, D*E
1) A&D
2) E@C
What should be placed in place of question mark in equation A >= B > E? F>=D to make A> D always true.
What should be placed in place of question mark in equation K = M? N>=R>S to make K> N always false.
Which of the following should be place in the blank spaces of the expression A_D_C_B_E from left to right in order to make A>D and C>E always true.
Which of the following should be place in the blank space of the expression F _ P_U_M_C to make Expression F> M and U > C always false.
What should be placed in place of question mark in the expression P = Q =T to make R>T always true.