For conductors, the loss tangent will be
In metals, the total permittivity is
The total permeability in a conductor is
Calculate the phase constant of a conductor with attenuation constant given by 0.04 units.
Calculate the attenuation constant of a conductor of conductivity 200 units, frequency 1M radian/s in air.
The skin depth of a conductor with attenuation constant of 7 neper/m is
The expression for velocity of a wave in the conductor is
In conductors, the E and H vary by a phase difference of
EM waves do not travel inside metals. State True/False.
The propagation constant of the wave in a conductor with air as medium is
An example for electromagnetic wave propagation is
The phase shift in the electric and magnetic fields in an EM wave is given by which parameter?
The loss tangent of a perfect dielectric will be
In pure dielectrics, the parameter that is zero is
The total permittivity of a dielectric transformer oil (relative permittivity is 2.2) will be (in order 10-11)
The permeability of a dielectric material in air medium will be
The attenuation in a good dielectric will be non- zero. State True/False.
Calculate the phase constant of a dielectric with frequency 6 x 106 in air.
The frequency in rad/sec of a wave with velocity of that of light and phase constant of 20 units is (in GHz)
The relation between the speed of light, permeability and permittivity is
The phase constant of a wave with wavelength 2 units is
The expression for intrinsic impedance is given by
The electric and magnetic field components in the electromagnetic wave propagation are in phase. State True/False.
The skin depth of a wave with phase constant of 12 units inside a conductor is