The factors influencing the cost of transportation are?
Which is the most flexible type of transportation available?
The PMGSY aims to connect all villages under population of 500 by which year?
The speed-density relationship for a road section is shown in the figure.
The shape of flow-density relationship is
An isolated concrete pavement slab of length L is resting on a frictionless base. The temperature of the top and bottom fiber of the slab are Tt and Tb, respectively. Given: the coefficient of thermal expansion = α and the elastic modulus = E. Assuming Tt > Tb and the unit weight of concrete as zero, the maximum thermal stress is calculated as
The current road length in India is in which position in the world?
For a broad gauge railway track on a horizontal curve of radius R ( in m) the equilibrium cant e required for a train moving at a speed of V (in km per hour) is
The current highway development works in India are undertaken by?
A runway is being constructed in a new airport as per the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) recommendations. The elevation and the airport reference temperature of the airport are 535 m above the mean sea level and 22.65°C, respectively. Consider the effective gradient of runway as 1%. The length of runway required for a design-aircraft under the standard condition is 2000 m. Within the framework of applying sequential corrections as per the ICAO recommendations, the length of runway corrected for the temperature is
Which of the following statements CANNOT be used to describe free flow speed (uf) of a traffic stream?