Which of the following statements about the functions of joint secretaries/Dy.Secretaries is not correct ?
Which of the following statements about the functions of the Under Secretary is not correct?
The office of the S ecretariat has the following category of staff -
The main functions of the Upper division Clerk/ Assistant are the following, except,
The main functions of the Section officer/As sist ant Secretary are the following, except.
Which of the following statements about manning the secretariat positions is not correct?
Which of the following statements about the meaning of Secretariat Office staff is correct ?
The main functions of the Secretaries are the following, except,
Which of the following statements about the manning of secretariat posts is not correct ?
The functioning of the secretariat is characterised by the following, except,
The off ice of t he C hief Secretar y was first crea ted where and in which year?
The Chief S ecretary of a State is appointed by -
Which of the following statements about the position and status of the Chief Secretary is not correct ?
Which of the following is the main roles a Chief Secretary is not required to play ?
As secretary of the cabinet, the Chief Secretary perform the following functions except,
In which of the following ways the Chief Secretary acts as the main co-ordinator ?
Which of the following statements about the tenure of the Chief Secretary is not correct ?
The role of the Collector can be linked to which of the following functionaries of Mughal period?
The institution of collector in its present form can be traced back to
The revenue functions of the collector included the following except,-
Who headed t he committee t hat recommended the establishment of Panchayati Raj in India ?
The following circumstances led to the appointment of Balwantrai Mehta study team except,
The major recommendations of the Balwantrai Mehta Committee were the following except,
Which of the following statements about the constitutional and legal framework of Panchayati Raj is not correct ?