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AIIMS Biology Mock Test - 5 - NEET MCQ

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30 Questions MCQ Test - AIIMS Biology Mock Test - 5

AIIMS Biology Mock Test - 5 for NEET 2025 is part of NEET preparation. The AIIMS Biology Mock Test - 5 questions and answers have been prepared according to the NEET exam syllabus.The AIIMS Biology Mock Test - 5 MCQs are made for NEET 2025 Exam. Find important definitions, questions, notes, meanings, examples, exercises, MCQs and online tests for AIIMS Biology Mock Test - 5 below.
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AIIMS Biology Mock Test - 5 - Question 1

Schneiderian membrane is found in

Detailed Solution for AIIMS Biology Mock Test - 5 - Question 1
Nasal mucosa....modified mucous membrane forming the epithelial part of the olfactory organs.
AIIMS Biology Mock Test - 5 - Question 2

Haemoglobin -containing red blood is absent in

Detailed Solution for AIIMS Biology Mock Test - 5 - Question 2
The major difference between insect blood and the blood of vertebrates, including humans, is that vertebrate blood contains red blood cells.

Insects and other invertebrates, on the other hand, have what is called hemolymphia heterogeneous fluid that courses through their bodies, bathing all the internal tissues. Insects have a haemolyph instead of blood, which contains protein hemocyanin instead of hemoglobin. 

Hemolymph is mostly water, but it also contains ions, carbohydrates, lipids, glycerol, amino acids, hormones, some cells and pigments.

The pigments, however, are usually rather bland, and thus insect blood is clear or tinged with yellow or green. (The red color that you see upon squashing a housefly or fruit fly is actually pigment from the animal's eyes.)
AIIMS Biology Mock Test - 5 - Question 3

Which one features is common to leech, cockroach and scorpion?

Detailed Solution for AIIMS Biology Mock Test - 5 - Question 3
Ventral nerve cord is common to leech (Annelida) cockroach and scorpion (Arthropoda) while nephridia are found in annelids and presence of antennae and cephalization are characteristics of arthropods.
AIIMS Biology Mock Test - 5 - Question 4

In the following question, a statement of Assertion(A) is given followed by a corresponding statement of Reason(R).
Read the statements carefully, and mark the correct answer.
Assertion(A): Inflammation of a skeletal joint may immobilize movements of the joint.
Reason(R): Uric acid crystals in the joint cavity and ossification of articular cartilage lead to this.

Detailed Solution for AIIMS Biology Mock Test - 5 - Question 4

Inflammation is a process in which the body's WBCs and the chemicals are released into the blood or the affected tissue to protect us from infection and foreign substances such as bacteria and viruses.This release of chemicals increases the blood flow to the area of injury or infection.Inflammation is characterized by redness, swollen joint that are warm to touch, joint pain, joint stiffness and loss of joint movement.
The increase in number of cells and inflammatory substances within the joint causes irritation, wearing down of cartilage and swelling of the joint lining. Inflammation of one or more joint results in arthritis. When there is a deposition of uric acid and crystals of sodium urates in the joints it will lead to gout arthritis.Gout affects one or two joints only. It is very painful particularly at night and makes movement difficult.Gout generally affects great toe.

AIIMS Biology Mock Test - 5 - Question 5

In the following question, a statement of Assertion(A) is given followed by a corresponding statement of Reason(R).
Read the statements carefully, and mark the correct answer.
Assertion(A): Lysosomes help in the process of photorespiration.
Reason(R): Lysosomes have acidic enzymes.

Detailed Solution for AIIMS Biology Mock Test - 5 - Question 5

Lysosomes do not help in the process of photorespiration. Photorespiration is the process which occurs only in plants, while lysosomes are found in animal cells. Photorespiration occurs in three organelles - chloroplast, peroxysomes and mitochondria. Lysosomes are small vesicles containing hydrolysing enzymes which is acidic in nature (i.e pH is about 4.8) and surrounded by single membrane. Hydrolytic enzymes are present in the form of minute crystalline or semicrystalline granules of 5 to 8 nm.

AIIMS Biology Mock Test - 5 - Question 6

In the following question, a statement of Assertion(A) is given followed by a corresponding statement of Reason(R).
Read the statements carefully, and mark the correct answer.
Assertion(A): Neurospora is commonly called water mould.
Reason(R): It belongs to basidomycetes fungi.

Detailed Solution for AIIMS Biology Mock Test - 5 - Question 6

Neurospora is commonly called pink/red bread mould or pink mould. It belongs to class ascomycetes fungi or sac fungi. It is used in experimental genetics as it can be grown easily in a definite medium in laboratory. It is a haploid and a heterothallic fungus having+ve and - ve mycelia and somatic fusion of two halpoid nuclei produce a diploid zygote. The zygote by one meiotic and another mitotic divisions forms 8-nuclei and hence ascospores, a characteristic structure of ascomycetes are produced.

AIIMS Biology Mock Test - 5 - Question 7

In the following question, a Statement of Assertion (A) is given followed by a corresponding Reason(R) just below it.Read the Statement carefully and mark the correct answer-
Assertion(A): Cladodes are atems of unlimited growth.
Reason (R): Only the main stem is modified as cladodes.

AIIMS Biology Mock Test - 5 - Question 8

In the following question, a Statement of Assertion (A) is given followed by a corresponding Reason(R) just below it.Read the Statement carefully and mark the correct answer-
Assertion(A): Photorespiration is a wasteful process.
Reason (R): Photorespiration occurs in both C3 and C4 plants.

AIIMS Biology Mock Test - 5 - Question 9

In the following question, a Statement of Assertion (A) is given followed by a corresponding Reason(R) just below it.Read the Statement carefully and mark the correct answer-
Assertion(A): There is no mechanism for opening and closing of hydathode.
Reason (R): Hydathode is made up of parenchymatous cells.

AIIMS Biology Mock Test - 5 - Question 10

In the following question, a statement of Assertion(A) is given followed by a corresponding statement of Reason(R).
Read the statements carefully, and mark the correct answer.
Assertion(A): Rhoeo leaves contain anthocyanin pigments in epidermal cells.
Reason(R): Anthocyanins are accessory photosynthetic pigments.

Detailed Solution for AIIMS Biology Mock Test - 5 - Question 10

Anthocyanin is a colouring pigment of certain higher plants that imparts a bluish or reddish colour.
Rhoeo leaves contain anthocyanin pigments in epidermal cells.

AIIMS Biology Mock Test - 5 - Question 11

In the following question, a Statement of Assertion (A) is given followed by a corresponding Reason(R) just below it.Read the Statement carefully and mark the correct answer-
Assertion(A): All insect pollinated flowers are cross pollinated.
Reason (R): Okra is a self pollinated plant.

Detailed Solution for AIIMS Biology Mock Test - 5 - Question 11

Pollination by insects is of very general occurrence among plants. pollination of a flower in which the pollen is carried on an insect is called entomophily. Entomophilous flowers are usually brightly coloured and scented and often secrete nectar. In some species (e.g. Primulas) there are structural differences between the flowers to ensure that cross- pollination occurs. Other examples of entomophilous flowers are orchids and antirrhinums. In Okra, the androecium is monoadelphous. It has a staminal column to which are attached monothecous anthers by small filaments. The capitate stigman projects beyond the staminal column. Bristile beetles are closely associated with the flowers of Okra and feed upon is petals and pollen grains.
While crawling inside the flower the beetles transfer pollen grains to the upper surface of the stigma.
Although, an insect is involved in this pollination, it is self pollination as pollen is transferred to the stigma of same flower

AIIMS Biology Mock Test - 5 - Question 12

In the following question, a statement of Assertion(A) is given followed by a corresponding statement of Reason(R).
Read the statements carefully, and mark the correct answer.
Assertion(A): In recombinant DNA technology, human genes are ofter trnsferred into bacteria (prokaryotes) or yeast (eukaryote).
Reason(R): Both bacteria and yeast mulitiply very fast to form huge populations which express the desired gene.

Detailed Solution for AIIMS Biology Mock Test - 5 - Question 12

In recombinant DNA technology widely used host for replication andamplification of recombinant DNA are prokaryotic E.coli and the eukaryotic yeast. They replicate very fast to form a large population which expressed desired gene.Yeast artificial chromosome are important cloning tools for the analysis of complex genome such as that of humans. They allow the maintenance, propogation and analysis of such genome in an experimentally tractable system, the yeast.

AIIMS Biology Mock Test - 5 - Question 13

In the following question, a Statement of Assertion (A) is given followed by a corresponding Reason(R) just below it.Read the Statement carefully and mark the correct answer-
Assertion(A): The first sperm reaches the egg nucleus earlier than the second sperm.
Reason (R): The first fertilization takes less time than second fertilization.

AIIMS Biology Mock Test - 5 - Question 14

In the following question, a statement of Assertion(A) is given followed by a corresponding statement of Reason(R).
Read the statements carefully, and mark the correct answer.
Assertion(A): The concentration of methane in the atmosphere has more than doubled in the last 250 years.
Reason(R): Wetlands and rice fields are the major sources of methane.

Detailed Solution for AIIMS Biology Mock Test - 5 - Question 14

Hydrocarbons are major air pollutants. Methane is produced naturally during decomposition of organic matter, incomplete biomass combustion. Its concentration was 700 ppb in pre industrial times and 1750 ppb in 2000. So, the concentration has more than doubled in that last 250 years.Flooded paddy fields, amrshes, cattles etc. are the major sources of this gas.

AIIMS Biology Mock Test - 5 - Question 15

In the following question, a Statement of Assertion (A) is given followed by a corresponding Reason(R) just below it.Read the Statement carefully and mark the correct answer-
Assertion(A): Cytochromes are a group of a copper-containing electron transferring proteins.
Reason (R): The terminal cytochrome reacts with oxygen.

AIIMS Biology Mock Test - 5 - Question 16

In the following question, a Statement of Assertion (A) is given followed by a corresponding Reason(R) just below it.Read the Statement carefully and mark the correct answer-
Assertion(A): Wheat is a caryopsis.
Reason (R): Its pericarp is well differentiated.

AIIMS Biology Mock Test - 5 - Question 17

In the following question, a Statement of Assertion (A) is given followed by a corresponding Reason(R) just below it.Read the Statement carefully and mark the correct answer-
Assertion(A): Exocrine glands are also known as ductless glands.
Reason (R): Thyroid gland directly pours its secretion, i.e., thyroxine, into the blood.

AIIMS Biology Mock Test - 5 - Question 18

In the following question, a Statement of Assertion (A) is given followed by a corresponding Reason(R) just below it.Read the Statement carefully and mark the correct answer-
Assertion(A): The endodermal cells of dicot root form casparian strip.
Reason (R): Endodermis functions as a biological check post.

AIIMS Biology Mock Test - 5 - Question 19

In the following question, a statement of Assertion(A) is given followed by a corresponding statement of Reason(R).
Read the statements carefully, and mark the correct answer.
Assertion(A): Persons suffering from haemophilia fail to produce blood clotting factor VIII.
Reason(R): Prothrombin producing platelets in such persons are found in very low concentration.

Detailed Solution for AIIMS Biology Mock Test - 5 - Question 19

Haemophilia is a blood disorder where the blood does not clot normally. Haemophilia A is the most common form, caused by a deficiency of blood clotting factor VIII. Haemophilia B is due to a deficiency of blood clotting factor IX. Haemophilia is an hereditary disorder. In almost all cases, it is males that suffer the condition, although it is passed on by both females and males carrying the gene. Queen Victoria was a carrier of haemophilia A. It is also known as classical haemiophilia and factor VIII deficiency haemophilia, B is also known as Factor IX haemophilia, and Christmas disease after the first patient diagnosed with it. Prophrombin producing platelets in such persons are not found in very low concentraion.

AIIMS Biology Mock Test - 5 - Question 20

In the following question, a Statement of Assertion (A) is given followed by a corresponding Reason(R) just below it.Read the Statement carefully and mark the correct answer-
Assertion(A): Presence of pneumatophores (the respiratory roots) is a special adaptation of hydrophytes.
Reason (R): Pnematophores help to take up oxygen from the atmosphere and transport it to the main roots.

AIIMS Biology Mock Test - 5 - Question 21

In the following question, a Statement of Assertion (A) is given followed by a corresponding Reason(R) just below it.Read the Statement carefully and mark the correct answer-
Assertion(A): Water absorption is reduced by lowering O2 tension.
Reason (R): The accumulation of CO2 reduces water absorption.

AIIMS Biology Mock Test - 5 - Question 22

In the following question, a Statement of Assertion (A) is given followed by a corresponding Reason(R) just below it.Read the Statement carefully and mark the correct answer-
Assertion(A): Mangroves show breathing roots.
Reason (R): Soil air is almost negligible in swamps.

AIIMS Biology Mock Test - 5 - Question 23

The form in which sugar is present in sugarcane

AIIMS Biology Mock Test - 5 - Question 24

In the following question, a Statement of Assertion (A) is given followed by a corresponding Reason(R) just below it.Read the Statement carefully and mark the correct answer-
Assertion(A): Low annual rainfall occurs in deserts.
Reason (R): Deserts may be hot or cold.

AIIMS Biology Mock Test - 5 - Question 25

The opening of the upper chamber of the heart into the lower chamber is known as

AIIMS Biology Mock Test - 5 - Question 26

R.Q. of malic acid is-

AIIMS Biology Mock Test - 5 - Question 27

Secretion of gastric juice is stopped by

AIIMS Biology Mock Test - 5 - Question 28

Which of the following processes results in a change of the cellular DNA amount ?

AIIMS Biology Mock Test - 5 - Question 29

Major food crops of the world belong to the family

AIIMS Biology Mock Test - 5 - Question 30

Eucalyptus belongs to the family

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