A vertical loop antenna, like a horizontal dipole, is vertically polarised.
The attenuation in a waveguide near the cut off frequency is
The electric flux and field intensity inside a conducting sphere is
Measurement of radiation resistance by reflection method is suitable for
A lossless transmission line is connected to two identical voltage source as shown in figure.
The impedance measured at the midpoint AA' is
A loss less transmission line is terminated in a load which reflects a part of the incident power. The measured VSWR is 2. The percentage of the power that is reflected back is
The best excited reflector from a wave guide is
Long distance short-wave radio broadcasting uses
The affect of ground on radiation pattern is to
If a electromagnetic signal is incident at 0º in a waveguide then at other port of waveguide we will get
The polarization of dielectric materials results in
For a quarter wave transformer, characteristic impedance is related with input and load impedances as
An electron when placed midway between two equal and opposite charges will
Which of the following is the abnormal phenomena observed in the ionosphere?
Which layer is least important in high frequency propagation?
Which of the wave remains unaffected whether it is a day or night?
Which of the following is not an omnidirectional antenna?
In a waveguide if TE mode exist for z direction propagation, then
Critical frequency of a layer in ionosphere