When one party is in a position to dominate the will of other and uses that position to obtain an unfair advantage of the other. The consent is said to be obtained by:
Mistake relating to the identity of subject matter by both the parties is called ________.
A person who enters into a contract with a minor is _____.
Y sold some goods to X which Y believes to be of superior quality where as they are of inferior quality. It is a case of:
X threatens Y ‘I shall kill your son if you do not contract to sell your land.” Y enters into the contract. It is a case of:
For the supply of necessaries to a minor, ________ may be responsible for price
An intentional misrepresentation amounts to _____.
A student agrees under pressure to gift the entire property to his education guru. Such contract can be set aside on grounds of:
A person who had the means of discovering the truth with ordinary diligence can avoid the contract on the ground of misrepresentation this statement is ________
__________ involves physical threat
Silence amounts to fraud when:
Every person having attained the age of majority i.e. __________ years is competent to contract.
An agreement restraining a person from exercising a trade is
Which of the following can be a party to enter into a contract?
In relation to a Contract the term "Consensus-ad-idem” under the Indian Contract act 1872 means.
Which of the following statements is not correct?
Atul contracted to make and deliver 350 pairs of shoes to Bansi by 1st January. A strike of Atul’s employees prevented him from fulfilling his contract. In a suit by Bansi for breach of contract, Atul claimed that the contract was terminated by impossibility of performance. Was his defence good?
As a general rule minor’s agreements are:
S, a minor by fraudulently representing himself to be a major, induced L to lend him Rs. 4 Lakhs. He refused to repay it and L sued him for the money. The contract is:
A minor’s liability for ‘necessaries’ supplied to him:
X agrees to pay Y Rs. 5,000 if Y delivers a judgement in his favour in a suit. Y does so but X refuses to pay any money. In this context which one of these gives the correct legal position of the agreement?
Which of the following will stand under fiduciary relationship as per Indian Contract Act, 1872?
Ram, a minor got injured his left leg in a football match. He engaged a doctor for the treatment of the leg. The doctor wants to claim for his services from the minor’s property. The claim of the doctor is _______ under the Indian Contract Act, 1872.
The concept of Duress under English Contract Law is similar to:
A man, by the name of Sohan, called at a Jeweller shop and chose a costly ring. He tendered in payment a cheque, which he signed in the name of Garish, a person of credit. He took the ring and pledged it to Bola Nath, who had no notice of fraud. Can the Jeweller recover the ring from Bola Nath?
Which one of the following shows an intention to be bound?
Where an agreement consists of two parts one legal and other illegal, and the legal part is separable from the illegal one, such legal part is:
Where one party is in a position to dominate the will of another and uses his position to obtain the consent of the other party, the consent is said to have been obtained by
An illiterate old woman made a gift deed for practically her entire property to her nephew who managed her affairs. The gift can be set aside on the grounds of :