If the signal to be analyzed is an analog signal, we would pass it through an anti-aliasing filter with B as the bandwidth of the filtered signal and then the signal is sampled at a rate:
What is the highest frequency that is contained in the sampled signal?
The finite observation interval for the signal places a limit on the frequency resolution.
If {x(n)} is the signal to be analyzed, limiting the duration of the sequence to L samples, in the interval 0≤ n≤ L-1, is equivalent to multiplying {x(n)} by:
What is the Fourier transform of rectangular window of length L?
If x(n)=cosω0n and W(ω) is the Fourier transform of the rectangular signal w(n), then what is the Fourier transform of the signal x(n).w(n)?
The characteristic of windowing the signal called “Leakage” is the power that is leaked out into the entire frequency range.
Which of the following is the advantage of Hanning window over rectangular window?
Which of the following is the disadvantage of Hanning window over rectangular window?
The condition with less number of samples L should be avoided.