In general, an FIR system is described by the difference equation:
Which of the following is an method for implementing an FIR system?
The direct form realization is often called a transversal or tapped-delay-line filter.
What is the general system function of an FIR system?
How many memory locations are used for storage of the output point of a sequence of length M in direct form realization?
What is the condition of M, if the structure according to the direct form is as follows?
By combining two pairs of poles to form a fourth order filter section, by what factor we have reduced the number of multiplications?
The desired frequency response is specified at a set of equally spaced frequencies defined by the equation:
The realization of FIR filter by frequency sampling realization can be viewed as cascade of how many filters?
What is the system function of all-zero filter or comb filter?
The zeros of the system function of comb filter are located:
What is the system function of the second filter other than comb filter in the realization of FIR filter?
Where does the poles of the system function of the second filter locate?
When the desired frequency response characteristic of the FIR filter is narrowband, most of the gain parameters {H(k+α)} are zero.
Which of the following filters have a cascade realization as shown below?