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3D Viewing - Computer Graphics - ComputerScience and Engineering Video Lecture - Computer Science Engineering (CSE)

FAQs on 3D Viewing - Computer Graphics - ComputerScience and Engineering Video Lecture - Computer Science Engineering (CSE)

1. What is 3D viewing in computer graphics?
Ans. 3D viewing in computer graphics refers to the process of representing and visualizing objects in a three-dimensional space on a two-dimensional display. It involves techniques and algorithms to project a 3D scene onto a 2D surface, taking into account factors such as perspective, depth perception, and viewing angles.
2. What are the common methods used for 3D viewing in computer graphics?
Ans. The common methods used for 3D viewing in computer graphics include: - Perspective Projection: This method simulates how objects appear in the real world by using a perspective matrix to project the 3D scene onto a 2D plane. - Orthographic Projection: Unlike perspective projection, orthographic projection does not take distance or depth into account. It projects the 3D scene onto a 2D plane with parallel projection lines. - Viewport Transformation: Viewport transformation refers to the process of mapping the 2D coordinates of the projected scene onto the physical display screen. - Clipping: Clipping is the process of removing parts of the 3D scene that are outside the view frustum, which is the region visible to the camera. - Hidden Surface Removal: This method involves determining which surfaces of the 3D objects are visible to the viewer and removing the hidden surfaces to improve rendering efficiency.
3. How does perspective projection work in 3D viewing?
Ans. Perspective projection in 3D viewing involves mapping objects from a 3D space onto a 2D plane, taking into account the concept of perspective. It simulates how objects appear smaller as they move away from the viewer. To achieve perspective projection, a perspective matrix is used to transform the 3D coordinates of objects into 2D coordinates. This matrix takes into account the viewer's position, the position of the objects, and the field of view. By applying this perspective matrix to the 3D scene, objects that are farther away from the viewer are scaled down, giving the illusion of depth and distance. This projection technique is commonly used in applications such as video games, virtual reality, and architectural visualization.
4. What is hidden surface removal in 3D viewing?
Ans. Hidden surface removal is a technique used in 3D viewing to determine which surfaces of 3D objects are visible to the viewer and remove the surfaces that are hidden or occluded by other objects. This process improves the realism and efficiency of rendering. There are several algorithms to perform hidden surface removal, including: - Back-Face Culling: This algorithm removes the surfaces that face away from the viewer. It assumes that objects are closed and only renders the surfaces that face towards the viewer. - Z-Buffer Algorithm: The Z-buffer algorithm assigns a depth value (Z-coordinate) to each pixel in the scene. When rendering, it compares the depth values of the current pixel with the stored depth value in the Z-buffer. If the current depth is closer to the viewer, the pixel is drawn; otherwise, it is discarded. - Painter's Algorithm: The painter's algorithm sorts the objects based on their depth and renders them from back to front. This way, the closer objects are drawn last, appearing on top of the farther objects. Implementing hidden surface removal techniques helps to create more realistic and visually appealing 3D scenes.
5. How does orthographic projection differ from perspective projection in 3D viewing?
Ans. Orthographic projection and perspective projection are two different methods used in 3D viewing: - Orthographic Projection: In orthographic projection, the 3D scene is projected onto a 2D plane with parallel projection lines. It does not consider perspective or depth, resulting in objects appearing the same size regardless of their distance from the viewer. This projection method is commonly used in technical drawings, engineering, and architectural plans. - Perspective Projection: Perspective projection takes into account the concept of perspective and simulates how objects appear smaller as they move away from the viewer. It uses a perspective matrix to project the 3D scene onto a 2D plane, considering the viewer's position and field of view. This method creates a more realistic representation of objects in a 3D space. In summary, orthographic projection is useful for maintaining accurate measurements and proportions, while perspective projection provides a more immersive and natural visual experience.
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3D Viewing - Computer Graphics - ComputerScience and Engineering Video Lecture - Computer Science Engineering (CSE)




3D Viewing - Computer Graphics - ComputerScience and Engineering Video Lecture - Computer Science Engineering (CSE)
