Django Tutorial 2 Creating a Project Video Lecture | Django: The Ultimate Beginners Guide (in Hindi) - Back-End Programming

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FAQs on Django Tutorial 2 Creating a Project Video Lecture - Django: The Ultimate Beginners Guide (in Hindi) - Back-End Programming

1. What is Django and what is its purpose in web development?
Ans. Django is a high-level Python web framework that simplifies the process of building web applications. It provides a structured and efficient way to handle common web development tasks, such as URL routing, database management, and HTML templating. Django's purpose is to enable developers to create complex web applications quickly and efficiently.
2. How do I create a new Django project?
Ans. To create a new Django project, you can use the command "django-admin startproject project_name" in the terminal. Replace "project_name" with the desired name of your project. This command will generate the necessary files and directory structure for your project.
3. What is the role of the project's file in Django?
Ans. The file in a Django project contains various configuration settings for the project. It includes information about the database connection, installed apps, middleware, static files, and other project-specific settings. This file acts as a central hub to manage the project's configuration.
4. How can I run the Django development server?
Ans. To run the Django development server, navigate to the project's root directory in the terminal and run the command "python runserver". This command starts the development server on the default address "". You can access your Django project by opening this address in a web browser.
5. How does Django handle database operations?
Ans. Django provides an Object-Relational Mapping (ORM) layer that allows developers to interact with the database using Python code instead of SQL queries. The ORM maps Python classes to database tables and provides methods to perform database operations like creating, reading, updating, and deleting records. Django handles the translation of Python code into SQL queries and manages the database connection and transactions behind the scenes.
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