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AutoCAD 3D Sweep Command Tutorial | AutoCAD 2010 Video Lecture | Complete Course of AutoCAD 3D (Basic & Advanced) - Software Development

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FAQs on AutoCAD 3D Sweep Command Tutorial - AutoCAD 2010 Video Lecture - Complete Course of AutoCAD 3D (Basic & Advanced) - Software Development

1. What is the Sweep command in AutoCAD 3D?
Ans. The Sweep command in AutoCAD 3D is a tool that allows users to create a 3D solid or surface by sweeping a 2D object along a path.
2. How do I activate the Sweep command in AutoCAD 2010?
Ans. To activate the Sweep command in AutoCAD 2010, you can either type "Sweep" in the command line or select the Sweep tool from the Modify panel of the Home tab.
3. Can I use the Sweep command to create complex shapes in AutoCAD 3D?
Ans. Yes, the Sweep command in AutoCAD 3D can be used to create complex shapes by using different 2D objects as the profile and sweeping them along different paths.
4. What are the limitations of the Sweep command in AutoCAD 2010?
Ans. The Sweep command in AutoCAD 2010 has a few limitations. It may not work properly if the profile and path are not compatible. Additionally, it cannot be used to create self-intersecting or overlapping objects.
5. Are there any alternative commands to the Sweep command in AutoCAD 3D?
Ans. Yes, there are alternative commands to the Sweep command in AutoCAD 3D. The Loft and Revolve commands can also be used to create 3D solid or surface objects with different profiles and paths.
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AutoCAD 3D Sweep Command Tutorial | AutoCAD 2010 Video Lecture | Complete Course of AutoCAD 3D (Basic & Advanced) - Software Development


AutoCAD 3D Sweep Command Tutorial | AutoCAD 2010 Video Lecture | Complete Course of AutoCAD 3D (Basic & Advanced) - Software Development


AutoCAD 3D Sweep Command Tutorial | AutoCAD 2010 Video Lecture | Complete Course of AutoCAD 3D (Basic & Advanced) - Software Development


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