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AutoCAD 3D Union; Subtract & Intersect Command Tutorial | AutoCAD 3D Hole | AutoCAD 2010 Video Lecture | Complete Course of AutoCAD 3D (Basic & Advanced) - Software Development

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FAQs on AutoCAD 3D Union; Subtract & Intersect Command Tutorial - AutoCAD 3D Hole - AutoCAD 2010 Video Lecture - Complete Course of AutoCAD 3D (Basic & Advanced) - Software Development

1. What is the Union command in AutoCAD 3D?
Ans. The Union command in AutoCAD 3D is a tool that allows you to join two or more 3D objects together to create a single, unified object. It combines the geometry of the selected objects into a new object, removing any overlapping or intersecting areas.
2. How does the Subtract command work in AutoCAD 3D?
Ans. The Subtract command in AutoCAD 3D is used to remove one 3D object from another. It subtracts the geometry of the selected object from the target object, creating a new object that represents the remaining portion of the target object.
3. What is the purpose of the Intersect command in AutoCAD 3D?
Ans. The Intersect command in AutoCAD 3D is used to find the common volume or area between two or more 3D objects. It creates a new object that represents the overlapping or intersecting portion of the selected objects.
4. How can I create a 3D hole in AutoCAD 2010 using the provided commands?
Ans. To create a 3D hole in AutoCAD 2010, you can use the Union, Subtract, and Intersect commands. First, create the solid object that will contain the hole. Then, create a separate solid object that represents the shape of the hole. Use the Subtract command to remove the hole shape from the solid object. Finally, use the Intersect command to find the common volume between the hole and the solid object.
5. Can I undo the Union, Subtract, or Intersect command in AutoCAD 3D?
Ans. Yes, you can undo the Union, Subtract, or Intersect command in AutoCAD 3D. AutoCAD provides the undo feature, which allows you to revert the last action or a series of actions. You can either use the keyboard shortcut Ctrl+Z or click on the Undo button in the toolbar to undo the commands. However, please note that once you save and close the drawing, the undo history will be lost.
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AutoCAD 3D Union; Subtract & Intersect Command Tutorial | AutoCAD 3D Hole | AutoCAD 2010 Video Lecture | Complete Course of AutoCAD 3D (Basic & Advanced) - Software Development
