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Definition of a Matrix - Matrices and Determinants, Business Mathematics & Statistics Video Lecture | Business Mathematics and Statistics - B Com

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FAQs on Definition of a Matrix - Matrices and Determinants, Business Mathematics & Statistics Video Lecture - Business Mathematics and Statistics - B Com

1. What is a matrix in mathematics?
Ans. A matrix is a rectangular array of numbers, symbols, or expressions arranged in rows and columns. It is a fundamental concept in mathematics and is used to represent linear transformations and systems of linear equations.
2. How is a matrix represented?
Ans. A matrix is usually represented by enclosing its elements in square brackets [ ] and separating the rows with semicolons or double vertical bars. For example, a 2x3 matrix A can be represented as [a11 a12 a13; a21 a22 a23] or [a11 a12 a13 || a21 a22 a23].
3. What are the types of matrices?
Ans. There are several types of matrices, including square matrices (where the number of rows equals the number of columns), diagonal matrices (where all non-diagonal elements are zero), upper triangular matrices (where all elements below the main diagonal are zero), and lower triangular matrices (where all elements above the main diagonal are zero).
4. How are matrices used in business and statistics?
Ans. Matrices are widely used in business and statistics for data analysis, operations research, and financial modeling. They can be used to represent data sets, perform matrix operations such as addition, multiplication, and inversion, and solve linear systems of equations.
5. What is the determinant of a matrix?
Ans. The determinant of a matrix is a scalar value that can be computed from its elements. It is used to determine whether a matrix is invertible (has an inverse matrix) and to solve systems of linear equations. The determinant of a matrix A is denoted as det(A) or |A|.
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