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Features of Indian Constitution Video Lecture | Crash course for UPSC (Hindi)

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FAQs on Features of Indian Constitution Video Lecture - Crash course for UPSC (Hindi)

1. What are the salient features of the Indian Constitution?
Ans. The salient features of the Indian Constitution include: 1. Lengthy and Detailed: The Indian Constitution is one of the longest and most detailed constitutions in the world, consisting of a preamble and 470 articles, divided into 25 parts. 2. Federal System with Unitary Bias: The Constitution establishes a federal system of government, where powers are divided between the central government and the states. However, it also has a unitary bias, as the central government has more authority in certain matters. 3. Fundamental Rights: The Constitution guarantees fundamental rights to its citizens, such as the right to equality, right to freedom of speech and expression, right to protection of life and personal liberty, and more. These rights are enforceable by the courts. 4. Directive Principles of State Policy: The Constitution includes Directive Principles of State Policy, which are guidelines for the government to establish social justice, equality, and a welfare state. Though not legally enforceable, they are considered fundamental in the governance of the country. 5. Independent Judiciary: The Constitution establishes an independent judiciary as a separate organ of the government. It ensures the rule of law, protects the fundamental rights of citizens, and resolves disputes between the central and state governments.
2. What is the importance of the fundamental rights provided by the Indian Constitution?
Ans. The fundamental rights provided by the Indian Constitution hold great importance as they: 1. Protect Individual Liberty: Fundamental rights ensure the protection of individual liberties and freedoms. They guarantee citizens' rights to equality, freedom of speech, religion, and expression, which are essential for a democratic society. 2. Ensure Social Justice: These rights aim to achieve social justice by prohibiting discrimination based on caste, religion, gender, or place of birth. They promote equality and prevent any form of untouchability or exploitation. 3. Empower Citizens: Fundamental rights empower citizens by giving them the right to approach the courts if their rights are violated. They provide a legal remedy for citizens to seek justice and hold authorities accountable. 4. Safeguard against Arbitrary Actions: These rights act as a safeguard against arbitrary actions by the government or any public authority. They ensure that the government functions within the limits defined by the Constitution and cannot infringe upon citizens' rights without proper justification. 5. Uphold the Rule of Law: By providing enforceable rights, the fundamental rights uphold the rule of law in the country. They ensure the supremacy of the Constitution and protect citizens from any arbitrary exercise of power.
3. How does the Indian Constitution ensure a federal system of government?
Ans. The Indian Constitution ensures a federal system of government through the following mechanisms: 1. Division of Powers: The Constitution clearly demarcates and assigns powers between the central government and the state governments. It provides three lists - Union List, State List, and Concurrent List - which specify the subjects on which each level of government can make laws. 2. Independent Jurisdiction: The Constitution establishes an independent judiciary as a separate organ of the government. It acts as an umpire in resolving disputes between the central and state governments, ensuring the federal character of the government. 3. Dual Polity: The Constitution establishes two distinct levels of government - the central government and the state governments. Each level has its own executive, legislature, and judiciary. This dual polity ensures the functioning of a federal system. 4. Supremacy of the Constitution: The Constitution is the supreme law of the land. It defines the powers of the central and state governments and provides for a clear division of powers. Any law made by either level of government that goes beyond their respective powers can be declared unconstitutional by the judiciary. 5. Independent Election Commission: The Constitution establishes an independent Election Commission responsible for conducting elections at both the central and state levels. This ensures fair and free elections, enhancing the federal nature of the government.
4. What are Directive Principles of State Policy and their significance in the Indian Constitution?
Ans. Directive Principles of State Policy (DPSP) are guidelines or principles for the government to establish social justice, equality, and a welfare state. Though not legally enforceable, they hold significant importance in the Indian Constitution due to the following reasons: 1. Social Justice: DPSP aim to establish social justice by promoting equal opportunities and eliminating inequalities in society. They direct the state to take measures to uplift marginalized sections, provide adequate healthcare, promote education, and eliminate poverty. 2. Welfare State: DPSP advocate for the creation of a welfare state where the government takes responsibility for the welfare and well-being of its citizens. They emphasize the provision of social security, fair wages, and decent standards of living for all. 3. Guidance to Legislation: The principles provided in DPSP guide the government in framing laws and policies. They act as a moral and ethical compass that lawmakers should consider while formulating laws related to social and economic issues. 4. Balancing Fundamental Rights: DPSP help in balancing fundamental rights with the directive principles. While fundamental rights are enforceable, DPSP provide a framework for the government to limit these rights in the interest of the larger society. 5. Progressive Development: DPSP act as a roadmap for the progressive development of the country. They provide a vision for the government to work towards a just and equitable society, ensuring the overall development of the nation.
5. How does the Indian Constitution ensure the independence of the judiciary?
Ans. The Indian Constitution ensures the independence of the judiciary through the following provisions: 1. Separation of Powers: The Constitution establishes three separate and independent organs of government - the legislature, the executive, and the judiciary. This separation ensures that the judiciary can function without any interference from the other two branches. 2. Appointment and Tenure: The Constitution provides for the appointment and tenure of judges to ensure their independence. It establishes a collegium system for the appointment of judges, where the Chief Justice of India and senior judges have a significant say in the selection process. The tenure of judges is also protected, and they can only be removed through a rigorous impeachment process. 3. Security of Tenure and Salaries: The Constitution ensures the security of tenure and salaries of judges. Once appointed, judges cannot be easily removed, protecting them from political or executive pressure. Their salaries and allowances are also fixed and cannot be altered to influence their decisions. 4. Judicial Review: The Constitution grants the judiciary the power of judicial review, enabling it to review the constitutionality of laws and actions of the executive. This power acts as a check on the other branches of government and ensures that they function within the limits of the Constitution. 5. Contempt of Court: The Constitution empowers the judiciary to punish anyone for contempt of court. This power helps in maintaining the dignity and independence of the judiciary by preventing any attempts to undermine its authority or interfere with its functioning.
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