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Fun Video: Where do Microorganisms Live? Video Lecture | Science Class 8

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FAQs on Fun Video: Where do Microorganisms Live? Video Lecture - Science Class 8

1. Where do microorganisms live?
Ans. Microorganisms can be found in a wide range of habitats, including soil, water, air, and even inside the bodies of plants, animals, and humans. They are incredibly diverse and can adapt to various environments.
2. Can microorganisms live in extreme conditions?
Ans. Yes, microorganisms are known for their ability to survive in extreme conditions. Some can thrive in environments with high temperatures, such as hot springs or deep-sea hydrothermal vents. Others can withstand extreme cold, high pressure, acidic or alkaline conditions, and even radiation.
3. Do microorganisms live in the human body?
Ans. Absolutely! The human body is home to trillions of microorganisms collectively known as the human microbiota. These microorganisms reside in various parts of our bodies, such as the skin, mouth, gut, and reproductive organs. They play important roles in our overall health, including digestion, immunity, and protection against harmful pathogens.
4. Are there microorganisms in the air we breathe?
Ans. Yes, the air we breathe contains a diverse array of microorganisms. These microorganisms can be found in the form of bacteria, fungi, viruses, and even pollen. While most of them are harmless, some can potentially cause respiratory infections or allergies in susceptible individuals.
5. Can microorganisms live in space?
Ans. Recent studies have shown that microorganisms can survive and even thrive in the extreme conditions of outer space. These microorganisms, known as extremophiles, have been found on the exterior surfaces of the International Space Station (ISS) and can survive exposure to vacuum, radiation, and harsh temperature fluctuations. This discovery has implications for the potential existence of life beyond Earth.
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