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Montague Chelmsford Reform, Jallianwala Bagh & Rowlatt Act Video Lecture | History for UPSC CSE

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FAQs on Montague Chelmsford Reform, Jallianwala Bagh & Rowlatt Act Video Lecture - History for UPSC CSE

1. What was the Montague Chelmsford Reform and how did it impact India?
Ans. The Montague Chelmsford Reform, also known as the Government of India Act 1919, was a constitutional reform introduced by the British government. It aimed to increase participation of Indians in the governance of their country. The act introduced a dual system of governance, with certain areas being ruled by the British and others being handed over to Indian administrations. It also expanded the legislative councils and granted limited provincial autonomy. While it marked a step towards self-governance, it fell short of Indian aspirations for complete independence.
2. What is the significance of the Jallianwala Bagh massacre in Indian history?
Ans. The Jallianwala Bagh massacre, which took place on April 13, 1919, in Amritsar, Punjab, is a significant event in Indian history. British troops under the command of General Reginald Dyer opened fire on a crowd of unarmed Indian protesters, killing hundreds and injuring thousands. The incident symbolized the brutal and oppressive nature of British colonial rule in India and fueled the Indian independence movement. It led to widespread outrage and increased support for the struggle for independence.
3. What were the provisions of the Rowlatt Act and how did it impact India?
Ans. The Rowlatt Act, also known as the Anarchical and Revolutionary Crimes Act of 1919, was a repressive legislation introduced by the British colonial government in India. It aimed to curb nationalist activities by granting the colonial government sweeping powers to arrest and detain individuals without trial. The act was highly controversial and faced strong opposition from Indian nationalists. It led to widespread protests and strikes, as it violated civil liberties and further fueled the demand for independence.
4. How did the Montague Chelmsford Reform impact the Indian nationalist movement?
Ans. The Montague Chelmsford Reform had both positive and negative impacts on the Indian nationalist movement. On the positive side, it introduced limited provincial autonomy and increased Indian representation in legislative councils, providing a platform for political activism and giving Indians a taste of self-governance. However, it fell short of Indian aspirations for complete independence, leading to disillusionment and frustration among nationalists. The reform also created divisions within the nationalist movement, with some accepting the limited reforms while others demanding full independence.
5. How did the Jallianwala Bagh massacre contribute to the intensification of the Indian independence movement?
Ans. The Jallianwala Bagh massacre played a crucial role in intensifying the Indian independence movement. The brutal and indiscriminate killing of unarmed protesters by British troops shocked the nation and ignited a wave of anger and resentment against colonial rule. It galvanized the Indian population and led to widespread protests, strikes, and boycotts. The incident became a rallying point for the nationalist movement, strengthening the resolve of Indians to fight for freedom and independence. It also highlighted the need for a united and concerted effort against British imperialism.
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