Divya Shree

EduRev Class 9

Divya Shree
EduRev Class 9
Discussed Questions

Divya Shree answered  •  Jan 09, 2019
TROPICAL EVERGREEN FOREST THIS FOREST ALSO KNOW KNOW AS RAINY FOREST. FEATURES: this forest receive 200 cm of rainfall and this forest trees grown up to 60 meters height. This Forest don't shed their leaves. this region is warm and wet. AREA : this forest are found in the island groups of Andaman and Nicobar and Lakshadweep upper Assam and Tamil nadu coast. Flora: embony , mahagony, rosewood,... more

What is meant by motion ?

Divya Shree answered  •  Nov 21, 2018
An object Said to be in motion when it changes it position respect to its immediate surroundings is called motion

What is SAS mean what ?

Divya Shree answered  •  Nov 16, 2018
SAS means side angle side it is a type of congruence in which two sides and included angle or the angle should be in between two equal sides then it is called SAS congruence .

Who is known as the Iron man of India?

Divya Shree answered  •  Nov 15, 2018
Sardar valla Bhai Patel he is know as iron man of India and also he is first deputy prime minister of India
Divya Shree upvoted   •  Nov 15, 2018

What is SAS mean what ?

Side angle side ..it is a . . type of congurency..........and used in theorm.....and we used it as when a triangle have 2 equal side and one angle related to this side r equal then we used it.. .....................


Which state has highest literacy rate as per 2001?
  • a)
  • b)
    Madhya Pradesh
  • c)
  • d)
Correct answer is option 'A'. Can you explain this answer?

Divya Shree answered  •  Nov 07, 2018
Because people of Kerala eat sea food like fish . fish make our body strong and our brain sharp that's why the literacy rate has more in Kerala
Divya Shree asked   •  Jul 10, 2018

Which state has highest literacy rate as per 2001?
  • a)
  • b)
    Madhya Pradesh
  • c)
  • d)
Correct answer is option 'A'. Can you explain this answer?

Arshiya Mehta answered
Kerala has the highest literacy rate in India.
Literacy rate is one of the keys to measure socio-economic progress. For calculating effective literacy rate, population aged 7 years and above is taken into account. India had a literacy rate of around 12% at the time of independence, and through multi-tier efforts, has now attained a literacy rate of 72.99% as per 2011 census. However, the current literacy rate of India is still way below the world average of 84%.

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