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All questions of दुःख का अधिकार for Class 9 Exam

कपड़े में मुँह को छिपाए सिर को घुटनों पर रखकर कौन रो रहा था ?
  • a)
  • b)
  • c)
  • d)
Correct answer is option 'B'. Can you explain this answer?

Imk Pathshala answered
कपड़े में मुँह छिपाए और सिर को घुटनों पर रखकर रोने वाली बुढ़िया थी। वह अपने बेटे की मृत्यु के कारण दुखी थी और उसकी अवस्था बहुत दयनीय थी।

बाज़ार में लोग बुढ़िया को किस दृष्टि से देख रहे थे ?
  • a)
    प्रेम की
  • b)
    नफ़रत की
  • c)
    घृणा की 
  • d)
    ईर्ष्या की
Correct answer is option 'C'. Can you explain this answer?

Let's Tute answered
बाज़ार में लोग बुढ़िया को घृणा की दृष्टि से देख रहे थे। वे उसकी आलोचना कर रहे थे और उसे उसके जवान बेटे की मृत्यु के बाद भी खरबूज़े बेचने के लिए बेहया मान रहे थे। लोग उसकी स्थिति को घृणा और तिरस्कार के साथ देख रहे थे।

लेखक के अनुसार किसे दुःख मनाने का अधिकार नहीं है ?
  • a)
    बुढ़िया को
  • b)
    पड़ोसी को
  • c)
    गरीबों को
  • d)
    बच्चों को
Correct answer is option 'C'. Can you explain this answer?

The correct answer is option 'C' which states that poor people do not have the right to be saddened.


In a democratic country, every individual has the right to express their views and emotions. However, some people and groups are vulnerable to discrimination, injustice, and poverty. Therefore, it is vital to respect their dignity and not hurt their sentiments.

The poor and underprivileged are the most vulnerable sections of society. They are often deprived of basic necessities of life, such as food, shelter, and education. They struggle to make ends meet and live a life of misery and poverty. Therefore, they are entitled to some basic rights, such as the right to live with dignity, the right to education, and the right to healthcare.

However, despite these rights, the poor are often subjected to ridicule and discrimination. They are often blamed for their poverty and are not given the respect and dignity they deserve. Therefore, it is important to understand that they have the right to be saddened, just like everyone else. Their poverty should not be a reason for their emotions to be dismissed or ignored.

In conclusion, it is essential to treat the poor and underprivileged with respect and dignity. They have the right to express their emotions and should not be discriminated against on the basis of their poverty. It is our duty as responsible citizens to ensure that their rights are protected and their emotions are not hurt.

बुढ़िया को पुत्र की मृत्यु के अगले ही दिन बाज़ार क्यों आना पड़ा ?
  • a)
    बुखार में तपती बहू के इलाज के लिए
  • b)
    सब्ज़ी खरीदने
  • c)
  • d)
    इन में से किसी को नहीं
Correct answer is option 'A'. Can you explain this answer?

Madhavan Desai answered

The correct answer is option 'A' - ख़रबूज़े बेचने (selling watermelons).

There could be several reasons why the old lady had to come to the market to sell watermelons the day after her son's death. Here are a few possible explanations:

1. **Financial needs:** The old lady may have had financial responsibilities or debts to fulfill. After her son's death, she might have needed money to pay for funeral expenses, outstanding bills, or other financial obligations.

2. **Dependence on son:** If the old lady's son was the main breadwinner of the family, his sudden demise could have left the family in a precarious financial situation. Selling watermelons could be her way of generating income and sustaining herself or her family.

3. **Subsistence farming:** The old lady may have been engaged in subsistence farming, where she relied on the produce from her land for survival. Watermelons could be one of the main crops she grew, and selling them in the market would be a means to earn a living.

4. **Lack of support:** The old lady might not have had any immediate family members or relatives to provide support or help during her time of grief. In such circumstances, she might have had no choice but to continue with her daily activities, including selling watermelons.

5. **Routine and distraction:** Engaging in daily activities, like going to the market and selling watermelons, could provide the old lady with a sense of routine and distraction from her grief. It might help her cope with the loss by keeping her occupied and focused on something other than her son's death.

Overall, the old lady's decision to come to the market to sell watermelons the day after her son's death can be attributed to various factors, including financial needs, dependence on her son for income, subsistence farming, lack of support, and the need for routine and distraction.

बुढ़िया के दुःख को देखकर लेखक को किसकी याद आई ?
  • a)
    अपनी माँ की
  • b)
    गाँव की
  • c)
    संभ्रांत महिला की
  • d)
    बच्चों की
Correct answer is option 'C'. Can you explain this answer?

Meera Sen answered
The correct answer is option 'C' - संभ्रांत महिला की (the distressed woman).


The given question is asking the reader to identify whose memory came to the author's mind after seeing the sorrow of an old woman (बुढ़िया). To answer this question correctly, we need to analyze the given options and understand their relevance to the context of the story.

Option 'A' - अपनी माँ की (his own mother): This option suggests that the memory of the author's mother came to his mind after seeing the old woman's sorrow. However, there is no mention or connection between the author's mother and the old woman in the given context. Therefore, this option can be eliminated.

Option 'B' - गाँव की (the village): This option suggests that the memory of the author's village came to his mind after seeing the old woman's sorrow. Again, there is no direct mention of the village in the given text, so this option can also be eliminated.

Option 'C' - संभ्रांत महिला की (the distressed woman): This option suggests that the memory of a distressed woman came to the author's mind after seeing the old woman's sorrow. This option seems more plausible as it is directly related to the given context. The author might have encountered a similar situation in the past where he saw a distressed woman and her memory got triggered after witnessing the old woman's sorrow.

Option 'D' - बच्चों की (the children): This option suggests that the memory of children came to the author's mind after seeing the old woman's sorrow. Although the author refers to the old woman as बुढ़िया (old woman), there is no mention of children or any connection between them and the old woman. Hence, this option can be eliminated.

In conclusion, the correct answer is option 'C' - संभ्रांत महिला की (the distressed woman) because it is the only option that aligns with the given context and provides a plausible explanation for the author's memory recall.

कहानी में किसके मरने पर तरह दिन का सूतक कहा गया है ?
  • a)
    बच्चे के
  • b)
    स्त्री के
  • c)
    वृद्ध के
  • d)
    पड़ोसी के
Correct answer is option 'A'. Can you explain this answer?

EduRev Class 9 answered
कहानी में बच्चे की मृत्यु पर तीन दिन का सूतक कहा गया है। सूतक एक धार्मिक अवधि होती है जब मृत्यु के बाद घर में शोक मनाया जाता है और विभिन्न धार्मिक अनुष्ठान किए जाते हैं।

लेखक के अनुसार बुढ़िया को कोई क्यों उधार नहीं देता ?
  • a)
    वह गरीब थी
  • b)
    उसका पति नहीं था
  • c)
    उसके बेटे की मृत्यु हो गई थी
  • d)
    इनमे से कोई नहीं
Correct answer is option 'C'. Can you explain this answer?

बुढ़िया को कोई उधार नहीं देता क्योंकि उसके बेटे की मृत्यु हो गई थी।

जवाब विस्तार से नीचे दिया गया है:
- बुढ़िया गरीब थी: गरीबी के कारण वह उधार नहीं ले सकती थी क्योंकि उसके पास पर्याप्त धन नहीं था। उधार देने के लिए उसे विश्वास करने वाला व्यक्ति की भी आवश्यकता होती है जो उसकी गरीबी को समझ सके और उसे उधार में मदद कर सके।
- उसका पति नहीं था: यद्यपि लेखक ने इसे उधार न देने का कारण के रूप में नहीं उठाया है, अगर बुढ़िया का पति होता तो उसके पास संभवतः धनी व्यक्ति होता और वह उधार ले सकती थी।
- उसके बेटे की मृत्यु हो गई थी: यह बुढ़िया को उधार नहीं मिल पाने का मुख्य कारण है। उसके बेटे की मृत्यु हो जाने से उसे आर्थिक रूप से कठिनाइयों का सामना करना पड़ा होगा। उसके पास आर्थिक संसाधन नहीं थे और वह अपने ब

लेखक के अनुसार दुःख मनाने के लिए समाज में क्या चाहिए?
  • a)
  • b)
  • c)
  • d)
Correct answer is option 'C'. Can you explain this answer?

EduRev Class 9 answered
लेखक के अनुसार इस समाज में दुःख मनाने के लिए भी सहूलियत  की आवश्यकता होती है।

लेखक किसके रोने का कारण नहीं जान सका ?
  • a)
    बच्चे के
  • b)
    बुढ़िया के
  • c)
    दूकान वाले के
  • d)
    इनमें से कोई नहीं
Correct answer is option 'B'. Can you explain this answer?

Let's Tute answered
लेखक बुढ़िया के रोने का कारण नहीं जान सका। हालांकि, अन्य लोगों के रोने का कारण लेखक को पता था, लेकिन बुढ़िया के रोने की वजह अज्ञात रही।

साँप के काटने के कारण लड़के का शरीर कैसा हो गया था?
  • a)
  • b)
  • c)
  • d)
Correct answer is option 'B'. Can you explain this answer?

Parina Patel answered

When a snake bites someone, the venom injected into the body can have various effects on the person's body. In this case, the correct answer is option 'B' - काला (Black).

Effects of Snakebite:

1. Swelling: Snake venom can cause severe swelling at the site of the bite. The affected area may become red, inflamed, and painful.

2. Necrosis: Some snake venoms can cause tissue death, leading to the formation of blackened or necrotic areas around the bite site. This is why the boy's body turned black.

3. Systemic Effects: Snake venom can also have systemic effects on the body, affecting various organs and systems. These effects may include nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain, dizziness, difficulty breathing, and changes in heart rate.

4. Hemorrhage: Certain snake venoms have anticoagulant properties, which can lead to bleeding disorders and internal bleeding. This can manifest as bleeding from the gums, nose, or other parts of the body.

5. Neurotoxicity: Some snake venoms contain neurotoxins that can affect the nervous system. This can result in symptoms such as muscle weakness, paralysis, blurred vision, difficulty speaking, and respiratory failure.


Snakebites are medical emergencies, and immediate medical attention is required. The treatment of snakebite may involve:

1. Immobilization: The affected limb should be immobilized to prevent the spread of venom.

2. Antivenom: Antivenom is the most effective treatment for snakebite. It is a specific antidote that neutralizes the venom. The appropriate antivenom should be administered as soon as possible.

3. Supportive Care: Supportive care may include pain management, wound care, and monitoring of vital signs. In severe cases, additional treatments such as respiratory support or blood transfusion may be required.

It is crucial to seek medical help immediately after a snakebite to ensure proper treatment and minimize complications.

कहानी में लोगों ने किसे 'पत्थर दिल' कहा है ?
  • a)
    लेखक को
  • b)
    बुढ़िया को
  • c)
    भगवाना को
  • d)
    पड़ौसिन को
Correct answer is option 'B'. Can you explain this answer?

Meera Sen answered

In the given question, the term "पत्थर दिल" is mentioned. This phrase is used to describe someone who is emotionally cold, insensitive, or lacking compassion.

The correct answer to the question is option 'B', which states that the people in the story referred to the 'बुढ़िया' (old woman) as 'पत्थर दिल'.

The term 'पत्थर दिल' is used to describe the old woman because of her seemingly cold and heartless behavior towards others. Throughout the story, the old woman is depicted as someone who is harsh, unforgiving, and indifferent towards the suffering of others.

The story may provide instances or examples to support this characterization of the old woman. It is essential to refer to the specific details mentioned in the story to understand why the people in the story referred to the old woman as 'पत्थर दिल'.

By referring to the old woman as 'पत्थर दिल', the people in the story are highlighting her lack of empathy, compassion, and understanding towards others. This term emphasizes the emotional distance and indifference she exhibits towards the feelings and needs of those around her.

Overall, the people in the story referred to the old woman as 'पत्थर दिल' because her behavior and actions portrayed her as someone who was emotionally cold and lacked compassion. This description effectively captures her character and the way she interacts with others in the story.

Chapter doubts & questions for दुःख का अधिकार - Hindi Class 9 (Sparsh and Sanchayan) 2025 is part of Class 9 exam preparation. The chapters have been prepared according to the Class 9 exam syllabus. The Chapter doubts & questions, notes, tests & MCQs are made for Class 9 2025 Exam. Find important definitions, questions, notes, meanings, examples, exercises, MCQs and online tests here.

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