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All questions of Poem - Keeping Quiet for Class 12 Exam

What does the poem speak about?
  • a)
    the necessity to be happy
  • b)
    the necessity to introspect, understand and have feelings of brotherhood
  • c)
    the necessity to work quietly
  • d)
Correct answer is option 'B'. Can you explain this answer?

Geetika Shah answered
The poet wants us to ‘do nothing’ for once because during this time of inactivity man will realize the strength of humanity and become aware of universal brotherhood wherein he will be able to give mankind a healing touch. The poet wants that for once we should not single-mindedly focus on keeping our lives moving and do some introspection and spend our time in silence doing nothing. This way we can understand ourselves better and escape from the calls of death.
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What is poet's pen name?
  • a)
  • b)
  • c)
  • d)
    Pablo Neruda
Correct answer is option 'D'. Can you explain this answer?

Riya Banerjee answered
Pablo Neruda (1904-1973) is the pen name of Neftali Ricardo Reyes Basoalto who was born in the town of Parral in Chile. Neruda's poems are full of easily understood images which make them no less beautiful. He won the Nobel Prize for Literature in the year 1971.

What is the rhyming scheme used in the poem?
  • a)
    enclosed rhyme
  • b)
  • c)
  • d)
    Free verse
Correct answer is option 'D'. Can you explain this answer?

The correct answer is 'ABAB'. The rhyme scheme is the pattern of rhyme that comes at the end of each verse or line in poetry. In other words, it is the structure of the end words of a verse or line that a poet needs to create when writing a poem.

What is the essence or message of the poem?
  • a)
    introspection and retrospection to be more peaceful and be in harmony
  • b)
    to prosper
  • c)
    to be happier
  • d)
    to reach out more people
Correct answer is option 'A'. Can you explain this answer?

Suresh Iyer answered
The message of the poem "Keeping Quiet" is that we should be quite and silent for some time and introspect. By doing this we will have more time for understanding each other and we will realise how our activities are damaging the earth.

Why is the poet asking everyone not to speak any language?
  • a)
    to avoid noise
  • b)
    to avoid loud voices
  • c)
    to avoid people
  • d)
    to avoid conflicts and misunderstandings
Correct answer is option 'D'. Can you explain this answer?

Rutuja Mehta answered
The poet is asking everyone not to speak any language in order to avoid conflicts and misunderstandings. This is evident from the lines "Let us not speak any language, my love, and let us not speak at all." The following are the reasons why the poet is making this request:

Avoiding Conflicts:
When people speak different languages, there is a high possibility of misunderstandings and conflicts. The poet wants to avoid such conflicts by suggesting that everyone should not speak any language.

Promoting Unity:
The poet believes that if people stop speaking any language, they will be united. This is because language is often used as a means of dividing people into different groups based on their culture, ethnicity, or nationality.

Expressing Love:
The poet also suggests that not speaking any language can be a way of expressing love. This is because love is often beyond words and language can sometimes limit the expression of emotions.

Creating Silence:
Finally, the poet may be asking people not to speak any language to create silence. In a world where there is constant noise and chatter, silence can be a way of finding inner peace and tranquility.

In conclusion, the poet is asking everyone not to speak any language to avoid conflicts and misunderstandings, promote unity, express love, and create silence.

According to the poet what creates barriers?
  • a)
  • b)
  • c)
  • d)
Correct answer is option 'D'. Can you explain this answer?

Lalit Yadav answered
The poet wants us to keep quiet because this moment of quietness will give us the time to meditate and introspect upon the kind of turmoil we have created on earth through our ill-actions. Too much activity and rush has only brought misfortunes to mankind, so it is better to be quiet and still.

Read the extract given and answer the questions that follow:
It would be an exotic moment
Without rush, without engines,
We would all be together
In a sudden strangeness.
Q. How would we feel at that moment?
  • a)
    There will be strange togetherness
  • b)
    there will be no discrimination
  • c)
    There will be harmony and brotherhood
  • d)
    All the above
Correct answer is option 'D'. Can you explain this answer?

Ashwin Iyer answered
Feelings at the Exotic Moment:
- Strange Togetherness: At that moment, there would be a sense of togetherness that is different from our usual experiences. The absence of rush and noise would create a unique atmosphere where everyone feels connected in a peculiar way.
- No Discrimination: In this exotic moment, there would be no room for discrimination or biases. People would come together without any prejudices, barriers, or divisions. It would be a time of pure equality and acceptance.
- Harmony and Brotherhood: The absence of rush and engines signifies a peaceful and tranquil environment. In such a setting, people are more likely to feel harmonious and exhibit a sense of brotherhood towards each other. It is a moment where humanity can truly come together as one.
Therefore, at this exotic moment described in the extract, we would experience a combination of strange togetherness, absence of discrimination, and a feeling of harmony and brotherhood. It represents a unique and special moment where individuals can connect on a deeper level, free from the usual distractions and divisions of everyday life.

Read the extract given and answer the questions that follow:
It would be an exotic moment
Without rush, without engines,
We would all be together
In a sudden strangeness.
Q. What would be an exotic moment?
  • a)
    making noise
  • b)
    Keeping quiet
  • c)
    singing together
  • d)
    dancing together
Correct answer is option 'B'. Can you explain this answer?

Rajesh Gupta answered
The noise of machines creates disturbance when everything is at rest, it will be an exotic moment. It will give us unusual feeling and all will enjoy sudden strangeness. All will feel one with all others and leave aside all the selfish ends.

Why is the moment of silence called Exotic?
  • a)
    because of the beautiful scenery around
  • b)
    because of the gathering
  • c)
    because of large gathering
  • d)
    because of perfect peace and harmony
Correct answer is option 'D'. Can you explain this answer?

Preeti Iyer answered
Pablo Neruda wishes for that exotic moment when mankind will be free from greed, cruelty and harmful actions. Unnecessary rush and noise have caused unpleasantness and troubles. The poet wishes the noise of engines and machines should cease and peace and tranquility should prevail.

Why does the poet request people to keep quiet?
  • a)
    to maintain silence
  • b)
    to avoid noise
  • c)
    to be friendly
  • d)
    in the hope of becoming more thoughtful and peaceful
Correct answer is option 'D'. Can you explain this answer?

Gaurav Kumar answered
The poet advocates silence so that we can get time for introspection. There is a mad rush in the world today. Confusion, tension and stress prevail everywhere. The poet says us to keep quiet and introspect ourselves so that we can be freed from worldly maladies.

Why does the poet ask people not to speak?
  • a)
    because it creates noise
  • b)
    he doesn't like noise
  • c)
    it makes things unpleasant
  • d)
    because it creates barriers or obstacles in the form of misunderstanding amongst people
Correct answer is option 'D'. Can you explain this answer?

Suresh Iyer answered
People of the world speak in different languages. They indulge in unnecessary debates and disputes. Most of these arguments lead to destructive wars. The poet urges people to stop speaking in any language. They must speak through their hearts. So far men have moved their arms only to harm others. Therefore, the poet wants that they should not move their arms so much. Let these arms rest for once. Let a feeling of mutual understanding , be created among human beings.

What are the different kinds of wars mentioned in the poem?
  • a)
    War against humanity
  • b)
    War against nature
  • c)
    War with gases and fire
  • d)
    All these
Correct answer is option 'D'. Can you explain this answer?

Neha Sharma answered
The poet says that there are green wars. He means t to say that the people who destroy forests also wage a war against their own coming generations. There are wars with fire, chemical weapons and poisonous gases. The wars bring so much destruction that no side could be called victorious. The poet wants that all these wars should be stopped. These wars bring nothing but destruction.

What should not be confused with total inactivity or death?
  • a)
    no movement
  • b)
    a statue
  • c)
    talking people
  • d)
    Stillness and silence
Correct answer is option 'D'. Can you explain this answer?

Gaurav Kumar answered
We should not confuse total inactivity with stillness and silence. Total inactivity brings death while stillness entails rest for a moment so that we can have calm introspection. The poet wants no truck with death. Stillness will keep us start out activities again in a purposeful way.

What does hurt hand refer to?
  • a)
    Growing needs of the man
  • b)
    growing greed of man
  • c)
    unfulfilled desires
  • d)
    growing insensitivity of man to pain
Correct answer is option 'D'. Can you explain this answer?

Neha Chauhan answered
Hurt Hand refers to growing insensitivity of man to pain

Insensitivity to pain is a growing concern in today's society. People are becoming more and more numb to both their own pain and the pain of others. This lack of empathy is often a result of desensitization to violence, as well as the increasing prevalence of technology and the resulting decrease in face-to-face interactions.

The hurt hand refers to the physical manifestation of this insensitivity, as people are more likely to ignore or downplay their own pain, leading to long-term damage and chronic conditions. It also refers to the lack of concern for others' pain, as people are less likely to offer help or support to those in need.

This growing insensitivity to pain has significant implications for both personal health and societal wellbeing. It can lead to a lack of self-care and preventative measures, as well as a lack of compassion and empathy towards others.

In order to combat this trend, it is important to prioritize self-care and seek medical attention when necessary, as well as actively work to cultivate empathy and compassion towards others. By recognizing and addressing the hurt hand, we can work towards a more caring and supportive society.

What does the title of the poem suggest?
  • a)
  • b)
  • c)
  • d)
    Maintenance of silence
Correct answer is option 'D'. Can you explain this answer?

Nandini Iyer answered
The title of the poem suggests that we must keep quiet for a moment. There will be silence and all will set together and realise the value of collectiveness. The poem stresses the significance of mutual understanding and necessity for introspection.

How can the moments of no activity help people?
  • a)
    they will be healthy
  • b)
    they will be happy
  • c)
    they will work easily
  • d)
    to relax and be more thoughtful
Correct answer is option 'D'. Can you explain this answer?

Nandita Basak answered
Title: The Importance of Moments of No Activity in Relaxation and Thoughtfulness

Moments of no activity refer to periods of rest and relaxation where individuals engage in activities that promote reflection, contemplation, and tranquility. These moments are essential for overall well-being and can provide numerous benefits to individuals. One key advantage is the opportunity to relax and be more thoughtful. This essay will delve into the reasons why moments of no activity can help people in this regard.

1. Promotes relaxation:
- Engaging in moments of no activity provides individuals with a chance to unwind and relax their minds and bodies.
- By taking a break from the constant hustle and bustle of daily life, individuals can reduce stress levels and promote a sense of calmness and tranquility.

2. Enhances self-awareness and mindfulness:
- Moments of no activity allow individuals to be more present in the moment and develop a heightened sense of self-awareness.
- By taking the time to reflect and observe their thoughts and emotions, individuals can cultivate mindfulness, which is beneficial for managing stress, improving focus, and enhancing overall well-being.

3. Stimulates creativity and problem-solving:
- When the mind is at rest, it becomes more receptive to new ideas and alternative perspectives.
- Moments of no activity provide individuals with the mental space and freedom to explore creative thoughts and find innovative solutions to problems they might be facing.

4. Fosters personal growth and self-discovery:
- Taking time for oneself and engaging in moments of no activity allows individuals to delve deeper into their own thoughts, desires, and aspirations.
- By reflecting on their values, goals, and life experiences, individuals can gain a clearer understanding of themselves, leading to personal growth and self-discovery.

5. Improves decision-making and mental clarity:
- In the midst of a busy and fast-paced lifestyle, it can be challenging to make thoughtful and informed decisions.
- Moments of no activity provide individuals with the opportunity to step back, evaluate options, and gain mental clarity, leading to more effective decision-making.

Moments of no activity can greatly benefit individuals by providing them with the chance to relax, be more thoughtful, and engage in self-reflection. By taking these moments, individuals can reduce stress, enhance self-awareness, stimulate creativity, foster personal growth, and improve decision-making. Incorporating such moments into our lives can contribute to overall well-being and a more balanced and fulfilling lifestyle.

Why is silence treated as a big issue?
  • a)
    it helps to search our soul
  • b)
    helps us to analyze our actions
  • c)
    helps us to be thoughtful and find our true self
  • d)
    All these
Correct answer is option 'D'. Can you explain this answer?

Preeti Iyer answered
The main theme of the poem Keeping Quiet is Peace, Fraternity and Unity. Throughout the poem, the poet talks about destruction caused by greed and selfishness. We are destroying our environment, killing our brothers and hurting ourselves and while doing all this, we never introspect ourselves and our actions.

What does the style of the poem symbolise, that the poet used to write with?
  • a)
  • b)
  • c)
  • d)
    desire and hope
Correct answer is option 'D'. Can you explain this answer?

Gauri Datta answered
The style of a poem can symbolize various aspects and emotions depending on how the poet chooses to express themselves. In this case, the poet's style symbolizes both desire and hope. Let's explore how different elements of the poem's style can convey these emotions.

1. Meter and Rhythm:
The meter and rhythm of a poem can create a sense of flow and musicality. If the poet uses a regular meter and rhythm, it can symbolize stability and control, which can be associated with desires. On the other hand, if the poet uses irregular or unpredictable meter and rhythm, it can symbolize a sense of spontaneity and unpredictability, which can be associated with hope.

2. Rhyme Scheme:
The rhyme scheme of a poem can bring a sense of harmony and completion. If the poet uses a consistent and structured rhyme scheme, it can symbolize a fulfillment of desires, as if everything is falling into place. Conversely, if the poet uses a sporadic or unconventional rhyme scheme, it can symbolize an openness to possibilities and an expectation of hope.

3. Imagery:
The use of imagery in a poem can evoke vivid mental pictures and appeal to the senses. If the poet uses sensual and passionate imagery, it can symbolize intense desires. On the other hand, if the poet uses imagery that portrays beauty, light, or uplifting elements, it can symbolize hope and optimism.

4. Tone:
The tone of a poem refers to the poet's attitude or perspective. If the poet's tone is passionate and longing, it can symbolize strong desires. Conversely, if the tone is optimistic and uplifting, it can symbolize hope for a better future.

Overall, the style of the poem, including its meter and rhythm, rhyme scheme, imagery, and tone, all work together to convey the poet's desires and hope. The poet carefully chooses these elements to create a particular atmosphere and emotional impact on the reader, allowing them to connect with the underlying themes of the poem.

What does the poet feel is needed to be at peace?
  • a)
    meeting with people
  • b)
    talking with people
  • c)
    interaction with the people
  • d)
    Soul searching
Correct answer is option 'D'. Can you explain this answer?

Suresh Iyer answered
According to the poet, searching for our inner-self i.e. soul is needed which can only be done in peace i.e. when we are still and silent.

What is the sadness in the poem that the poet speaks about?
  • a)
    violence because of unthoughtfulness of the people
  • b)
    unnecessary movements
  • c)
    speaking aloud
  • d)
Correct answer is option 'A'. Can you explain this answer?

The poet refers to the sadness which surrounds man due to not having any time for himself, the pain of not understanding what he or his fellow human beings want. He has no time for introspection; as a result, he is unable to analyse his own actions and understand its consequences.

What does the earth symbolise?
  • a)
    perseverance and new beginning from seemingly stillness
  • b)
  • c)
  • d)
Correct answer is option 'A'. Can you explain this answer?

Gaurav Kumar answered
The poet uses the Earth as a symbol from nature to convey that there can be life under apparent stillness. Earth teaches us that despite a dreary stillness, nature continues to work and everything comes to life again. The poet advocates keeping quiet and inactivity but he does not want these to be confused with death.

What does the poem Keeping Quiet teach us?
  • a)
    how to maintain silence
  • b)
    not to make noise
  • c)
    speaking creates noise
  • d)
    To be peaceful, thoughtful and have feelings of brotherhood
Correct answer is option 'D'. Can you explain this answer?

Preeti Khanna answered
The main theme of the poem Keeping Quiet is Peace, Fraternity and Unity. Throughout the poem, the poet talks about destruction caused by greed and selfishness. We are destroying our environment, killing our brothers and hurting ourselves and while doing all this, we never introspect ourselves and our actions.

What would everyone feel at that exotic moment?
  • a)
  • b)
  • c)
  • d)
    strange blissful oneness
Correct answer is option 'D'. Can you explain this answer?

Upasana Sen answered
Experiencing Strange Blissful Oneness

Exotic moments can be described as rare and unique experiences that often evoke powerful emotions in people. When everyone feels the same at such a moment, it is likely to be a feeling of strange blissful oneness. This is because such an experience has the ability to transcend individual differences and connect everyone as one.

Sense of Unity and Belonging

The feeling of strange blissful oneness is often accompanied by a sense of unity and belonging. People feel connected to one another and to their environment in a way that is difficult to describe in words. This feeling is often described as a spiritual one, as it goes beyond the physical and material aspects of life.

Emotional and Psychological Benefits

Experiencing strange blissful oneness has emotional and psychological benefits. It can bring a sense of peace, calmness, and contentment to individuals. It can also help people to feel less isolated and more connected to others. This can lead to increased happiness, improved mental health, and a greater sense of purpose and meaning in life.

Physical Benefits

Experiencing strange blissful oneness can also have physical benefits. It has been found to reduce stress levels, lower blood pressure, and boost the immune system. This is because the feeling of oneness can reduce the production of stress hormones, which can have a negative impact on the body.


In conclusion, experiencing strange blissful oneness can be a powerful and transformative experience. It has the ability to connect people on a deep level, bring a sense of peace and contentment, and have significant physical, emotional, and psychological benefits.

What is the original language of the poem?
  • a)
  • b)
  • c)
  • d)
Correct answer is option 'D'. Can you explain this answer?

Preeti Iyer answered
Original language of the poem is Spanish. Pablo Neruda (1904-1973) is the pen name of Neftali Ricardo Reyes Basoalto who was born in the town of Parral in Chile.

What can be a cure or an antidote to violent actions?
  • a)
    speaking practice
  • b)
    wise words
  • c)
    polished language
  • d)
    Practice of silence
Correct answer is option 'D'. Can you explain this answer?

Vivek Rana answered
The poem ‘Keeping Quiet’ emphasises the need for quiet introspection and creating a feeling of mutual understanding among human beings. It conveys to us the poet’s philosophy of an exotic moment of silence which will be an antidote to violence, hatred and war.

How will silence benefit the man and nature?
  • a)
    both will be friends
  • b)
    man will know nature better
  • c)
    man will be healthy
  • d)
    man will stop hurting nature and both will heal themselves
Correct answer is option 'D'. Can you explain this answer?

Gaurav Kumar answered
'Hurt hands' means that human beings are forgetful of the pain they are causing to themselves in the pursuit of amassing more and more comforts. In this moment of silence, man will not harm nature, and both human beings and nature will get some time to attend to their wounds and recover.

What can human beings learn from nature?
  • a)
  • b)
    keeping quiet
  • c)
    to be happy
  • d)
    working with silence
Correct answer is option 'D'. Can you explain this answer?

Preeti Iyer answered
We must not forget that nature is a fine teacher. It teaches a lot of things to all of us. It keeps on working and remains calm and composed. So it teaches us to be quiet and still. It is no use to hinder others. We should grow and develop at our own place. We must be contended with what we possess. There is no need for greed. The nature always remains alive.

Read the extract given and answer the questions that follow:
Fishermen in the cold sea,
Would not harm whales
And the men gathering salt
Would look at his hurt hands.
Q. What would the man gathering salt do?
  • a)
    He would also introspect
  • b)
    He would look at his hurt hands
  • c)
    He would get a moment to realize his folly.
  • d)
    All the above.
Correct answer is option 'D'. Can you explain this answer?

Mansi Nair answered
Fishermen and Men Gathering Salt

The extract talks about two different groups of people - fishermen in the cold sea and men gathering salt. Let us analyze what each group does.

Fishermen in the Cold Sea

The extract states that the fishermen in the cold sea would not harm whales. This indicates that these fishermen are sensitive towards the environment and do not want to harm any living creature. They understand the importance of the balance in the ecosystem and do not want to disturb it.

Men Gathering Salt

The extract also talks about men gathering salt. It states that these men would look at his hurt hands. This indicates that these men are probably working very hard and their hands are hurt due to some manual work. They are probably introspecting and thinking about their life choices. They might be thinking about whether their hard work is worth it or not.

All the Above

The correct answer to the question is option 'D', which means all of the above. This is because both the groups mentioned in the extract are doing different things, but both are introspecting and thinking about their actions. The fishermen are thinking about the environment and the balance in the ecosystem, while the men gathering salt are thinking about their life choices and whether their hard work is worth it or not.


The extract gives us a glimpse of the lives of two different groups of people and how they think and feel. It also shows us the importance of being sensitive towards the environment and the balance in the ecosystem. The correct answer to the question is option 'D', which means all of the above.

Which images in the poem show that the poet condemns or hate violence?
  • a)
    fishermen not harming whales
  • b)
    wars leaving behind no survivors to celebrate
  • c)
    poet's refusal to deal with death
  • d)
    All these
Correct answer is option 'D'. Can you explain this answer?

The images in the poem, ‘Keeping Quiet’, which show that the poet condemns violence are, that he is totally against alienation among communities, races and violence. The poet is against chemical and nuclear wars which leave no survivors. He wants to bring all the destructive activities to a standstill.

What does the poet want people to do for one second?
  • a)
    to sing
  • b)
    to close eyes
  • c)
    to stand quietly
  • d)
    to be silent and motionless
Correct answer is option 'D'. Can you explain this answer?

The poet wants us to keep quiet and still and not move our arms and legs too much in the poem, Keeping Quiet. This will give us the time to introspect over our actions and also help to create a feeling of mutual understanding among human beings.

Read the extract given and answer the questions that follow:
It would be an exotic moment
Without rush, without engines,
We would all be together
In a sudden strangeness.
Q. Why would it be called an exotic moment?
  • a)
    because it will be pollution free environment
  • b)
    there will be heavenly flow of wind
  • c)
    the whole world will be enveloped in quietness
  • d)
    flora and fauna will grow
Correct answer is option 'C'. Can you explain this answer?

Maitri Sharma answered


The given extract describes a hypothetical scenario where people would experience an "exotic moment" characterized by a lack of rush and engines. In this sudden strangeness, everyone would be together, enveloped in quietness. The question asks why this moment would be called exotic, and the correct answer is option 'C' - because the whole world would be enveloped in quietness.


The term "exotic" is often associated with something unusual or extraordinary, often related to a different culture or environment. In the given context, the exotic moment is not referring to a conventional understanding of the term but rather highlighting the unique and extraordinary nature of the situation described.

Quietness as an exotic element:

The reason why the moment would be called exotic is because of the unusual and striking presence of quietness. In our fast-paced, technologically driven world, silence and tranquility have become increasingly rare. The constant hum of engines, the noise of traffic, and the general busyness of everyday life have become the norm.

Escape from the noise:

In this hypothetical scenario, the absence of rush and engines implies a world free from the typical noises that surround us. It suggests a temporary escape from the cacophony of modern existence, where people can experience a moment of respite and embrace the soothing power of silence.

Uncommon experience:

The sudden strangeness mentioned in the extract further contributes to the exotic nature of the moment. The phrase implies a departure from the ordinary, where people find themselves in an unfamiliar environment that deviates from their usual experiences. This sudden change adds an element of surprise and wonder to the scenario.


In conclusion, the moment described in the extract would be called exotic because it presents a departure from the usual noise and rush of everyday life. The presence of quietness and the sudden strangeness of the situation create a unique and extraordinary experience for everyone involved.

What is destroying the environment?
  • a)
    unthoughtful actions
  • b)
    violent actions
  • c)
    speaking without thinking
  • d)
Correct answer is option 'D'. Can you explain this answer?

Vivek Rana answered
When we keep quiet, we will not be in any rush, the people will not harm any other living organisms and will not harm the environment. When we keep quiet, we will not do anything.

What symbol from nature the poet uses to prove that keeping quiet is not total inactivity?
  • a)
  • b)
  • c)
  • d)
    Nature and earth
Correct answer is option 'D'. Can you explain this answer?

Suresh Iyer answered
The poet does not want us to confuse stillness with total inactivity. There is life under apparent stillness. He quotes an example of the earth which is active round the clock. Thus the poet involves the earth as a living symbol to prove his point. When everything seems dead, the earth proves to be alive. Under apparent stillness, the nature remains at work and thus keeps the earth alive.

How does the poet perceive life?
  • a)
    as stillness
  • b)
    as silence
  • c)
    a noisy place
  • d)
    a continuous evolution of nature
Correct answer is option 'D'. Can you explain this answer?

The poet uses nature as a symbol to explain his idea that there can be life under apparent stillness. According to him, keeping quiet is not total inactivity. A seed may appear to be dead and inactive, but one day, the same seed may turn into a fruitful tree.

What will happen if there are no engines and no crowd?
  • a)
    noise will be lessened
  • b)
    no crowd on roads
  • c)
    no traffic rush
  • d)
    it will create a perfect, happy moment
Correct answer is option 'D'. Can you explain this answer?

Sahil Menon answered
Effects of No Engines and No Crowd

If there are no engines and no crowd, it will create a perfect, happy moment. Let us discuss the effects of this scenario in detail:

1. Noise will be lessened: Engines of vehicles produce noise pollution which causes many health problems like hearing impairment, hypertension, and heart disease. In the absence of engines, there will be no noise pollution, and the environment will be more peaceful.

2. No traffic rush: The absence of the crowd on roads will lead to no traffic rush. People can travel without any hassle, saving their time and energy.

3. Pollution-free environment: Engines of vehicles are one of the primary sources of air pollution. The absence of engines will result in a pollution-free environment, which is beneficial for the health of humans, animals, and plants.

4. Safe Roads: Crowded roads are often the cause of accidents. With no crowd on the roads, the risk of accidents will be significantly reduced, making the roads safer.

5. Improved Mental Health: Noise pollution and traffic congestion can cause stress, anxiety, and depression. In the absence of these factors, people can enjoy a more relaxed and peaceful state of mind.

6. Better Social Interaction: The absence of the crowd will enable people to interact with each other easily, which can lead to better social relationships.


In conclusion, the absence of engines and the crowd can have a significant positive impact on the environment, human health, and social interactions. It will create a perfect, happy moment, allowing people to enjoy a better quality of life.

What is always alive even when everything seems to be dead or still?
  • a)
  • b)
  • c)
  • d)
    Earth and nature are always alive
Correct answer is option 'D'. Can you explain this answer?

Riya Banerjee answered
The Earth is always alive, even when everything else seems to be dead as there is always some activity going on in nature beneath its apparent stillness.

What is the poet expecting from fishermen?
  • a)
    to find more fish
  • b)
    to go deeper into the sea
  • c)
    to think and stop harming the fish
  • d)
Correct answer is option 'C'. Can you explain this answer?

Expectations from Fishermen in the Poem

The poem "Where the Mind is Without Fear" by Rabindranath Tagore expresses the poet's expectations from the fishermen. In one stanza, he specifically mentions his hope that the fishermen will change their ways and stop harming fish.

Tagore's Expectation: To Think and Stop Harming the Fish

The poet expects the fishermen to think about the consequences of their actions and to stop harming the fish. He believes that they should have a sense of responsibility towards the environment and the creatures that live in it. By doing so, they can contribute to a better world and create a more sustainable way of life.

Evidence from the Poem

The following lines from the poem highlight the poet's expectation from the fishermen:

"Where the mind is led forward by thee
Into ever-widening thought and action
Into that heaven of freedom, my Father, let my country awake.
Where knowledge is free;
Where the world has not been broken up into fragments
By narrow domestic walls;
Where words come out from the depth of truth;
Where tireless striving stretches its arms towards perfection;
Where the clear stream of reason
Has not lost its way into the dreary desert sand of dead habit;
Where the mind is led forward by thee
Into ever-widening thought and action;
Into that heaven of freedom, my Father, let my country awake."


In conclusion, the poet expects the fishermen to change their ways and stop harming fish. He believes that they should be more responsible towards the environment and contribute to a more sustainable way of life. Through their actions, they can help create a better world where knowledge is free and people strive for perfection.

How is keeping quiet related to life and can change attitude?
  • a)
    it helps to think and search soul
  • b)
    helps to scratch one's soul
  • c)
    helps to develop new thinking process
  • d)
    All these
Correct answer is option 'D'. Can you explain this answer?

Hansa Sharma answered
The title of the poem suggests that we must keep quiet for a moment. There will be silence and all will set together and realise the value of collectiveness. Here, we should not confuse ‘stillness’ with ‘total inactivity.’ Life should go on as it is doing about. Even the nature remains at work and keeps the earth alive which remains busy in doing some activity. The poem stresses the significance of mutual understanding and necessity for introspection.

Read the extract given and answer the questions that follow:
Fishermen in the cold sea,
Would not harm whales
And the men gathering salt
Would look at his hurt hands.
Q. What does the poet want the fishermen to do?
  • a)
    Not harm the whales
  • b)
    To introspect
  • c)
    Not to indiscriminately harm nature
  • d)
    All the above
Correct answer is option 'D'. Can you explain this answer?

Gayatri Patel answered

The poet wants the fishermen to refrain from harming the whales. However, the poet's message goes beyond just this one specific action. Let's explore the various interpretations of the poet's intentions:

1. Not to harm the whales:
The poet's primary concern is the well-being of the whales. By urging the fishermen not to harm the whales, the poet emphasizes the importance of respecting and preserving nature. Whales are magnificent creatures that play a vital role in maintaining the ecological balance of the sea. The poet's plea to the fishermen reflects a broader call to protect and conserve the environment.

2. To introspect:
By mentioning the fishermen's hurt hands, the poet encourages them to reflect upon the consequences of their actions. The physical pain in their hands serves as a metaphor for the damage they inflict upon themselves and the environment through their harmful practices. The poet wants the fishermen to introspect on the impact of their actions and consider alternative, sustainable methods of fishing.

3. Not to indiscriminately harm nature:
While the specific focus is on the whales, the poet's message extends to a more general plea not to harm nature in any form. The mention of "men gathering salt" looking at the fisherman's hurt hands suggests that even those who are involved in seemingly unrelated activities can empathize with the pain caused by inflicting harm upon nature. The poet wants everyone to understand the interconnectedness of all living beings and the importance of treating nature with care and respect.

The poet's intention is to convey a multi-faceted message. The primary objective is to discourage the fishermen from harming whales, but this message extends to a broader call for introspection and a plea to refrain from indiscriminately harming nature. By highlighting the consequences of harmful actions and emphasizing the interconnectedness of all living beings, the poet urges individuals to adopt a more mindful and sustainable approach towards the environment.

How will keeping quiet protect our environment?
  • a)
    by creating peace and brotherhood feelings
  • b)
    no noise will be there
  • c)
    people will not fight
  • d)
Correct answer is option 'A'. Can you explain this answer?

Rajesh Gupta answered
Keeping quiet and introspecting will initiate peace and brotherhood among men, halting all destructive activities like waging wars which harm people besides damaging the environment. Thus, the environment will be protected.

What does number 12 represent?
  • a)
    hours of the day and months of a year
  • b)
  • c)
  • d)
    cricket players
Correct answer is option 'A'. Can you explain this answer?

The number twelve has a special significance because there are 12 digits in a clock and for twice the amount of time that makes up 12 hours,we keep on talking and engaging in some activity or the other. Neruda probably chooses this number in order to emphasis upon keeping patience and letting the stillness sink in.

While gathering salt, what will happen to the man if he keep silent for a moment?
  • a)
    he will stop dropping it
  • b)
    he will look at the ground
  • c)
    he will walk carefully
  • d)
    he will think of the harm the salt is doing to his hands
Correct answer is option 'D'. Can you explain this answer?

Ashwini Shah answered

When the man keeps silent for a moment while gathering salt, the correct answer is option 'D' - he will think of the harm the salt is doing to his hands. Let's break down the reasons behind this answer:

**1. Context of gathering salt:**
- The question states that the man is "gathering salt," which implies that he is physically involved in the process of collecting salt.
- This context is important to understand the impact of silence on the man's actions and thoughts.

**2. Silence and introspection:**
- When the man keeps silent for a moment, it indicates a pause in his actions and possibly his thoughts.
- Silence often creates an opportunity for introspection and self-reflection.
- This moment of silence allows the man to think about the situation and evaluate his actions.

**3. Awareness of harm to hands:**
- The question suggests that the man will think about the harm the salt is doing to his hands.
- Gathering salt may involve exposure to rough and abrasive surfaces, which can cause irritation or damage to the skin.
- By keeping silent and reflecting, the man becomes aware of the physical impact of his actions on his hands.

**4. Contemplation of consequences:**
- During this moment of silence, the man may think about the consequences of his actions.
- He might consider the potential long-term effects of exposing his hands to salt or the immediate discomfort caused by the salt.
- This contemplation allows him to assess whether the benefits of gathering salt outweigh the harm it does to his hands.

**5. Decision-making and future actions:**
- By thinking about the harm the salt is doing to his hands, the man may reassess his approach to gathering salt.
- He might decide to take precautions such as wearing gloves or finding alternative methods to minimize the harm to his hands.
- This thought process and decision-making are crucial for his future actions and well-being.

In summary, when the man keeps silent for a moment while gathering salt, he will think about the harm the salt is doing to his hands. This moment of introspection allows him to become aware of the physical impact of his actions, contemplate the consequences, and make informed decisions about his future actions.

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