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All questions of Flamingo for Humanities/Arts Exam

What did Mr. Hamel bring for his class on his last day in the school?
  • a)
    new pens
  • b)
    new notebooks
  • c)
  • d)
    story books
Correct answer is option 'B'. Can you explain this answer?

Riya Banerjee answered
First of all, he taught his students grammar. After grammar, the students had a lesson in writing. Each student was given a new notebook. On each note-book, the words ‘France, Alsace, France, Alsace’ were written in beautiful handwriting. After the writing, the children had a lesson in history.
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Who was Saheb?
  • a)
    A shopkeeper
  • b)
    A servant
  • c)
    A ragpicker
  • d)
Correct answer is option 'C'. Can you explain this answer?

Gaurav Kumar answered
Saheb was a poor rag picker of Seemapuri who had migrated from Dhaka as storms swept away their home and fields. His complete name was "Saheb-e-Alam" meaning the lord of the universe. He used to do rag picking to earn his living. Later in the story he got employed at a tea stall to earn money.

Who lives at Cochin?
  • a)
  • b)
    Her parents
  • c)
    Both A and B
  • d)
    None of them
Correct answer is option 'A'. Can you explain this answer?

Anu Sharma answered

The question is asking about who lives at Cochin. The options are poet, her parents, both (poet and her parents), or none of them. The correct answer is option A, poet.

- Cochin: Cochin is a city located in the southwestern coastal region of India in the state of Kerala.
- Poet: The question does not provide the name of the poet who lives in Cochin. It could be any poet who has chosen to live in the city.
- Her parents: The question does not provide any information about who "her" refers to. Therefore, we cannot assume that her parents live in Cochin.
- Both A and B: This option is incorrect because we cannot assume that her parents live in Cochin. Therefore, we cannot say that both the poet and her parents live in Cochin.
- None of them: This option is incorrect because at least one person, the poet, lives in Cochin.

In summary, the correct answer is option A because the question only provides information about a poet living in Cochin.

What does the expression "in great dread of scolding" mean?
  • a)
    to be happy about it
  • b)
    very badly scared of scolding
  • c)
    To be indifferent
  • d)
    None of these
Correct answer is option 'B'. Can you explain this answer?

Riya Banerjee answered
Little Franz was tempted to run away and spend the day outside instead of attending school as it was a warm and bright day with the birds chirping merrily. Moreover, he was tempted to watch the Prussian soldiers’ drill. All these things appeared rather tempting considering he did not know his participles and feared the French teacher M. Hamel’s scolding on that day.

For how many years had the author taught in high school in Yakima?
  • a)
    2 years
  • b)
    4 years
  • c)
    3 years
  • d)
    5 years
Correct answer is option 'A'. Can you explain this answer?

Vivek Rana answered
William Douglas (1898-1980) was born in Maine, Minnesota. After graduating with a Bachelors of Arts in English and Economics, he spent two years teaching high school in Yakima. However, he got tired of this and decided to pursue a legal career

Where is Seemapuri?
  • a)
    In Noida
  • b)
    South Delhi
  • c)
    North Delhi
  • d)
    East Delhi
Correct answer is option 'D'. Can you explain this answer?

Vivek Rana answered
Seemapuri is a place on the outskirts of East Delhi where 10000 ragpickers and their families live. The people living there are squatters who migrated from Bangladesh in 1971.

Why did Douglas hate to walk with bare legs?
  • a)
    Ugly looking legs
  • b)
    Fat legs
  • c)
    Because of skin color
  • d)
    Because of skinny legs
Correct answer is option 'D'. Can you explain this answer?

Riya Banerjee answered
Douglas had an underdeveloped body. He was skinny and had thin legs. So he was embarrassed and shy to walk in the pool with bare legs.

The city of Firozabad is famous for what?
  • a)
    For casteism
  • b)
    For ragpickers
  • c)
    For poverty
  • d)
    For bangles
Correct answer is option 'D'. Can you explain this answer?

Firozabad, located in the Indian state of Uttar Pradesh, is famous for its bangles. The city has a rich history of bangle-making, dating back to the Mughal era. The bangles made in Firozabad are known for their intricate designs, vibrant colors, and durability. They are exported to various countries, including the Middle East, Europe, and the United States.

Reasons for Firozabad's fame for bangles:

Traditional skills: Firozabad is home to skilled artisans who have been making bangles for generations. These artisans use traditional techniques to create stunning designs on bangles.

Availability of raw materials: Firozabad is located near the city of Kanpur, which is known for its leather industry. Leather is used to make the bangle base, which is then decorated with glass, metal, or plastic.

Market demand: Firozabad's bangles are in high demand both locally and globally. The city has a thriving bangle market, where buyers can choose from a wide range of designs and colors.

Tourism: Firozabad's bangle industry attracts tourists from all over the world. Visitors can witness the bangle-making process, interact with the artisans, and purchase bangles as souvenirs.

In conclusion, Firozabad's fame for bangles is due to its skilled artisans, availability of raw materials, market demand, and tourism. The city's bangles are not only a symbol of its rich cultural heritage but also a major contributor to its economy.

What does the poem speak about?
  • a)
    the necessity to be happy
  • b)
    the necessity to introspect, understand and have feelings of brotherhood
  • c)
    the necessity to work quietly
  • d)
Correct answer is option 'B'. Can you explain this answer?

Geetika Shah answered
The poet wants us to ‘do nothing’ for once because during this time of inactivity man will realize the strength of humanity and become aware of universal brotherhood wherein he will be able to give mankind a healing touch. The poet wants that for once we should not single-mindedly focus on keeping our lives moving and do some introspection and spend our time in silence doing nothing. This way we can understand ourselves better and escape from the calls of death.

What is poet's pen name?
  • a)
  • b)
  • c)
  • d)
    Pablo Neruda
Correct answer is option 'D'. Can you explain this answer?

Riya Banerjee answered
Pablo Neruda (1904-1973) is the pen name of Neftali Ricardo Reyes Basoalto who was born in the town of Parral in Chile. Neruda's poems are full of easily understood images which make them no less beautiful. He won the Nobel Prize for Literature in the year 1971.

How much money had the peddler stolen from Crofter?
  • a)
    20 kronors
  • b)
    10 kronors
  • c)
    40 kronors
  • d)
    30 kronors
Correct answer is option 'D'. Can you explain this answer?

Shalini Patel answered
The crofter had taken out and stuffed thirty kronor in the presence of the peddler. Both left in the morning. After half an hour, the peddler returned, smashed the window, pane and stole thirty kroner from the pouch.

What is the meaning of Saheb -e- Alam?
  • a)
  • b)
    Rich man
  • c)
    Poor man
  • d)
    Lord of the Universe
Correct answer is option 'D'. Can you explain this answer?

Shraddha Dey answered
Meaning of Saheb-e-Alam

Saheb-e-Alam is a Persian term that translates to "Lord of the Universe" in English. It is often used to refer to Allah, the Almighty, in Islamic culture.


Saheb-e-Alam is a compound word consisting of two parts: Saheb and Alam. Saheb means "lord" or "master," and Alam means "universe" or "world." Therefore, Saheb-e-Alam means "Lord of the Universe."

The term is used in Islamic literature to refer to Allah, the Almighty, who is considered the creator and sustainer of the universe. In Islamic beliefs, Allah is the only true God, and he is the all-knowing, all-powerful, and all-merciful.

The term Saheb-e-Alam is often used in Islamic poetry, hymns, and religious texts to praise Allah's greatness, power, and glory. It is a reminder of the omnipotence and omnipresence of Allah, who rules over the entire universe and everything in it.


In Islamic culture, Saheb-e-Alam is a term used to refer to Allah, the Almighty, who is the Lord of the Universe. It is a reminder of Allah's power, glory, and greatness, and is often used in Islamic literature to praise him.

This story is an excerpt from which book of the author?
  • a)
    Lost Spring - Stories of Stolen Childhood
  • b)
    Unveiling India
  • c)
    Breaking the Silence
  • d)
    The Song of India
Correct answer is option 'A'. Can you explain this answer?

Neha Sharma answered
Lost Spring(Anees Jung strives) is an excerpt from Flamingo book of the Alphonse Daudet. The author here is analyzing the poor conditions and traditions that push children to live a life of exploitation. They are also denied education and face hardships quite early in their lives. The writer comes across Saheb – a rag picker whose parents have left Dhaka and their life of poverty to earn a living in Delhi.

Why was Franz was shocked to see M. Hamel?
  • a)
    Because of his formal dress
  • b)
    because he gave sweets
  • c)
    because he had a flower in his hand
  • d)
    all of these
Correct answer is option 'A'. Can you explain this answer?

Franz was shocked to see M. Hamel because of his formal dress. There are several reasons why Franz was shocked:

1. M. Hamel's usual attire: Franz was used to seeing M. Hamel in his everyday clothes, which were not very formal. He was used to seeing him in his old green frock coat and his cap.

2. The seriousness of the occasion: The day of Franz's last lesson was a very serious occasion. It was the last day that the school would be teaching French, and everyone knew that it was an important day. Franz was expecting M. Hamel to be dressed in his best clothes, but he was not expecting him to be so formal.

3. The contrast with the other students: The other students were dressed in their everyday clothes, and Franz was expecting M. Hamel to be dressed similarly. However, M. Hamel's formal attire made him stand out from the other students.

Overall, Franz's shock at seeing M. Hamel in formal dress shows how much the occasion meant to him, and how much he respected and admired his teacher.

What does his book “My Years with Boss” talk of?
  • a)
    his job
  • b)
    explain the nature of his boss
  • c)
    explains his environment
  • d)
    impact of movies on every aspect of life in India.
Correct answer is option 'D'. Can you explain this answer?

Vivek Rana answered
The lesson begins with Asokamitran telling us about Gemini studios. We learn about the very popular make-up brand whose name was 'Pancakes'. The Gemini studios use this brand excessively and orders truckloads of their products.

What was stopping Douglas to get into the waters of Cascade?
  • a)
    Memories of Washington
  • b)
    Memories of California
  • c)
    Instructions given by the instructor
  • d)
    Memories full of terror in the pool
Correct answer is option 'D'. Can you explain this answer?

Vivek Rana answered
After his misadventure in the pool, Douglas wanted to get into the waters of the cascades but the old fear overpowered him. His legs would become paralysed and icy terror would grab his heart. He could not enjoy the sports games like canoeing, boating and swimming.

Who was Sir Edward in the lesson Indigo?
  • a)
    A British lawyer
  • b)
    A british Businessman
  • c)
    A British Politician
  • d)
    An Administrator in Indian Civil Services
Correct answer is option 'D'. Can you explain this answer?

Shalini Patel answered
Sir Edward Gait, the Lieutenant Governor appointed a commission of inquiry to give details about the indigo sharecroppers situation.
It consisted of
  • Landlords,
  • Government officials, and
  • Gandhi, as the sole representative of the peasants.

What does counting upto 12 signify and how will it help?
  • a)
    hours of the day
  • b)
    months of a year
  • c)
    it will help to create peace and harmony
  • d)
Correct answer is option 'D'. Can you explain this answer?

Bulls Eye answered
There are twelve hours on the face of the clock and also there are twelve months in a year. The poet also refers to the number twelve. He wants us to suspend our activities for twelve seconds. The absence of hustle and bustle of life would create feeling of peace and quietness, which would make us united in our natural commitment. It will create a strange feeling of universal brotherhood.

What was Lewis Caroll's opinion of interviews and autographs?
  • a)
  • b)
  • c)
  • d)
Correct answer is option 'C'. Can you explain this answer?

Lewis Carroll was said to have a just horror of the interviewer and he never consented to be interviewed, Caroline, the wife of Rudyard Kipling said that an interview is vile, crime and all offence. No respectable person, would ask it, much less give it.

Who employs the local families of Firozabad?
  • a)
  • b)
  • c)
  • d)
    The glass blowing industry
Correct answer is option 'D'. Can you explain this answer?

Geetika Shah answered
The bangle makers of Firozabad in ‘Lost Spring’ fear that the police would put them in jail, so they accept their exploitation, and do not organise themselves into co-operatives. It is only when we are able to overcome our fear, that we can step ahead and progress in life.

Who was M.Hamel?
  • a)
    a spy
  • b)
    language teacher
  • c)
  • d)
    School Principal
Correct answer is option 'B'. Can you explain this answer?

Kanchan Kumari answered
When the order come from Berlin to change language so M.hamel was very sad and emotional because he was a teacher in the school who taught the French in the school because he was language teacher who taught the students since 40 years

What forced Saheb to be a ragpicker?
  • a)
    Hard work
  • b)
  • c)
    People around him
  • d)
    Acute poverty
Correct answer is option 'D'. Can you explain this answer?

Gauri Datta answered

Saheb, the protagonist of the story "The Last Lesson", was forced to become a ragpicker due to acute poverty. The following points explain the reasons behind this:

Family background: Saheb hailed from a poor family who struggled to make ends meet. His father was a sickly man who could not provide for the family. Saheb's mother worked as a maid in the houses of the affluent to earn a living. Despite their efforts, the family barely managed to survive.

Limited education: Saheb had limited access to education due to financial constraints. He had to drop out of school and start working to support his family. This limited his career prospects, and he had to settle for odd jobs to earn a living.

Lack of opportunities: Saheb's limited education and lack of skills left him with few job opportunities. He had to resort to menial jobs like ragpicking to earn a livelihood. This was not his choice but a necessity to provide for his family.

Peer pressure: Saheb's peers were also from similar backgrounds, and many of them were also ragpickers. This peer pressure forced Saheb to follow suit and become a ragpicker.

Conclusion: In conclusion, Saheb's poverty, limited education, lack of opportunities, and peer pressure forced him to become a ragpicker. It highlights the harsh reality of the lives of the underprivileged in society and the need for equal access to education and opportunities for all.

What is the rhyming scheme used in the poem?
  • a)
    enclosed rhyme
  • b)
  • c)
  • d)
    Free verse
Correct answer is option 'D'. Can you explain this answer?

The correct answer is 'ABAB'. The rhyme scheme is the pattern of rhyme that comes at the end of each verse or line in poetry. In other words, it is the structure of the end words of a verse or line that a poet needs to create when writing a poem.

Which poetic device is used in "Trees sprinting-"?
  • a)
  • b)
  • c)
  • d)
Correct answer is option 'D'. Can you explain this answer?

Preeti Iyer answered
Poetic Devices are literary tools/words such as similes, metaphors, personifications, alliteration, onomatopoeia, oxymoron, etc. that the Personification trees sprinting.

What made the Peddler finally change his ways?
  • a)
    Edla's beauty
  • b)
    His mistaken identity
  • c)
    His greed
  • d)
    Kindness and care
Correct answer is option 'D'. Can you explain this answer?

Shalini Basu answered
Answer : 
  • d)
    Kindness and care
The experience of the peddler at the manor of the Will Manssons made the peddler change his ways. Earlier he had never known a true sympathizer or well-wisher. He had no friend to steer him on the right path. Though the crofter was hospitable to him and even the ironmaster had almost offered him help they failed to leave any impact on him. It was Edla who through her genuine care and understanding was finally able to change the peddler for the better.

Read the given passages and answer the questions that follow:
My breath was gone. I was frightened. Father laughed, but there was terror in my heart at the overpowering force of the waves. My introduction to the Y.M.C.A. swimming pool revived unpleasant memories and stirred childish fears. But in a little while I gathered confidence. I paddled with my new water wings, watching the other boys and trying to learn by aping them. I did this two or three times on different days and was just beginning to feel at ease in the water when the misadventure happened.
Q. “My introduction to the Y.M.C.A. swimming pool revived unpleasant memories and stirred childish fears.” It can be inferred that this was a clear case of __________.
  • a)
  • b)
  • c)
  • d)
Correct answer is option 'D'. Can you explain this answer?

Aravind Rane answered

Repression as a defense mechanism involves pushing down or burying painful or uncomfortable thoughts, feelings, or memories into the unconscious mind. In the given passage, the narrator mentions that his introduction to the Y.M.C.A. swimming pool revived unpleasant memories and stirred childish fears. This suggests that the narrator had repressed these memories and fears, and they resurfaced when he was exposed to a similar situation.

Therefore, the correct answer is option D, repression.


The passage suggests that the narrator's exposure to the Y.M.C.A. swimming pool revived unpleasant memories and stirred childish fears. This can be inferred as a clear case of repression, which involves pushing down or burying painful or uncomfortable thoughts, feelings, or memories into the unconscious mind.

Why did Gandhiji protest at Motihari court house?
  • a)
    To be famous
  • b)
    To show his power
  • c)
    To humiliate the British
  • d)
    To protest the court's order to postpone the trial
Correct answer is option 'D'. Can you explain this answer?

Anu Das answered
Gandhiji protested at the Motihari court house in order to protest the court's order to postpone his trial. This act was a part of his nonviolent resistance against British rule in India. Let's delve into the details to understand why he took this action.

- During the Indian independence movement, Mahatma Gandhi emerged as a prominent leader advocating for the rights and freedom of the Indian people.
- As a proponent of nonviolent civil disobedience, he led various protests, marches, and movements to challenge British colonial rule.
- In 1917, he organized the Champaran Satyagraha, a successful campaign against the oppressive indigo plantation system in Bihar.

The Motihari Trial
- In 1934, Gandhi was arrested and charged with sedition by the British colonial authorities.
- He was scheduled to appear for a trial at the Motihari court in Bihar.
- However, the court ordered a postponement of the trial, which was seen as a deliberate attempt to delay the legal proceedings and keep Gandhi under custody for a longer period.

Gandhiji's Response
- Gandhi saw the court's decision as an injustice and an attempt to suppress his voice and the freedom movement.
- He believed in the power of nonviolent resistance and saw this as an opportunity to protest against the British government's actions.
- To express his dissent, he decided to protest at the Motihari court house.

Objectives of the Protest
- Gandhi aimed to bring attention to the unjust delay in his trial.
- He wanted to highlight the oppressive nature of British colonial rule and the disregard for justice and fair play.
- By actively protesting, he aimed to inspire and mobilize the masses to join the freedom movement and stand up against British oppression.

Nonviolent Resistance
- Gandhi's protest at the Motihari court house was carried out through nonviolent means.
- He emphasized the principles of nonviolence, truth, and civil disobedience as effective tools to challenge the British authorities and achieve independence.
- Through his actions, Gandhi demonstrated the power of peaceful resistance and the moral high ground of the freedom movement.

- Gandhi's protest in Motihari drew widespread attention both within India and internationally.
- It further solidified his position as a leader and symbol of the Indian independence struggle.
- The protest also highlighted the unjust actions of the British colonial government and further galvanized the masses in their fight for freedom.

In conclusion, Gandhi's protest at the Motihari court house was a response to the court's order to postpone his trial. It was a strategic and nonviolent act aimed at challenging British colonial rule, bringing attention to the injustice, and inspiring the Indian people to join the freedom movement.

At the age of 3 or 4 Douglas visited the beach with his father. What caused a terror in his heart then?
  • a)
    The sight of the sea waves
  • b)
    The overpowering force of the waves
  • c)
    The colour of the water
  • d)
    All of these
Correct answer is option 'D'. Can you explain this answer?

Vivek Rana answered
The aversion started when Douglas was three or four years old. His father had taken him to the beach in California. They were standing together in the surf. He had held his father tightly, even then the waves knocked him down and swept over him. He was buried in water. His breath was gone. He was frightened. There was terror in his heart about the overpowering force of the waves.

How did the author learn swimming?
  • a)
    With the help of a rope
  • b)
    With the help of a friend
  • c)
    With the help of his mother
  • d)
    With the help of a swimming instructor
Correct answer is option 'D'. Can you explain this answer?

Hansa Sharma answered
When the author was ten or eleven years old, he decided to learn swimming. The author paddled with his new water wings, watching the other and trying to learn by imitating them. He did this two or three times on different days and started to feel at ease in the water.

What does effects this story speaks about?
  • a)
  • b)
  • c)
  • d)
Correct answer is option 'C'. Can you explain this answer?

Riya Banerjee answered
The story 'The Last Lesson' highlights the human tendency that there is plenty of time to do things; hence, man keeps postponing the lessons of life, oblivious to the fact that life is subject to change. The last French lesson taught by M. Hamel symbolizes the loss of language and the loss of freedom for France.

What does the expression ' fiery misery' mean?
  • a)
    the glow of lights
  • b)
    the bright lights
  • c)
    the bright colorful dresses of heroines
  • d)
    discomfort to the actors in the makeup room
Correct answer is option 'D'. Can you explain this answer?

The heat produced by the Lights in the make-up room brought about a lot of discomfort to the actors in the make-up room. Hence the writer refers to this pain and trouble as 'fiery misery'.

What issue does the poem Aunt Jennifer’s Tigers address?
  • a)
    constraints of women
  • b)
    constraints of married life a woman experiences
  • c)
    constraints of women as a poet
  • d)
Correct answer is option 'B'. Can you explain this answer?

Shalini Patel answered
The poet uses symbols in the poem. The Tigers are the symbol of courage, honor, bravery and confidence. The massive weight of 'Uncle's wedding band' is symbol of harsh and bitter experiences of Aunt Jennifer's married life. 'Ordeals' and 'Ringed' also stands for bitter and harsh experiences.

What ideas do you form of Umberto's personality after his interview with Mukand?
  • a)
    a very rigid person
  • b)
    a boastful and arrogant
  • c)
    an illusionary vision
  • d)
    an academician with philosophical and ethical interest
Correct answer is option 'D'. Can you explain this answer?

Preeti Khanna answered
Umberto Eco says that he has philosophical interests which reflect in all his writings : fiction and non-fiction. In this way, he does the same thing, though he seems to pursue various activities : writing notes for newspapers, novels, teaching, writing essays, children’s books etc.

What did Franz find on reaching the school?
  • a)
    People were dancing
  • b)
    school was closed
  • c)
    Police patrolling
  • d)
    strange quietness
Correct answer is option 'D'. Can you explain this answer?

Vivek Rana answered
The thing that surprised Franz the most when he entered the classroom was to see the village people sitting as quietly as the students on the back benches of the class that were always empty

Why did Douglas hire an instructor?
  • a)
    To be confident in swimming
  • b)
    To compete with others
  • c)
    To flaunt
  • d)
    To overcome his fear of water and learn swimming
Correct answer is option 'D'. Can you explain this answer?

Geetika Shah answered
Douglas did decide to engage an instructor because he wanted to overcome from the fear of water that set in his heart or mind from his two bad experience of life. He got training from instructor for four months that was much helpful for him to develop his fishing skill.

Why did the villagers come to meet M. Hamel in the school?
  • a)
    to complain
  • b)
    to say goodbye
  • c)
    to gossip
  • d)
    to show gratitude
Correct answer is option 'D'. Can you explain this answer?

Shail Chawla answered
Meeting M. Hamel: A Gesture of Gratitude

The story 'The Last Lesson' by Alphonse Daudet is a poignant tale of a French village's last French lesson before the German occupation. In the story, the villagers come to meet M. Hamel in the school. This article explains why the villagers came to meet M. Hamel and what their purpose was.

The villagers came to meet M. Hamel to show their gratitude and appreciation for his dedication to teaching and preserving the French language. They realized that they had taken him and their language for granted and regretted not valuing it enough. As the Germans were about to take over their village, they realized the importance of their language and culture.

• The villagers had previously neglected their language and culture, taking it for granted.
• The impending German occupation made them realize the importance of their language and culture.
• M. Hamel had been dedicated to teaching French and preserving their language and culture.
• The villagers wanted to show their gratitude to M. Hamel for his dedication and hard work.
• They regretted not valuing their language and culture more and wanted to make amends.
• The villagers' gesture of gratitude was an acknowledgment of M. Hamel's efforts and a tribute to their language and culture.

The villagers' visit to M. Hamel was not to complain, gossip, or say goodbye, but to show their gratitude and appreciation for his dedication and hard work. It was a realization of the importance of their language and culture and a tribute to their heritage.

Why did Mr. Shukla meet Gandhiji?
  • a)
    to seek his guidance for his own upliftment
  • b)
    to get ideas to be famous
  • c)
    to learn the art of speaking
  • d)
    to seek his help for the poor sharecroppers
Correct answer is option 'D'. Can you explain this answer?

Shalini Patel answered
Rajkumar Shukla was a poor and emaciated peasant from Champaran. In the annual Congress party session held at Lucknow, he came to complain about the injustices of the landlord system in Bihar. He met Gandhi, introduced himself and told him that he had come to take him there to help the poor share croppers.

What is the poet conveying through aunt Jennifer’s tiger?
  • a)
    wild life
  • b)
    courageous tigers
  • c)
    tigers and their courage
  • d)
    female existence and their fear of men
Correct answer is option 'D'. Can you explain this answer?

Rajesh Gupta answered
To express her bitterness and anger against male dominance, Aunt Jennifer chooses to embroider tigers on the panel. The nature of tigers symbolizes strength, fearlessness and splendour which is in sharp contrast to her own meek nature because of which she has suffered endlessly.

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