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All questions of Psychology and Life for Humanities/Arts Exam

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Identify the true statement from those given below. In the health psychology model: 
  • a)
    The individual is seen as a passive victim of some external force, such as a virus. 
  • b)
    By acknowledging of the role of behaviours such as smoking, diet and alcohol the individual can be held responsible for their health and illness. 
  • c)
    The whole person is treated, and therefore the patient becomes fully responsible for their treatment. 
  • d)
    Only the physical changes that occur due to ill health should be treated.
Correct answer is option 'B'. Can you explain this answer?

Arun Yadav answered
In the health psychology model, the individual is no longer simply seen as a passive victim of some external force, such as a virus. Acknowledging the role of behaviours such as smoking, diet and alcohol, for example, means that the individual may be held responsible for their health and illness. According to health psychology, the whole person should be treated, not just the physical changes that occur due to ill health. Health psychology encompasses behaviour change, encouraging changes in beliefs and coping strategies, and compliance with medical recommendations. Because the whole person is treated, the patient becomes partly responsible for their treatment. For example, she may have a responsibility to take medication, and to change beliefs and behaviour. No longer is the patient seen as a victim.

Which of the following statements about Lazarus’s theory of appraisal is FALSE? 
  • a)
    Lazarus argued that stress involves a transaction between an individual and his or her external world. 
  • b)
    Lazarus argued that a stress response is elicited if the individual appraises an event as stressful. 
  • c)
    In primary appraisal, the individual initially appraises his or her coping strategies. 
  • d)
    In secondary appraisal, the individual appraises the event.
Correct answer is option 'C'. Can you explain this answer?

Arun Yadav answered
More recent models of stress allow for active interaction between the individual and external stressors, rather than passive response. This approach provides a role for psychological state. It is epitomized by Lazarus’s transactional model of stress and his theory of appraisal: In the 1970s, Lazarus introduced the psychological dimension into our understanding of the stress response (1975; Lazarus & Cohen, 1973, 1977). He argued that stress involves a transaction between an individual and his or her external world, and that a stress response is elicited if the individual appraises an event as stressful. Lazarus defined two forms of appraisal:
  1. Primary appraisal: the individual initially appraises the event in three ways – as (a) irrelevant, (b) benign and positive or (c) harmful and negative.
  2. Secondary appraisal – the individual evaluates the pros and cons of his or her different coping strategies.So primary appraisal is essentially an appraisal of the outside world and secondary appraisal is an appraisal by the individual of himself.

Psychology has an important role to play at all stages of chronic illnesses such as coronary heart disease (CHD). But which one of the following is usually NOT the case in terms of the psychology behind such an illness?
  • a)
    Someone who believes that ‘lots of people recover from heart attacks’ may lead an inactive and sedentary lifestyle. 
  • b)
    If someone has a history of heart attacks in their family and is resigned to that fate, that person is more likely to develop the illness either by affecting behaviour or by having an impact on the immune system. 
  • c)
    A person who copes with their illness by taking definite action and making plans about how to prevent it from deteriorating is in a state of denial and may make the situation worse. 
  • d)
    Believing that a heart attack is due to a genetic weakness rather than a product of lifestyle may mean that a person is less likely to attend a rehabilitation class and be less likely to try and change the way they behave.
Correct answer is option 'C'. Can you explain this answer?

Arun Yadav answered
Psychology has a role to play at all stages of illnesses like CHD:
  1. Psychological factors influence the onset of CHD. Our beliefs about both behaviour and illness can influence whether we become ill or stay healthy. For example, someone who believes that ‘lots of people recover from heart attacks’ may lead an inactive and sedentary lifestyle; and a belief that ‘smoking helps me deal with stress’ is hardly likely to help someone give up smoking. Beliefs such as these therefore result in unhealthy behaviours that can lead to CHD.
  2. Once ill, people also hold beliefs about their illness and will cope in different ways. Psychology therefore continues to play a role as the disease progresses. For example, if someone believes ‘my heart attack was caused by my genetic make-up’, they may cope by thinking ‘there is nothing I can do about my health; I am the victim of my genes’. Beliefs like this are likely to influence the progression of the illness either by affecting behaviour or by having an impact on the immune system.
  3. Psychology also has a role to play in the outcome of CHD. For example, believing that a heart attack is due to a genetic weakness rather than a product of lifestyle may mean that a person is less likely to attend a rehabilitation class and be less likely to try and change the way they behave. People also differ in other ways regarding their experiences of illness and their ability to adjust to such a crisis in their lives. For example, while some people cope by taking definite action and making plans about how to prevent the illness getting worse, others go into a state of denial or cope by indulging in unhealthy behaviours, making the situation worse. Such factors can impact upon their quality of life, possibly even influencing how long they live.

The original protection motivation theory claimed that health-related behaviours are a product of, and therefore predicted by, five components. But which of the following is NOT one of these? 
  • a)
  • b)
  • c)
  • d)
Correct answer is option 'C'. Can you explain this answer?

Rajesh Gupta answered
The five components are:• severity – ‘Bowel cancer is a serious illness’;
  • susceptibility – ‘My chances of getting bowel cancer are high’;
  • response effectiveness – ‘Changing my diet would improve my health’;
  • self-efficacy – ‘I am confident that I can change my diet’; and
  • fear – ‘Information about the links between smoking and lung cancer makes me feel quite frightened’.

Which of the following is NOT true of stress? 
  • a)
    The external environment is a potential stressor. 
  • b)
    The response to the stressor is stress or distress. 
  • c)
    The concept of stress involves biochemical, physiological, behavioural and psychological changes. 
  • d)
    All stress is harmful and damaging.
Correct answer is option 'D'. Can you explain this answer?

Arun Yadav answered
Contemporary definitions of stress regard the external environment as a potential stressor (e.g. problems at work), the response to the stressor as stress or distress (e.g. the feeling of tension), and the concept of stress as something that involves biochemical, physiological, behavioural and psychological changes.
Researchers have also differentiated between stress that is harmful and damaging (‘distress’) and stress that is positive and beneficial (‘eustress’). The most common definition of stress was developed by Lazarus and Launier (1978), who regarded it as a transaction between people and the environment. Within this definition, stress involves an interaction between the stressor (‘My job is difficult’) and distress (‘I feel stressed by it’). So a stressful response might be the feeling of stress that results from a mismatch between (i) a situation that is appraised as stressful and (ii) the individual’s self-perceived ability to cope and therefore reduce the stress.

Alarm, resistance and exhaustion describe three stages represented in which model of stress? 
  • a)
    Life events theory 
  • b)
    Self-regulatory model 
  • c)
    Protection motivation theory 
  • d)
    Selye’s general adaptation syndrome 
  • e)
    Health belief model
Correct answer is option 'D'. Can you explain this answer?

Arun Yadav answered
Alarm, resistance and exhaustion refer to the three stages of Selye’s model that describes the stress process from onset of the stressor to the effects of chronic stress. Life events theory is another stress model that examines stress and stress-related changes as a response to life change.
The self-regulatory model describes the relationship between people’s illness beliefs and their subsequent coping mechanisms. Protection motivation theory is an extension of the health belief model, and both attempt to explain changes in health-related behaviours.

According to the health belief model, behaviour is a product of a set of core beliefs that have been redefined over the years. But which of the following is NOT one of these original core beliefs? 
  • a)
    Susceptibility to illness. 
  • b)
    Severity of the illness. 
  • c)
    The costs involved in carrying out the behaviour. 
  • d)
Correct answer is option 'D'. Can you explain this answer?

Arun Yadav answered
The original core beliefs are the individual’s perception of:
  • susceptibility to illness – ‘My chances of getting lung cancer are high’;
  • the severity of the illness – ‘Lung cancer is a serious illness’;
  • the costs involved in carrying out the behaviour – ‘Stopping smoking will make me irritable’;
  • the benefits involved in carrying out the behaviour – ‘Stopping smoking will save me money’; and
  • cues to action, which may be internal (e.g. the symptom of breathlessness) or external (e.g. information in the form of health education leaflets).

We now know that health professionals may behave not just according to their education and training, but also according to their own ‘lay beliefs’. But which of the following beliefs has been indicated by research to influence the development of a health professional’s original diagnosis? 
  • a)
    The nature of clinical problems. 
  • b)
    The probability of the disease. 
  • c)
    Similar patients. 
  • d)
    All of the above.
Correct answer is option 'D'. Can you explain this answer?

Arun Yadav answered
Research indicates that the following beliefs influence the development of a health professional’s original diagnosis:
  • The nature of clinical problems – One health professional who believes that illness is determined by biomedical factors may develop different diagnoses from another who believes in psychosocial factors.
  • The probability of the disease – Health professionals also have different beliefs about how common a health problem is, e.g. assuming that a child with a cough probably has a common childhood illness such as asthma.
  • The seriousness of the disease – Health professionals are motivated to consider the ‘pay-off ’ in reaching a correct diagnosis, which is related to their beliefs about the seriousness and treatability of an illness. For example, the professional may diagnose appendicitis in a child with abdominal pain, as this is a serious but treatable condition – and the benefits of arriving at the correct diagnosis for this condition far outweigh the costs involved if the diagnosis is wrong.
  • The patient – The original diagnosis will also be influenced by the health professional’s existing knowledge of the patient, including medical history, degree of support at home, psychological state, and beliefs about why the patient came to see the doctor.
  • Similar patients – We know that stereotypes can confound a decision-making process. Yet without them, consultations between health professionals and patients would be extremely time consuming. So a health professional will typically base their decision partly on factors such as how the patient looks/talks/walks, and whether they are reminiscent of previous patients.

Using interviews with patients suffering from a variety of illnesses, Leventhal et al. identified several dimensions of illness beliefs:
  1. Susceptibility.
  2. Perceived cause.
  3. Consequences.
  4. Antecedents.
  • a)
    1 & 2 
  • b)
    2 & 3 
  • c)
    3 & 4 
  • d)
    1 & 4
Correct answer is option 'B'. Can you explain this answer?

Arun Yadav answered
Leventhal et al.’s five dimensions of illness beliefs are:
  1. Identity – refers to the label given to the illness (the medical diagnosis) and the symptoms experienced; for example, ‘I have a cold . . .’ (the diagnosis) ‘. . . with a runny nose’ (the symptoms).
  2. The perceived cause of the illness – this may be biological (e.g. a virus, in the case of a cold, or an injury or lesion, in the case of another type of illness) or psychosocial (e.g. stress or health-related behaviour). Patients may also hold representations of illness that reflect a variety of different causal models; for example, ‘My cold was caused by a virus’ versus ‘My cold was caused by being run down’.
  3. Time line – refers to beliefs about how long an illness will last, whether it is acute (i.e. short term) or chronic (i.e. long term); for example, ‘My cold will be over in a few days’.
  4. Consequences – refers to the patient’s perceptions of the possible effects of the illness on his or her life. These may be physical (e.g. pain, lack of mobility), emotional (e.g. loss of social contact, loneliness) or a combination of factors; for example, ‘My cold will prevent me from playing football, which will prevent me from seeing my friends’.
  5. Curability and controllability – refers to the patient’s beliefs about whether their illness can be treated and cured, and the extent to which its outcome is controllable (either by themselves or by others): for example, ‘If I rest, my cold will go away’, ‘If I get medicine from my doctor, my cold will go away’.

Consider the following statements: “If I get medicine from my doctor, my cold will go away.” “My cold was caused by being run-down.” What are these statements examples of? 
  • a)
    Illness beliefs 
  • b)
  • c)
  • d)
    Behavioural intentions 
  • e)
Correct answer is option 'A'. Can you explain this answer?

Rajesh Gupta answered
These statements are examples of illness beliefs; specifically, the former is an example of beliefs about illness curability and controllability and the latter is an example of beliefs about the cause of illness. Self-efficacy and susceptibility refer to two of the five components of the protection motivation theory of health behaviour, and are not represented by both of the statements above. Behavioural intentions refer to how a person plans to act in the future and adherence refers to the extent to which a patient follows recommendations.

According to Lazarus, the degree to which a potential stressor will produce stress depends on the role of which psychological process? 
  • a)
  • b)
    Appraisal of the stressor and how to cope with it 
  • c)
    Sympathetic activation 
  • d)
    Degree of fear 
  • e)
    Appraisal of prior experience
Correct answer is option 'B'. Can you explain this answer?

Rajesh Gupta answered
Appraisal of the stressor and how to best cope with it plays a key role in the experience of stress and its link to illness. Coping and sympathetic activation occur subsequent to the primary appraisal of the stressor as stressful or not. Degree of fear experienced and the role of prior experience are not primary components of the stress-illness link.

Which of the following do we know to be true of health psychology?
  1. Health behaviours seem to be important in predicting mortality.
  2. Health behaviours cannot help us to predict longevity.
  3. Health psychologists have turned to the study of health beliefs as potential predictors of behaviour.
  4. All of the above
  • a)
    1 & 2 
  • b)
    2 & 3 
  • c)
  • d)
    1 & 3
Correct answer is option 'D'. Can you explain this answer?

Arun Yadav answered
As health behaviours seem to be important in predicting mortality and longevity, health psychologists have attempted to increase our understanding of health-related behaviours. In particular, based on the premise that people behave in line with the way they think, health psychologists have turned to the study of health beliefs as potential predictors of behaviour

Which is NOT the case? The stages of change model: 
  • a)
    Was originally developed by Prochaska and DiClemente in 1982. 
  • b)
    Has been applied to several health-related behaviours. 
  • c)
    Contains five stages which always occur in a linear fashion. 
  • d)
    Examines how we weigh up the costs of a particular behaviour.
Correct answer is option 'C'. Can you explain this answer?

Arun Yadav answered
The stages of change model (also known as the trans-theoretical model of behaviour) was originally developed by Prochaska and DiClemente (1982) as a synthesis of 18 therapies describing the processes involved in behavioural change. These researchers suggested a new model of change which has been applied to several health-related behaviours, such as smoking, alcohol use, exercise, and personal screening behaviour such as going for a cervical smear or attending for a mammograph (e.g. DiClemente et al., 1991; Marcus, Rakowski & Rossi, 1992).
The model describes behaviour change as dynamic, rather than being ‘all or nothing’, so the five stages do not always occur in a linear fashion. For example, an individual may move to the preparation stage and then back to the contemplation stage several times before progressing to the action stage. Even when an individual has reached the maintenance stage, they may slip back to the contemplation stage over time. The model also examines how we weigh up the costs and benefits of a particular behaviour. In particular, individuals at different stages of change will differentially focus on either the costs of a behaviour (‘Giving up smoking will make me anxious in company’) or the benefits (‘Giving up smoking will improve my health’).

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