British Isles, the Balearic Islands of the Mediterranean and also those of the Aegean Sea are the example of:
Consider the following statements about the Oceanic Islands.
1. These are normally small and are located in the midst of oceans
2. Their former connection with the neighbouring mainland can be traced from the similar physical structure
3. Remoteness from the major trading centres of the world is a feature of these Islands
Which of these statements is/are correct?
Consider the following statements about the Coral Islands.
1. Unlike the volcanic islands, the coral islands are very much lower and emerge just above the water surface
2. Mauritius and Reunion Islands of the Indian Ocean are the examples
Which of these statements is/are correct?
Consider the following statements by Coral Polyps.
1. They secrete calcium carbonate with their tiny cells
2. Under favourable conditions, they grow in great profusion just below the water level
3. Each polyp resides in a tiny cup of Coral and helps to form coral reefs
Which of these statements is/are correct?
Which of these are correctly matched?
1. Precious corals - Pacific Ocean
2. Red coral - Mediterranean
Choose from the following options
Assertion (A): Coral reefs are generally absent on the Western coasts of continents
Reason (R): Coral reefs do not flourish where there are cold currents
Choose from the following options.
Assertion (A): The depth of water exceeding 180 feet is not suitable for the coral reefs
Reason (R): Sunlight is too faint for photosynthesis to take Place Beyond this depth
Choose from the following options.
Which of the following conditions are suitable for coral reefs?
1. The water should be Saltish
2. The water should be free from sediment
3. The coasts should be silty
Consider the following statements.
Consider the following statements about fringing reefs.
1. It is a coralline platform lying close to the shore extending outwards from the mainland
2. It is sometimes separated from the shore by a shallow lagoon
3. It is widest when fringing a protruding headland but completely absent when facing the mouth of a stream
Which of these statements is/are correct?
Consider the following statements.
1. Atolls are similar to barrier reefs except that they are circular in shape, enclosing a shallow lagoon without any land in the centre.
2. The encircling ring is usually broken in a few places to allow the free flow of water
Which of these statements is/are correct?
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