Castle Rock of Edinburg is the classic example of:
Consider the following statements about erratics.
1. They are called erratics because they are composed of materials entirely different from those of the region in which they are found
2. Such erratics are most useful in tracing the source and direction of the ice movement
Which of these statements is/are correct?
Roche moutonnee are found in:
1. Highland glaciated regions
2. Lowland glaciated regions
Choose from the following options.
Roche moutonnee are found in Highland glaciated regions; Lowland glaciated regions
Consider the following statements about Boulder clay.
1. This is an unsorted glacial deposit comprising a range of eroded materials
2. It is spread out in mounds
Which of these statements is/are correct?
These are swarms of oval, elongated 'whale-back hummocks composed wholly of boulder clay, with their elongation in the direction of the ice flow, that is on the downstream side. They are low hills varying from a few yards to 400 feet in height and maybe a mile or two long. They appear a little steeper at the onset side and taper off at the leeward end. They are:
Terminal moraines are made up of the coarse debris deposited at the edge of the:
Knob and kettle topography is associated with:
Consider the following statements about transhumance.
1. Glacial drifts in the valleys and benches or alps which were not affected by glaciers have good pastures during winter
2. Cattle are driven up to graze on the grass and return to the valley bottom in summer
Which of these statements are not correct?
Consider the following statements.
1. Morainic deposits may dam, or glaciers may hollow out, lakes which greatly inconvenience large scale farming or land development
2. But when the lakes are eliminated, the old glacial lake beds with their rich alluvium support heavy cropping
Which of these statements is/are correct?
Glacial influences on men's economic activities depend upon:
1. Intensity of glaciation
2. Relief of the region
3. Erosional or depositional nature
Choose from the following options
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