Which body part of an elephant are modified form of teeth.
Which instrument is used to measure the amount of water vapor present in the atmosphere?
Anemometer is used to measure
Which statement is FALSE for Meteorological department-?
Hump of a camel is used to-
What helps polar bear to survive in Polar Regions?
Which is the primary source of energy that causes changes in the weather.
A typical desert climate is found in which of the state of India.
Migration of birds takes place because ____.
Humidity is mostly affected due to-
Arboreal life is that where animals live
Adaptation is-
Which option is TRUE for Penguins.
______ makes penguins swift swimmers
To mix with surroundings, tigers have
The use of any combination of materials, coloration for riding of an animals is called
A kind of forest which receives much rainfall throughout the year and also day & night are equal in duration.
To reduce loss of water in desert areas the leaves of cactus are modified into _____.
Weather is predicted by considering
An adaptation to arboreal life (tree life) is
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