Scarcity of capital , technological backwardness and unemployment are generally found in
Consider the following statements and identify the right ones.
i. Higher level of capital-output ratio indicates efficient use of capital.
ii. It reflects the productivity of capital in the economy
Which of the following about strategy of unbalanced growth is right?
Consider the following statements and identify the right ones.
i. Unbalanced growth strategy is also known as Mahalanobis strategy
ii. This strategy was adopted in India after the 7th five year plans.
Consider the following statements and identify the right ones|
i. The Oxford PHI publishes Human Development Report
ii. The HDR is published biennially.
Consider the following statements and identify the right ones.
i. Each indicator in educational dimension is equally weighted at 1/6
ii. Each indicator in standard of living is equally weighted at 1/8
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