Under which Article of the Indian Constitution did the President make a reference to the Supreme Court to seek the Court's opinion on the Constitutional validity of the Election Commission's decision on deferring the Gujarat Assembly elections (in the year 2002)?
Consider the following statements:
1. While members of the Rajya Sabha are associated with Committees on Public Accounts and Public Undertakings, members of Committee on Estimates are drawn entirely from Lok Sabha.
2. The Ministry of Parliamentary Affairs works under the overall direction of Cabinet Committee on Parliamentary Affairs.
3. The Minister of Parliamentary Affairs nominates Members of Parliament on Committees, Councils, Board and Commissions etc. set up by the Government of India in the various ministries.
Q. Which of these statements are correct?
As per Indian Protocol, who among the following ranks highest in the order of precedence?
Which one of the following Articles of the Indian Constitution provides that it shall be the duty of the Union to protect every State against external aggression and internal disturbance?
Consider the following statements: In India, stamp duties on financial transactions are
1. levied and collected by the State Government.
2. appropriated by the Union Government.
Q. Which of these statements is/are correct?
Match List-I with List-II and select the correct answer using the codes given below the lists:
List-I (Item in the Indian Constitution) List-II (Country from which it was derived)
A. Directive Principles of State Policy 1. Australia
B. Fundamental Rights 2. Canada
C. Concurrent List, Union-State Relations 3. Ireland
D. India as a Union of States with greater 4. United Kingdom
powers to the Union 5. United States of America
Which one of the following Bills must be passed by each House of the Indian Parliament separately, by special majority?
Consider the following statements:
The function(s) of the Finance Commission is/are
1. to allow the withdrawal of the money out of the Consolidated Fund of India.
2. to allocate the shares of proceeds of taxes between the States
3. to consider applications for grants-in-aid from States.
4. to supervise and report on whether the Union and State governments are levying taxes in accordance with the budgetary provisions.
Q. Which of these statements is/are correct?
Consider the following statements: In the electoral college for Presidential Election in India,
1. the value of the vote of an elected Member of Legislative Assembly = State Population/ (Number of Elected MLAs of the state X 100)
2. the value of the vote of an elected Member of Parliament = Total value of the votes of the elected MLAs/ Total Number of elected MPs
3. there were more than 5000 members in the latest elections.
Q. Which of these statements is/are correct?
Which one of the following schedules of the Indian Constitution lists the names of states and specifies their territories?
Consider the following statements:
1. The highest criminal court of the district is the Court of District and Sessions Judge.
2. The District Judges are appointed by the Governor in consultation with the High Courts.
3. A person to be eligible for appointment as a District Judge should be an advocate or a pleader of seven years standing or more, or an officer in judicial service of the Union or the State.
4. When the Sessions Judge awards death sentence, it must be confirmed by the High Court before it is carried out.
Q. Which of the statements given above are correct?
Consider the following statements:
1. The Speaker of Lok Sabha has the power to adjourn the House sine die but, on prorogation, it is only the President who can summon the House.
2. Unless sooner dissolved or there is an extension of the term, there is, an automatic dissolution of the Lok Sabha by efflux of time, at the end of the period of five years, even if no formal order of dissolution is issued by the President.
3. The Speaker of Lok Sabha continues in office even after the dissolution of the House and until 'immediately before the first meeting of the House'.
Q. Which of the statements given above are correct?
Which one of the following statements correctly describes the Fourth Schedule of the Constitution of India?
The resolution for removing the Vice-President of India can be moved in the:
With reference to the Constitution of India, which one of the following pairs is not correctly matched?
Consider the following tasks:
1. Superintendence, direction and conduct of free and fair elections
2. Preparation of electoral rolls for all elections to the Parliament, State Legislatures and the Office of the President and the Vice-President
3. Giving recognition to political parties and allotting election symbols to political parties and individuals contesting the election
4. Proclamation of final verdict in the case of election disputes
Q. Which of the above are the functions of the Election Commission of India?
With reference to Indian Parliament, which one of the following is not correct?
Match List-I (Articles of the Constitution of India) with List-II (Provision) and select the correct answer using the codes given below the lists:
Which Article of the Constitution of India says, 'No child below the age of fourteen years shall be employed to work in any factory or mine or engaged in any other hazardous employment’?
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