Consider the following statements.
1. The advice tendered by Ministers to the President shall not be inquired into by any court.
2. After the dissolution of the Lok Sabha, the Council of Ministers remains in office until the new government is formed.
3. A minister who is a member of one House of Parliament has the right to speak and take part in the other House's proceedings also.
Choose the correct answer from the codes below.
Many states in the Indian Union have instituted the post of Parliamentary Secretary. A Parliament Secretary is
1. Generally a Civil Servant/bureaucrat holding an 'Office of Profit'
2. Assigned charge of an entire government department only in the absence of Cabinet
Which of the above is/are correct?
The principle of collective responsibility is the bedrock principle of parliamentary government. The principle implies that the
1. Lok Sabha can remove the council of ministers from office by passing a vote of no confidence.
2. The Council of Ministers as a whole is bound by consensus.
Which of the above is/are correct?
Consider the following concerning the relationship between the President, Prime Minister and the Council of Ministers.
1. In normal circumstances, the council of Ministers' advice is constitutionally binding on the President.
2. The nature of advice tendered by ministers to the President can be enquired by a higher court to ascertain malpractices in administration.
3. The council of ministers ceases to hold office immediately after the dissolution of the Lok Sabha by the President.
Select the correct answer using the codes below.
The functions of the Indian Government is carried out by several Ministry and Departments. Consider the following statements:
1. No minister can openly criticise the government's decision, even if it is about another Ministry or Department.
2. Every ministry lias secretaries, who are civil servants.
3. The secretaries provide the necessary background information to the ministers to take decisions.
4. The Prime Minister's decisions are final in case disagreements arise between Departments.
Which of the statements is/are incorrect?
In appointing Ministers, which of the following arc followed by the President and the Governor?
1. Constitution of India
2. Laws made by Parliament
3. Conventions
Select the correct answer using the codes below:
The Central Cabinet includes which of the following?
1. The Prime Minister
2. Minister of State with Independent charge
3. Cabinet Secretary
Before the 91st Amendment Act (2003), the size of the Council of Ministers was determined by the
The Council of Ministers does not include which of the following?
1. Ministers without portfolio
2. Cabinet Secretary
Choose the correct answer using the codes below:
Consider the following.
1. Government resigns if it fails to enact a public bill in Parliament.
2. Prime Minister is a member of Lok Sabha.
3. The Council of Ministers reflects the socioeconomic diversity of India.
Which of these conventions has/have been codified into rules/regulations/laws/provisions?
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