Which of the following constitutional amendment acts gave a constitutional status and protection to the co-operative societies?
Which of the following sets of the Articles of the Constitution of India deal with the co-operative societies?
Who regulates the registration and other activities of a cooperative society?
Which was the first cooperative society registered under Cooperative Societies Act 1904 and in which year it was registered?
When was the Regional Rural Banks Act passed in India?
Consider the following statements:
Which of the statements given above is/are correct?
Which part of the Constitution of India contains provisions with respect to the co-operative societies?
Statement I: The accounts of every co-operative society shall be audited within one year of the close of the financial year.
Statement II: The audit report of the accounts of an apex co-operative society shall be laid before the state legislature.
When was the first Cooperative Society law formed in India?
Which body regulates the functioning of District Cooperative Banks in India?
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