The States in India can borrow from the market
A bill which imposes or varies any tax or duty in which states are interested can be introduced
Consider the following statements.
Assertion (A): A state legislature cannot impose any taxes on the sale or purchase of goods independently.
Reason (R): A state legislature needs the approval of the President for imposing any tax.
In the context of the above, which of these is correct?
Which of the following constitutional mechanisms/provisions restrict the financial autonomy of the states?
1. Finance Commission
2. The office of CAG
3. Financial emergency
Choose the correct answer using the following codes:
The Constitution provides for a division of taxation powers between Centre and States. Among the several taxes, service lax is
Grants from the Centre to the States under the recommendations of the Finance Commission are known as
Which of the following are extra-constitutional devices to promote cooperation and coordination between the Centre and the states?
1.The National Development Council
2.The Governor's Conference
3.Zonal Councils
4.The Inter-State Council
Select the correct answer using the codes below.
Article 262 of the Constitution provides for the adjudication of inter-state water disputes by a separate tribunal. The need for extrajudicial machinery to settle inter-state water disputes is because
The Constitution deals with which of the following?
1. Adjudication of inter-state water disputes
2. Coordination between Centre and State through inter-state councils
3. Freedom of inter-state trade, commerce and intercourse
Select the correct answer using the codes below,
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