Consider the following statements regarding language in the State Legislature.
1. The Constitution has declared the official language(s) of the state or Hindi or English, to be the languages for transacting business in the state legislature
2. However, the presiding officer can permit a member to address the House in his mother-tongue
Which of these statements is/are correct?
Consider the following statements.
1. Attention Motion is introduced in the Parliament by a member to call the attention of a minister to a matter of urgent public importance
2. Like the zero hour, it is also an Indian innovation in the parliamentary procedure
3. Like the zero hour, it is mentioned in the Rules of Procedure
Which of these statements is/are correct?
Consider the following statements about Point of Order.
1. It is usually raised by an opposition member in order to control the government
2. It is an extraordinary device as it suspends the proceedings before the House
3. No debate is allowed on a point of order
Which of these statements is/are correct?
Consider the following statements.
1. Indian parliamentary Group is an autonomous body
2. The membership of IPG is open to all members of the Parliament
Which of these statements are not correct?
Consider the following statements about Parliamentary Groups.
1. The speaker of the Lok Sabha and chairman of the Rajya Sabha are the ex-officio presidents of the group
2. The deputy speaker of the Lok Sabha and the Deputy Chairman of the Rajya Sabha are the exofficio Vice Presidents of the group
Which of these statements is/are correct?
Which of the following statements are correct about the Commonwealth parliamentary Association?
1. It is an association of 193 Commonwealth parliamentarians
2. Its mission is to promote the advancement of parliamentary democracy
If the removal motion is admitted then the Speaker/Chairman constitutes a three-member committee to investigate the allegations charged against the judge. Three-member committee comprises of
(i) a Supreme Court judge
(ii) chief justice of a high court
(iii) a distinguished jurist.
Choose from the following options.
Consider the following statements.
1. The Rajya Sabha represents the states of the Indian Federation
2. The Lok Sabha represents the people of India as a whole
3. The Rajya Sabha is required to maintain the federal equilibrium by protecting the interests of states against the undue interference of the centre
Which of these statements is/are correct?
Consider the following statements.
1. States in India have no right to territorial integrity
2. The Parliament can by unilateral action change the area, boundaries but not the name of any state.
Which of these statements is/are correct?
Consider the following statements.
1. Parliament can make laws on a matter in the state list if the Rajya Sabha says that it is necessary in the national interest that Parliament should make laws on that matter
2. This resolution must be supported by two-thirds of the members of Rajya Sabha, present and voting
3. The resolution remains in force only for 6 months
Which of these statements is/are correct?
Under which article the constitution authorises the Parliament to create new all India services on the basis of Rajya Sabha resolution to that effect?
Which provision is the foundation of the parliamentary system of Government of India?
Consider the following statements.
1. The system of proportional representation aims at removing the defects of territorial representation.
2. Under this system, all sections of the people get representation in proportion to their number.
3. Even the smallest section of the population gets its due share of representation in the legislature
Which of these statements is/are correct?
Which among the following are the demerits of proportional representation systems?
1. Promotes minority thinking
2. Does not give any scope for organising bye-elections
3. It decreases the significance of the party system
Choose from the following options.
Consider the following statements.
1. If a person is elected to both the Houses of Parliament, he must intimate within 14 days in which House he desires to serve
2. In default of such intimation, his seat in the Rajya Sabha becomes vacant
3. If a sitting member of one House is also elected to the other House, his seat in the first House becomes vacant
Which of these statements is/are correct?
Consider the following statements about Rajya Sabha.
1. One-third of its members retire every second year.
2. Their seats are filled up by fresh elections and presidential nominations at the end of the second year.
Which of these statements are not correct
Consider the following statements
1. If a disqualified person is elected to the Parliament, the Constitution lays down no procedure to declare the election void
2. It enables the high court to declare an election void if a disqualified candidate is elected
Which of these statements is/are correct?
Who is the final interpreter of the provisions of the Constitution of India?
Consider the following statements about the speaker of the Lok Sabha.
1. He acts as the ex-officio chairman of the Indian Parliamentary Group which acts as a link between the Parliament of India and the various parliaments of the world.
2. He also acts as the ex-officio chairman of the conference of presiding officers of legislative bodies in the country.
Consider the following statements.
1. A member of the panel of chairpersons cannot preside over the House when the office of the Speaker or the Deputy Speaker is vacant
2. During such time, the Speaker's duties are to be performed by such member of the House as the Lok Sabha may appoint for the purpose.
Which of these statements is/are correct?
Consider the following statements.
1. The Council of States is designed to maintain the federal character of the country.
2. The number of members from a state depends on the population of the state
Which of these statements are not correct?
Consider the following statements.
1. Supreme Court can strike down certain provisions/amendments of the Indian Constitution, if it feels that the provisions are unconstitutional or alter the basic structure of the constitution
2. But striking down does not take away the provisions from the Constitution
3. To take away the provisions, Parliament has to present a Constitution Amendment bill to repeal the provisions
Which of these statements is/are correct?
Parliamentary committee means a committee that:
1. Is appointed or elected by the Speaker / Chairman or nominated by the House
2. Works under the direction of the Speaker
Which of these statements is/are correct?
The functions of the public accounts committee are
1. To examine the appropriation accounts and financial accounts of the union government
2. To examine the accounts of state corporations
Which of these statements is/are correct?
Consider the following statements about the Committee on Absence of Members.
1. This committee considers all applications from members for leave of absence from the sittings of the House and examines the cases of members who have been absent for a period of 10 days or more without permission.
2. In Lok Sabha it consists of 15 members, while in Rajya Sabha it consists of 10 members
Which of these statements is/are correct?
Consider the following statements.
1. Consultative committees are attached to various ministries/departments of the Central Government
2. In Lok Sabha it consists of 15 members, while in Rajya Sabha it consists of 10 members
3. These committees are constituted by the Ministry of parliamentary affairs
Which of these statements is/are correct?
In the Rajya Sabha, the rules committee consists of:
The Rajya Sabha does not have a committee?
The speaker of the Lok Sabha is the ex-officio president of all the forms except the
Consider the following statements about the committee on public accounts.
1. This Committee consists of 15 members elected by the Lok Sabha and 7 members of the Rajya Sabha are associated with it.
2. The members are elected through the principle of proportional representation by means of the single transferable vote in both the houses.
3. The term of the Committee is one year.
Which of these statements are not correct?
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