The land grants of which one of the following parts of India empowered the recepients to punish thieves and other criminals?
Royal authority declined from the 5th century onwards because of one fundamental reasons. Which one was that?
Ostensibly land grants were initially made on religious grounds. But the underlying idea of donating land was
A significant feature of this period was that salaries were sometimes paid not in cash but in grant of land. Which one of the following does not testify to this practice?
How did the right of sub-infeudation granted to the receipents of the land grants cause the depression of the peasantry?
Which one of the following statements about the activities of the village councils of south India is not correct?
The status of the village in south India during the medieval period varied according to the tenure.Which one of the following three categories of villages, classified according to tenure, was the most frequent?
In the South, crown lands were rented out to
Erapatti was a special category of land known in the South. What was its revenue meant for?
What was the significance of the transfer of royal rights over salt and mining manufacture to the donees?
What was the share of the produce of the labourers if accompanied by food?
Which one of the following was the basic tax during this period?
That was malla-kara and turshka-danda?
What was the range of land revenue in the South, during this period?
Which one of the followiong places was famous for fragrant rice?
Which of the following was one of the services to be performed by the villagers, when royal troops and officials halted at the village?
Which one of the following terms was used for the plough drivers who represented the section of field labourers?
Which of the consequences of Brahamanas being granted land in backward areas was of crucial importance for India after the 5th and 6th centuries A.D.?
Which one of the following statements about the state of agriculture in South during this period is not correct?
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