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MCQ Online Test: Environment- 2 - UPSC MCQ

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25 Questions MCQ Test Environment for UPSC CSE - MCQ Online Test: Environment- 2

MCQ Online Test: Environment- 2 for UPSC 2025 is part of Environment for UPSC CSE preparation. The MCQ Online Test: Environment- 2 questions and answers have been prepared according to the UPSC exam syllabus.The MCQ Online Test: Environment- 2 MCQs are made for UPSC 2025 Exam. Find important definitions, questions, notes, meanings, examples, exercises, MCQs and online tests for MCQ Online Test: Environment- 2 below.
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MCQ Online Test: Environment- 2 - Question 1

What is not true about United Nations Conference On Sustainable Development?

Detailed Solution for MCQ Online Test: Environment- 2 - Question 1

Answer d

Explanation: It is also known as Rio 2012, Rio+20 or “Earth Summit 2012” was the third international conference on sustainable development aimed at reconciling the economic and environmental goals of the global community. Hosted by Brazil in Rio de Janeiro from 13 to 22 June 2012, Rio+20 was a 20-year follow-up to the 1992 Earth Summit / United Nations Conference on Environment and Development (UNCED) held in the same city, and the 10th anniversary of the 2002 World Summit on Sustainable Development (WSSD) in Johannesburg.

MCQ Online Test: Environment- 2 - Question 2

What is correct about Basel Convention?

Detailed Solution for MCQ Online Test: Environment- 2 - Question 2

Answer: a

Explanation: It is an international treaty that was designed to reduce the movements of hazardous waste between nations, and specifically to prevent transfer of hazardous waste from developed to less developed countries (LDCs). It does not, however, address the movement of radioactive waste. The Convention was opened for signature on 22 March 1989, and entered into force on 5 May 1992.

MCQ Online Test: Environment- 2 - Question 3

Consider the following about the Rotterdam Convention:

  1. A multilateral treaty to promote shared responsibilities in relation to importation of hazardous chemicals.
  2. The convention promotes open exchange of information and calls on exporters of hazardous chemicals to use proper labelling, include directions on safe handling, and inform purchasers of any known restrictions or bans.

Which among the above is correct?

MCQ Online Test: Environment- 2 - Question 4

Methane (CH4) is one of the six greenhouse gases under the Kyoto protocol. Which of the following is/are sources of methane?

  1. combustion of fossil fuels
  2. wetlands
  3. automobiles

Select the correct answer using the codes given below.

Detailed Solution for MCQ Online Test: Environment- 2 - Question 4

Answer d

Explanation: All three are sources of methane. Natural gas and petroleum systems are one of the largest sources of CH4 emissions. Methane is the primary component of natural gas. Some CH4 is emitted to the atmosphere during the production, processing, storage, transmission, and distribution of natural gas. Methane emissions from passenger cars (automobiles) have however dropped, as the use of catalytic converters increased. Methane is generated in landfills as waste decomposes and in the treatment of wastewater. As one of the most significant natural sources of atmospheric methane, wetlands remain a major area of concern with respect to climate change.

MCQ Online Test: Environment- 2 - Question 5

Consider the following about the Cartagena Protocol:

  1. An international agreement on biosafety, as a supplement to the Basel Convention.
  2. The Biosafety Protocol seeks to protect biological diversity from the potential risks posed by genetically modified organisms resulting from modern biotechnology.

Which is not a correct statement?

Detailed Solution for MCQ Online Test: Environment- 2 - Question 5

Answer a

Explanation: The Cartagena Protocol on Biosafety is an international agreement on biosafety, as a supplement to the Convention on Biological Diversity.

MCQ Online Test: Environment- 2 - Question 6

Which of these pairs are correctly matched?

  1. Minamata convention : mercury
  2. Stockholm convention : persistant organic pollutants
  3. Basel convention : lead

Select the correct answer using the codes given below.

Detailed Solution for MCQ Online Test: Environment- 2 - Question 6

Answer a

Explanation: The Basel Convention is for the Control of Transboundary Movements of Hazardous Wastes and Their Disposal. It was designed to reduce the movements of hazardous waste between nations, and specifically to prevent transfer of hazardous waste from developed to less developed countries (LDCs). It does not, however, address the movement of radioactive waste. The Minamata Convention on Mercury is an international treaty designed to protect human health and the environment from anthropogenic emissions and releases of mercury and mercury compounds. Stockholm Convention on Persistent Organic Pollutants is an international environmental treaty that aims to eliminate or restrict the production and use of persistent organic pollutants (POPs).

MCQ Online Test: Environment- 2 - Question 7

Under the Stockholm convention, the term “dirty dozen” refers to

Detailed Solution for MCQ Online Test: Environment- 2 - Question 7

Answer c

Explanation: 12 persistent organic pollutants. These were the 12 initial compounds that were listed under the Stockholm convention.


MCQ Online Test: Environment- 2 - Question 8

What is not true about CBD?

Detailed Solution for MCQ Online Test: Environment- 2 - Question 8

Answer c

Explanation: 2010 was the International Year of Biodiversity and 2016 is the International Year of Pulses.

MCQ Online Test: Environment- 2 - Question 9

The Wildlife Protection Act, 1972 provides for various categories of protected areas. These include:

  1. National parks
  2. Wildlife sanctuaries
  3. Biosphere reserve
  4. Tiger reserves

Select the correct answer using the codes given below.

Detailed Solution for MCQ Online Test: Environment- 2 - Question 9

Answer d

Explanation: Biosphere reserves are created by merely a notification and they DO NOT require legislation. National parks, wildlife sanctuaries, tiger reserves, community reserves, conservation reserves are backed up by the Wildlife Protection Act, 1972.


MCQ Online Test: Environment- 2 - Question 10

What is true about the Nagoya Protocol?

Detailed Solution for MCQ Online Test: Environment- 2 - Question 10

Answer c

Explanation: The Nagoya Protocol on Access to Genetic Resources and the Fair and Equitable Sharing of Benefits Arising from their Utilization (ABS) to the Convention on Biological Diversity is a supplementary agreement to the Convention on Biological Diversity. It provides a transparent legal framework for the effective implementation of one of the three objectives of the CBD: the fair and equitable sharing of benefits arising out of the utilization of genetic resources.

MCQ Online Test: Environment- 2 - Question 11

Which one of the following was launched in 1973?

Detailed Solution for MCQ Online Test: Environment- 2 - Question 11

Answer a

Explanation: Project Tiger was launched in 1973. Indian Forest Act was introduced in 1927. Project Elephant started in 1992 and Wildlife Protection Act was introduced in 1972.


MCQ Online Test: Environment- 2 - Question 12

What is not true about Bonn Convention?

Detailed Solution for MCQ Online Test: Environment- 2 - Question 12

Answer b

Explanation: The Convention on the Conservation of Migratory Species of Wild Animals aims to conserve terrestrial, marine and avian migratory species throughout their range. It is an intergovernmental treaty, concluded under the aegis of the United Nations Environment Programme, concerned with the conservation of wildlife and habitats on a global scale. The Convention was signed in 1979 in Bonn (hence the name) and entered into force in 1983.


MCQ Online Test: Environment- 2 - Question 13

United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) is an international treaty drawn at

Detailed Solution for MCQ Online Test: Environment- 2 - Question 13

Answer b

Explanation: UN Conference on Environment and Development, Rio de Janeiro, 1992. The Intergovernmental Negotiating Committee (INC) adopted the UNFCCC text at the Earth Summit in Rio, Brazil.


MCQ Online Test: Environment- 2 - Question 14

Which among the following multilateral environment agreements (MEAs) is not correctly paired with the respective issue it deals with ? 

Detailed Solution for MCQ Online Test: Environment- 2 - Question 14

Answer c

Explanation: The Basel Convention on the Control of Trans-boundary Movements of Hazardous Wastes and Their Disposal, usually known simply as the Basel Convention, is an international treaty that was designed to reduce the movements of hazardous waste between nations, and specifically to prevent transfer of hazardous waste from developed to less developed countries (LDCs). It does not, however, address the movement of radioactive waste.

MCQ Online Test: Environment- 2 - Question 15

The ‘Red Data Book’ is the documentation of rare and endangered species of :

  1. Animals
  2. Plants
  3. Fungi
Detailed Solution for MCQ Online Test: Environment- 2 - Question 15

Answer d

Explanation: A Red Data Book contains lists of species whose continued existence is threatened. Species are classified into different categories of perceived risk. Each Red Data Book usually deals with a specific group of animals or plants and fungi. They are now being published in many different countries and provide useful information on the threat status of the species.


MCQ Online Test: Environment- 2 - Question 16

The Cartagena Protocol is regarding safe use, transfer and handling of:

Detailed Solution for MCQ Online Test: Environment- 2 - Question 16

Answer c

Explanation: The Cartagena Protocol on Biosafety to the Convention on Biological Diversity was adopted on 29 January 2000 as a supplementary agreement to the Convention on Biological Diversity and entered into force on 11 September 2003. It is an international treaty governing the movements of living modified organisms (LMOs) resulting from modern biotechnology from one country to another.


MCQ Online Test: Environment- 2 - Question 17

Consider the following statements regarding ‘Kyoto Protocol’:

  1. It is legally binding for Annex I countries.
  2. It emerged from the deliberations of COP-3 to the UNFCCC.
  3. The signatories have to reduce their individual Green House Gas emissions by 5.2% from 1990 level.

Which among the above Statement(s) is/are correct?

Detailed Solution for MCQ Online Test: Environment- 2 - Question 17

Answer b

Explanation: Kyoto Protocol of COP-3 to the UNFCCC is a legally binding agreement for Annex-I countries to reduce their collective Green House Gas emissions by 5.2% from 1990 level. The reduction obligation under Kyoto Protocol is additional to the CFCs and industrial gas emissions covered under the Montreal Protocol.


MCQ Online Test: Environment- 2 - Question 18

Consider the following about The Montreal Protocol:

  1. An international treaty designed to protect the ozone layer.
  2. By phasing out the production of numerous substances believed to be responsible for ozone depletion.
  3. It was entered into force on January 1, 1985.

Mark the correct statement(s):

Detailed Solution for MCQ Online Test: Environment- 2 - Question 18

Answer b

Explanation: On Substances that Deplete the Ozone Layer is an international treaty designed to protect the ozone layer by phasing out the production of numerous substances believed to be responsible for ozone depletion. The treaty was opened for signature on September 16, 1987, and entered into force on January 1, 1989.


MCQ Online Test: Environment- 2 - Question 19

 What is not true about the Vienna Convention?

Detailed Solution for MCQ Online Test: Environment- 2 - Question 19

Answer a

Explanation: It is for the Protection of the Ozone Layer. It is a Multilateral Environmental Agreement. It was agreed upon at the Vienna Conference of 1985 and entered into force in 1988. It has been ratified by 196 as well as the European Union.


MCQ Online Test: Environment- 2 - Question 20

Consider the following about UNFCCC:

  1. Its objective is to stabilize greenhouse gas concentrations in the atmosphere at a level that would prevent dangerous anthropogenic interference with the climate system.
  2. It entered into force on March 21, 1994.
  3. The treaty itself set binding limits on greenhouse gas emissions for individual countries.

Mark the incorrect statement(s):

Detailed Solution for MCQ Online Test: Environment- 2 - Question 20

Answer c

Explanation: An international environmental treaty negotiated at the United Nations Conference on Environment and Development (UNCED), informally known as the Earth Summit, held in Rio de Janeiro from June 3 to 14, 1992. The objective of the treaty is to "stabilize greenhouse gas concentrations in the atmosphere at a level that would prevent dangerous anthropogenic interference with the climate system. The treaty itself set no binding limits on greenhouse gas emissions for individual countries and contains no enforcement mechanisms. It entered into force on March 21, 1994. As of May 2011, UNFCCC has 194 parties. The parties to the convention have met annually from 1995 in Conferences of the Parties (COP) to assess progress in dealing with climate change.

MCQ Online Test: Environment- 2 - Question 21

Consider the following statements about COP 18 and choose the correct option:

MCQ Online Test: Environment- 2 - Question 22

Consider the following statements :

1. No human activity is allowed inside tiger reserves.

2. Tourism is allowed in national parks.

Which of the statements given above is/are correct ?

Detailed Solution for MCQ Online Test: Environment- 2 - Question 22

Answer: b

Explanation: The second statement is a simple fact, which you must know. A tiger reserve has two zones – core and buffer. In the buffer zone, human activity is allowed.


MCQ Online Test: Environment- 2 - Question 23

With reference to oil spills, consider the following statements :

1. They make the water deficient in oxygen.

2. They can cause algal blooms.

Which of the statements given above is/are correct ?

Detailed Solution for MCQ Online Test: Environment- 2 - Question 23

 Answer: a)

Explanation:  Oil Spills make the water deficient in oxygen. This causes problem for the marine animals. Algal bloom is associated with eutrophication, and oil spills have no role here. On the contrary, oil spills kills algae. Spilled oil can harm the environment in several ways, including the physical damages that directly impact wildlife and their habitats (such as coating birds or mammals with a layer of oil), and the toxicity of the oil itself, which can poison exposed organisms.

MCQ Online Test: Environment- 2 - Question 24

 The Wildlife Protection Act, 1972 provides for various categories of protected areas. These include:

1. National parks

2. Wildlife sanctuaries

3. Biosphere reserve

4. Tiger reserves

Select the correct answer using the codes given below.

Detailed Solution for MCQ Online Test: Environment- 2 - Question 24

Answer: d

Explanation: Very important point to be remembered – biosphere reserves are created by merely a notification and they DO NOT require legislation. National parks, wildlife sanctuaries, tiger reserves, community reserves, conservation reserves are backed up by the Wildlife Protection Act, 1972. UPSC often asks question on the basis of differences of these protected areas

MCQ Online Test: Environment- 2 - Question 25

With reference to oil spills, consider the following statements :

1. They make the water deficient in oxygen.

2. They can cause algal blooms.

Which of the statements given above is/are correct ?

Detailed Solution for MCQ Online Test: Environment- 2 - Question 25

 Answer: a)

Explanation:  Oil Spills make the water deficient in oxygen. This causes problem for the marine animals. Algal bloom is associated with eutrophication, and oil spills have no role here. On the contrary, oil spills kills algae. Spilled oil can harm the environment in several ways, including the physical damages that directly impact wildlife and their habitats (such as coating birds or mammals with a layer of oil), and the toxicity of the oil itself, which can poison exposed organisms.

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