The Puranas laid down that
1. it was not possible for devotees to receive the grace of God unless they were born in certain castes
2. one should not be devout of god idols and instead meditate on the formless reality
Which of the above is/are correct?
The Mahapuranas have five subjects. Which of the following is NOT included?
Consider the following statements:
1. Among ancient religious texts, the term 'Sati' has been used most frequently in Vedas.
2. The Vishnu Parana and Padma Purana cite instances of 'Sati'.
3. Early writers on Smriti such as Vasistha and Yajnavalkya have given extensive commentary on the grave issue of Sati.
Select the correct answer using the codes below.
Regarding ancient texts, consider the following statements:
1. The Brahmanas are the law texts under Manusmriti that helped establish the predominance of Brahmana community.
2. Upanishads are treatises relating to prayer and sacrificial ceremony.
3. Aranyakas are called forest books, and they deal with mysticism.
4. Yajurveda deals with music, chanting and medicine.
Select the correct answer using the codes below.
Which of the following treatises represents the transitional phase between the ritualistic symbolism of the Brahmanas and the philosophical doctrines of the Upanishads?
Which of the following statements regarding Kautilya's Arthashastra is INCORRECT?
Consider the following regarding Varahamihira:
1. He contributed to trigonometry by improving sine tables of Aryabhatta.
2. His Pancha Siddhantika is a treatise on five precepts of a pious life.
3. According to Varahmihira's works, he was educated in Kapitthaka.
Select the correct answer using the codes below.
Consider the following statements:
1. The Vinaya Pitaka describes the existence of painted figures in many royal buildings.
2. The Vishnudharmottara Purana has a section on a painting called Chitrasutra.
Which of the above is/are correct?
Which of the following Ancient Indian texts contains references to hydrological concepts and principles?
1. Vedas
2. Puranas
3. Meghmala
4. Nirmala Sanhita
Select the correct answer using the codes below.
Said to be the oldest medical book in India; it contains many tenets of Ayurveda, it is
Phaldeepika and Brihat Jataka of ancient India are major works on
Consider the following statements:
1. Most of the Ashokan inscriptions were in the Greek language, while those in the northwest of the Indian subcontinent were in Aramaic and Prakrit.
2. Ashokan inscriptions were written in both Prakrit and Brahmi scripts.
Which of the above is/are correct?
The Surya Siddhanta composed in the early fifth and sixth century AD was an influential work dealing with
Consider the following classical Sanskrit literature and their subject matters:
1. Mricchakatika: social drama
2. Meghaduta: war between nations
3. Panchatantra: politics and practical wisdom
Select the correct answer using the codes below.
Histories of the Gupta rulers have been reconstructed from literature, coins and inscriptions. Consider the following statements about the Gupta rule in India:
1. Banabhatta composed the Prayaga Prashasti (also known as the Allahabad pillar inscription).
2. Banabhatta was the court poet of Samudragupta.
3. The Prayaga Prashasti was composed in praise of Samudragupta in Prakrit language.
Which of the above is/are incorrect?
About Indian literature, consider the following:
1. Stories in prose were new to India.
2. Panchatantra is prose.
3. Prose overlooks aesthetic appeal.
4. Dastan contains tales of adventure and heroism in Persian and Urdu and disregarded as prose.
Which of the statements given above is/are correct?
Bhartrhari, fifth century CE, was a Sanskrit writer to whom two influential Sanskrit texts are accredited, Vakyapadiya. It deals with
The Baudhayana Sutras are a group of Vedic Sanskrit texts, which cover
1. statecraft
2. dharma
3. daily ritual
4. mathematics
Select the correct answer using the codes below.
In Sanskrit sources, the usage of the words 'Yona', 'Yauna', 'Yonaka', 'Yavana' or 'Javana' repeatedly appears, and particularly concerning the
What is the central feature of all the Upanishads?
1. All of them deny non-dualism or Advaita and assert dvaita or dualism.
2. They take the stand that the universe is without consciousness and a mere play of the Brahman.
Which of the above is/are correct?
Which of the following is wrong about Upanishads?
Rigveda repeatedly refers to Sapta Sindhu, the land of seven rivers. Which of the following is/are not one of them?
1. Ganga
2. the Yamuna
3. Saraswathi
4. Chenab
Select the right code
Consider the following statements about Rigveda:
1. The oldest Veda is the Rigveda, composed about 3500 years ago.
2. The Rigveda includes more than a thousand hymns, called sukta or 'well- said'. These hymns are in praise of various gods and goddesses.
Which of the above statement is/are correct?
Consider the following statements and choose the appropriate option:
1. Purusha Sukta describes the sacrifice of Purusha, the primaeval man. It says that all the elements of the universe were supposed to have emanated from his body.
2. Purusha Sukta is a part of Rigveda.
3. The rule that Kshatriyas were supposed to engage in warfare, protect people and administer justice, study the Vedas, get sacrifices, and make gifts is given in the Dharmasutras and Dharmashastras.
Which of the above is/are correct?
Consider the following statements:
1. Prakrit is in the genesis of modern Indian languages.
2. Kabir criticised use of Sanskrit.
Which of the above is/are true
Which of the following literature was written during the time of the Mauryan empire?
1. Mudrarakshasa
2. Arthsashtra
3. Indica
Select the right code
Consider the following statements:
1. Mudrarakshasa was a play written in Sanskrit by Vishakhadatta.
2. It was written during the Mauryan Period.
3. It describes the overthrow of Nandas by Chandragupta Maurya.
Which of the above statement/s is/are correct?
Who is the author of the Sanskrit work 'Mattavilasa Prahasana'?
The Manusmriti is one of the best known legal texts of early India, written in Sanskrit and compiled between second century BCE and second century CE. Consider the following about Manusmrti.
1. It gives equal rights to women on the paternal property and resources.
2. It strongly opposes the Vama system.
Which of the above is/are incorrect?
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