Consider the following statements.
1. The earliest book on mathematics was Sulvasutra, written by Aryabhatta
2. Apastamba introduce the concepts of practical geometry
Which of these statements are correct?
Consider the following statements.
1. Aryabhatta formulated the area of triangle and discovered algebra
2. The value of Pi given by Aryabhatta is much more accurate than that given by the greeks
3. Aryabhattia also deals with the method of determining movement of sun and the moon
Which of these statements are correct?
Consider the following statements.
1. Brahmasutra Siddhantika, was written by brahmagupta, in which zero was mentioned for the first time as a number
2. Ganit Sara Sangraha, was written by Mahaviracharya, which is the first textbook on mathematics in present day form
Which of these statements are NOT correct?
Which of these are correctly matched?
1. Akbar - ordered to make mathematics as a subject of study in the education system during those times
2. Sawai Jai Singh - compiled Tajik, dealing with the large number of Persian technical terms
3. James Taylor - translated Leelavati
Choose from the following options.
Consider the following statements.
1. In Vedic times, Shiv was considered as the god of medicine
2. Yajur veda was the first book where we find mention about the diseases, its cure and medicines
Which of these statements are correct?
On which of the following topics, we can find a note in charak Samhita?
1. Digestion
2. Metabolism
3. Immune system
Choose from the following options.
Which of the following emphasized on the use of opium in medicines and for Urine examination in Laboratories?
Consider the following statements about Nagarjuna.
1. He was expert in transforming the base metals into gold
2. He wrote a treatise Rasratnakara
3. He also wrote Uttaratantra, which deals with preparation of medicinal drugs
Choose from the following options.
Which of the following classes are associated with ship building?
1. Samanya
2. Vishesh
Choose from the following options.
Which of the following game was known as Chaturanga in the ancient times?
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