The skeletal remains as well as the sculptured heads indicate that the population at Harappa and Mohenjodaro was of a cosmopolitan character consisting of different ethnic types.Which of the following is one of them?
(i) Mediterranian
(ii) The Alpine
(iii) Proto-Australoid
(iv) Mongolian branch
Which of the following statements about the Indus Valley civilization is correct?
“It is a survivng fragment of a very wide-spread Dravidian tract which extended from Baluchistan and Sind through Rajputana and Malwa into the present day Maratha country and the Dravidian lands of the South and which also extended north and north-east in the Punjab and the Ganges valley and possibly also north-west through Afghanistan into Iran”. Who are they?
The society of Indus valley civilization was not divided into caste but into different classes. The remains unearthed at Mohanjodaro demonstrate the existence of different sections of the people.Which of the following was one of them?
I. Priest
II. Warrior
III. Traders
IV. Manual Labourers
Probably there were three methods of disposing the dead. Which one of the following was not one of them?
A seal from Harappa shows a nude female figure, turned upside down, and a plant coming out of the womb. What does it depict?
The Indus people appears to have made great progress in
I. Ceramic art
II. Plastic art
III. Seal cutter ’s art
IV. Wooden artefacts
V. Wall painting
Which of the following cities of the Indus Valley civilization were excavated after Independence?
I. Ropar
II. Desalpur
III. Surkotada
IV. Prabhas Patan
V. Alamgirpur
The Greek used the word ‘Sindon’ for which of the following items?
Match the following historians and theories of origin of the Aryans:
Which of the following tributaries of the Sindhu were on the west?
I. Suvastu (Swat)
II. Krumu (Kurum)
III. Gomati (Gomal)
IV. Susartu (Ghorband)
In the Nadi-stuti a river is mentioned between the Yamuna and Sutudri. What is that?
The Himavant, now known as Himalaya, is frequently used inI. RigvedaII. AtharvavedaII. Vajansaneyi Samhita
The battle of Ten Kings during the Rig-vedic period was a battle of the Tratsu-Bharatas against the combined forces of
I. Puru
II. Yadu
III. Tursava
IV. Anu
V. Druhya
The earliest Aryan kingdoms were founded by
I. Iksaku
II. Pramsu
III. Sudyunma
IV. Saryata
During the Rig-Vedic period the king did not maintain any regular army. But during the period of war different tribal groups formed a militia.
Who were they?
I. Vrata
II. Gana
III. Grama
IV. Sardha
Which of the following is not a ‘Sruti’ literature?
Which of the following is a Upaveda?
I. Ayurveda
II. Dhanurveda
III. Gandharvaveda
IV. Shilpaveda
The lowest unit of political organization during the Vedic period was
What may we deduce from the use of the words ‘Parivividana’ and ‘Parivista’ during the Vedic period?
The coming of the Aryans marked a new feature since they introduced
I. New regulations of production which evolved many people in the setting up of a new type of social organization.
II. Plough agriculture made the food supply more regular and the exchange of food surplus for commodities was now a reality.
III. The y no t only s uppr esse d the is olat ed primitive groups but also swept away the older classes along with their rituals.
IV. The new social organisation made available supply of labour whose surplus was expropriated.
What is true about the religion of the Vedic period?
I. The earliest religious ideas of the Aryans were those of a primitive animism where the forces around them, which they could not control or understand, were invested with divinity and were personified as male or female Gods.
II. The central feature of Aryan religious life was sacrifice.
III. Aryans did not build any temple nor made any idols to worship their Gods. They performed their worship in the open area.
IV. Man’s attitude towards the deities was not that of surrender and devotion and the praise addressed to them was no more than poetic effusion.
In the later Vedic period we are introduced to a region known as the middle land inhabited by the
I. Kurus
II. Panchalas
III. Vasas
IV. Usinaras
Which of the following mentions both the western ocean and the eastern one suggesting thereby the Arabian Sea and the Indian ocean being known to the people of the period of its composition?
Which of the following give the evidence that there were elected kings even in the later Vedic age?
During the later-Vedic period the Bharatas of the Rigveda had lost its political strength and there place was taken by the
1. Kurus
II. Panchalas
III. Vasas
IV. Usinaras
Which of the following sources inform us that the Parisad acted as a royal council in which the members conducted a debate under the Chairmanship of Isana, each trying to prevail upon others but being careful to avoid the wrath of the President and win his favour?
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