Atomic p ack in g factor (APF) in the case of copper crystal is
T.T.T diagram indicates time and temperatures transformation of
The metal powder used in thermit welding of steel is
Oxyacetylene reducing flame is used while carrying out the welding on
Match List - I (Name of the Element) with List - II (Crystal Structure) and select the correct answer using the codes given below the lists:
L ist - I
P. Fluorspar
Q. Alpha-Iron
R. Silver
S. Zinc
List - II
1. Body-centered cubic
2. Hexagonal close packed
3. Simple cubic
4. Face-centered cubic
Welding of C40 steel plate of 10 mm thickness required a current of 150 amps, while it was 350 amps when the plate thickness was increased by 50%. Estimate the welding current for 8.25 mm thickness of same material.
In gas welding of mild steel using an oxy-acetylene consumed was 10 liters. The oxygen consumption from the cylinder is
A spot welding obtained with a current of 40000 A for a period of 0.01 sec. If the effective resistance of the joint be taken as 120 micro ohms, and if the joint can be considered as a cylinder of 6mm diameter and 3 mm in height, the heat distributed to the surroundings is ________ J. (Take heat re q u ired for m eltin g steel as 10 J/mm3)
A slot 25 mm deep is to be cut through a workpiece 200 mm long with the help of HSS side and face cutter whose diameter is 150 mm and has 10 teeth. If cutting speed is 50 m/min and feed is 0.25 mm per teeth, then time (in sec) required to machine the slot is
29 docs|220 tests