Consider the following statements.
1. For Gandhi, the machinery, commercialisation and centralised state power were the curses of modern civilisation, thrust upon the Indian people by European colonialism.
2. It was industrialism itself, Gandhi argued, rather than the inability to industrialise, which was the root cause of Indian poverty.
Which of these statements is/are correct?
In the 1940s, we saw several area-specific reports. These were
1. Gadgil Report on cooperatives
2. Saraiya report on rural credit
3. Krishnamachari report on agriculture prices
Choose from the following options.
Which of the following are correctly matched?
1. The Ninth Plan - it comments with the objectives of Greater participation of the National Development Council in their formation.
2. The Tenth plan - it was launched when there was an all-around slow down in the economy.
Choose from the following options.
Consider the following statements.
1. The Twenty point programme is the second Central plan which was launched in 1993.
2. The basic objective was to improve the quality of life of the people.
Which of these statements is/are incorrect?
Consider the following statements about the Member of Parliament Local Area Development Scheme.
1. Under the scheme the Members of Parliament recommend some work to the concerned Head of Gram Panchayat.
2. It was the last of the central plans.
Which of these statements is/are correct?
Consider the following statements.
1. In 1991, India launched a process of economic reforms in response to a fiscal and balance of payment crisis.
2. Reforms started in the 1990s much wider and deeper than reforms of the 1980s.
Which of these statements is/are correct?
Consider the following statements.
1. The process of economic reforms started in India with the slogan 'reforms with a human face'.
2. The slogan was much effective to garner the empathy of the masses.
Which of these statements is/are correct?
Microeconomics stabilization measures included
1. Those economic policies which intend to boost the aggregate supply of goods and services in the economy.
2. Policies to increase the purchasing power of the masses.
Which of these statements is/are correct?
Structural Reform measures included :
1. Policies to enhance domestic demand
2. Policies to boost the aggregate supply of services in the economy
Choose from the following options.
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