Which of the following statements are correct about the National Land Records Modernization Programme?
1. It was started in 2016 aimed at updating and digitising land records
2. The intent is to move from conclusive title to presumptive title
Which of these statements are correct?
Consider the following statements about the Green Revolution?
1. Initially it was started for wheat and rice
2. It increased the productivity level to 10 times
Which of these statements is/are incorrect?
Consider the following statements about the impact of the Green Revolution?
1. Due to excessive and uncontrolled use of chemical fertilizers, pesticides and herbicides have degraded the environment by increasing pollution levels in land, water and air.
2. In India it is more due to deforestation and extension of cultivation in ecologically fragile areas.
Which of these statements is/are correct?
Which of the following statements are correct about indirect farm subsidies?
1. These subsidies are provided to make farm products more competitive in the global market.
2. Indirect subsidies distort the free market forces.
Which of these statements is/are incorrect?
Which of the following statements are correct?
1. India spends about 10% of its GDP on subsidies
2. Majority of it is a direct subsidy.
Which of these statements are correct about agriculture marketing?
1. India's Agricultural market is presently regulated by the agricultural produce Market Committee enacted Act by the central government.
2. India has thousands of Agricultural markets.
3. India has 30 principal regulated Agricultural markets.
Choose from the following options.
The essence of the strategic disinvestment was:
1. The minimum shares to be divested will be 49%.
2. The wholesale sale of shares will be done to strategic partners having International class experience and expertise in the sector.
Which of these statements is/are correct?
Consider the following statements regarding the national investment fund constituted in 2005 by the Government of India.
1. The proceeds from disinvestment will be channelized into the NIF.
2. The Corpus of the national investment fund will be of a temporary nature.
Which of these statements is/are correct?
Consider the following statements regarding the aluminium industry.
1. The cost of production for India is presently higher than international prices.
2. India's cost of production of aluminium has been increasing gradually while the world's costs remain static.
Which of these statements is/are correct?
Consider the following statements regarding the Make in India initiative.
1. A Micro Units Development Refinance Agency (MUDRA) Bank set up to provide development and refinance to only commercial banks for loans given to micro-units.
2. MUDRA follows a 'credit-plus approach' by also providing several other services such as – financial literacy and addressing skill gaps, information gaps, etc.
Which of these statements is/are incorrect?
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