Why selecting Industry as the leading force of the economy seemed to be an illogical decision?
1. Absence of the natural resource of fertile land.
2. There was an absence of required Technology.
3. Lack of investable capital.
Choose from the following options.
The obvious choice for India would have been the agriculture sector as the prime moving force of the economy because:
1. The country was having the natural resource of fertile land which was fit for cultivation.
2. Human capital did not require any kind of higher training.
Which of these statements are not correct?
Consider the following statements:
1. Agriculture would have been the obvious choice as the prime moving force (PMF) of the economy, But Indian agriculture was using traditional tools and technology.
2. By choosing industry as the prime moving force, India opted to industrialise the economy as well as modernise the traditional mode of farming.
Which of these statements are correct?
Consider the following statements:
1. It was only in the 1990s the world and the WB/IMF changed its opinion regarding the agriculture sector.
2. After the 1990s emphasis on the agriculture sector by an economy was considered as a sign of backwardness.
Which of these statements are not correct?
Consider the following statements regarding Industrialisation of India:
1. Industrialisation of India was neglected by the colonisers-the infrastructure was not built to industrialise India but to exploit its raw materials.
2. Indian capitalists who did emerge were highly dependent on British commercial capital.
Which of these statements are correct?
Why did India select agriculture as the prime moving force in place of industry in 2002?
1. To achieve food security.
2. To tackle the challenge of poverty alleviation.
3. To induce growth in the rural economy.
Choose from the following options.
Which of the following industries were known as the basic industries?
1. Iron and steel
2. Natural gas
3. Electricity
Choose from the following options.
Which of the following are the core industries in India?
1. Cement
2. Coal
3. Fertilizer
Choose from the following options.
Why the responsibility of developing the basic industries taken by the government?
1. These basic industries require a high level of technology and skilled manpower.
2. Management of these Industries was not considered feasible for the private sector.
3. Low purchasing power of the consumers.
Choose from the following options.
Consider the following statements about the ambitious expansion of PSUs:
1. Government went on creating PSUs without analysing the fiscal repercussions.
2. The Employment generation was extended to such an extent by the government that most of them had an oversupply of the labour force.
Which of these statements are not correct?
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