National Income at Factor Cost is equal to:
In India, which Ministry/Institution announce the rates by which assets depreciate:
“Quantitative, as well as the qualitative aspects of the economy, i.e., the 'internal' as well as the 'external' strength of the economy, are indicated by :
Which of the following can be used to calculate 'National Income' of an economy?
In India, which of the following is negative:
1. Private remittances
2. Interest on external loans
3. External Grants
Choose from the following options.
Consider the following statements:
1. When we divide Net Domestic Product by the total population of a nation we get the per capita income of that nation.
2. Higher the rates of depreciation lower the per capita income of the nation.
Which of these statements is/are correct?
Consider the following statements:
1. If the national income is being derived at ‘Factor Cost', the indirect taxes do not need to be deducted from it.
2. In this case, the government does not have to add their income accruing from indirect taxes to the national income.
Which of these statements is/ are correct?
Which of the following are correctly matched?
1. Nominal income - the wage someone gets in hand per day or per month
2. Real income - nominal income minus the present-day rate of inflation
3. Disposable income - the net part of wage one is free to use which is derived after deducting the Direct Access from the real/nominal income
Choose from the following options.
MCA21 is a initiative of Ministry of
GDP (at market prices) is equal to :
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