The most famous sultan of Gujarat was
The real founder of the independent kingdom of Gujarat was
What was the name of the old town where Ahmad Shah built the capital city of Ahmedabad?
The new towns of Muhammadabad and Mustafabad was founded by Mahmud Begarha after his victory over
(A) The fort of Champaner
(B) The fort of Girnar
(C) The fort of Chittor
Why did Mahmud Begarha sacked Dwarka?
Why did Mahmud Begarha try to check the Portuguese naval power?
The Italian traveller Ludovico Didi Varthema wrote, “The prince of Cambay’s daily food, is ass, the basilisk and toad”. Who was that prince?
Which one of the following rulers of Kashmir earned the title of But-Shikan or idol breaker?
Which one of the following rulers of Kashmir has been described as the Akbar of Kashmir?
Which one of the following statements about Zain-ul-Abidin is correct?
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