Statement 1: The Coastal Regulation Zone (CRZ) Notification (2011) governs development activities along the sea coast and tidal-influenced water bodies.
Statement 2: Mangroves and coral reef areas are not included in CRZ-1 category.
Statement 1: The Wildlife Crime Control Bureau focuses on strengthening enforcement of laws and controlling poaching.
Statement 2: Coral reefs are included in Schedule 2 of the Wild Life Protection Act, 1972.
The 'Blue Flag' certification is an international label awarded to beaches and marinas that meet high environmental and safety standards.
Match the following CRZ categories with their descriptions:
Statement 1: The National Coastal Zone Management Authority (NCZMA) and State Coastal Zone Management Authority (SCZMA) were established under the Environmental (Protection) Act, 1986.
Statement 2: The NCZMA and SCZMA are responsible for implementing the Ganga Action Plan.
Assertion (A): Coral reefs are included in Schedule 1 of the Wild Life Protection Act, 1972.
Reason (R): This inclusion affords the highest degree of protection to coral reefs.
Sequence the following activities based on their permissibility in CRZ-I:
Statement 1: The Ganga Action Plan was launched in 1986 with the primary goal of pollution abatement.
Statement 2: The National Ganga River Basin Authority (NGRBA) was established under the Ganga Action Plan.
The 'Namami Gange' initiative is part of the Integrated Ganga Conservation Mission and includes a comprehensive action plan for the conservation and enhancement of the Ganga River.
Statement 1: The Integrated Coastal and Marine Area Management (ICMAM) project was launched in 1998 for the integrated management of coastal and marine areas.
Statement 2: The primary focus of ICMAM is on industrial development along coastal regions.
The Island Protection Zone (IPZ) Notification 2011 was established to govern development activities in island territories, separate from the Coastal Regulation Zone (CRZ) Notification.
Statement 1: Under the CRZ Notification, 2011, the No Development Zone (NDZ) has been uniformly set at 200 meters from the High Tide Line across all categories.
Statement 2: The NDZ stipulation is relaxed for certain densely populated rural areas under CRZ-III.
Match the following activities with their corresponding CRZ categories where they are allowed:
Statement 1: The Coastal Ocean Monitoring and Prediction System (COMAPS) was implemented for pollution monitoring in coastal waters since 1991.
Statement 2: The primary focus of COMAPS is on industrial development and maritime navigation.
Assertion (A): The Namami Ganga Program includes initiatives for riverfront development in key locations.
Reason (R): Riverfront development is essential for promoting tourism along the Ganga River.
Statement 1: The Clean Ganga Fund is aimed at increasing public participation in the cleanup of the Ganga River.
Statement 2: Only domestic donors are eligible for tax benefits under the Clean Ganga Fund.
Which of the following is not a feature of the CRZ Notification, 2018?
Under the Wild Life Protection Act, 1972, Protected Areas including National Parks, Sanctuaries, and Marine Biosphere Reserves were established for conserving marine life, including coral reefs.
The Society of Integrated Coastal Management (SICOM) was established in 2010 as the nodal agency for Integrated Coastal Zone Management (ICZM) practices.
Match the following initiatives with their primary focus:
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