Which of the following is/are true about the intended nationally determined contribution (INDC) of India?
1. Reducing emission intensity by 33-35%.
2. 40% electric power installed capacity from non-fossil fuel-based energy resource by 2030.
3. Complete elimination of ozone-depleting substances by 2030.
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Consider the following statements
1. The transport sector is the largest contributor to GHG emissions.
2. CO2 concentration is higher than any other GHG.
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Consider the following statements
1. India has the lowest per capita Income and Lower per capita CO2 emission even lower than the EU.
2. The USA has highest per capita CO2 emissions and higher per capita income as compared to India.
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Which of the following is/are salient features of the Paris agreement?
1. It provides a transparency framework.
2. It establishes a compliance mechanism in a punitive way.
3. It mandates the contribution of financial resources by developed countries on a voluntary basis.
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Consider the following statements
1. Paris agreement clearly differentiates implementation of mitigation actions between developed and developing countries
2. Paris agreement will come into force only when at least 55 parties to the convention accounting for at least 55% of GHG emissions accept and approve it.
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Which of the following is/are elements of Green finance?
1. Banking system.
2. Bond market.
3. Institutional investment.
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Which of the following is/are true about the National clean energy fund (NCEF)?
1. It is based on the polluters pay principle.
2. Jawaharlal Nehru national solar mission is protected financed from this fund.
3. It is financed by cess on produced and imported coal.
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Which of the following is/are true about India’s INDC?
1. Reduce emission intensity by 33-35% of GDP of 1990 level by 2030.
2. 40% cumulative electric power installed from non-fossil fuel-based energy resources by 2030.
3. To create additional carbon sink.
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Which of the following is/are true regarding multilateral climate funds?
1. Global environment facility (GEF) was established as the financial mechanism of UNICCC in 2011.
2. Green climate fund (GCF) is a financial mechanism of biodiversity and climate change convention in1992 for helping developed countries.
3. Clean technology fund is the first largest multilateral climate fund.
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Which of the following is/are true?
1. The major regional emissions trading scheme currently under implementation is the china emission trading system.
2. CDM projects ( clean development mechanism ) are the second highest in the world.
3. Nearly 95% of CDM projects are being developed by the private sector.
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