Which of the following are the points of Attlee's statement?
1. Mountbatten would replace Linlithgow as the Viceroy
2. British powers vis-a-vis the princely states would lapse with the transfer of power, and this would be transferred to the successor government in British India
3. The British would relinquish power either to the Central Government or in some areas to the existing provincial governments.
Choose from the following options.
Why was a date fixed by the government for withdrawal?
1. The government was keen to avert the developing constitutional crisis
2. The government hoped that a fixed date would shock the parties into an agreement on the main question
3. The government hoped to convince the Indians of British sincerity
Choose from the following options.
Who launched the civil disobedience movement to overthrow the coalition government in Punjab?
Mountbatten proved more firm and quick in taking decisions than his predecessors because?
Which of the following are correct about Mountbatten's plan?
1. Referendums in NWFP and Sindh would decide the fate of these areas
2. Bengal would take its own decision
3. In the case of partition, two dominions and two constituent assemblies would be created
Choose from the following options.
Why Congress accepted Dominion Status?
1. It would ensure a peaceful and quick transfer of power
2. It was more important for Congress to assume the authority to check the explosive situation
3. It would allow for some much-needed continuity in the Bureaucracy and the Army
Choose from the following options.
It would ensure a peaceful and quick transfer of power
It was more important for Congress to assume the authority to check the explosive situation
It would allow for some much-needed continuity in the Bureaucracy and the Army
Consider the following statements about the Indian Independence Act
1. Each dominion was to have a governor-general to be responsible for the effective operation of the Act
2. Till a new constitution was adopted by each dominion, the two dominions' governments were to be carried on following the Indian Independence Act.
Which of these statements are not correct?
Consider the following statements about plan Balkan.
1. This plan envisaged the transfer of power to separate provinces, with Punjab and Bengal given the option to vote for partition of their provinces
2. Initially it was supported by congress, but later it was abandoned
Which of these statements are not correct?
Consider the following statements about the Mountbatten plan.
1. Two boundary commissions, one in respect of each province, were constituted to demarcate the boundaries of the new provinces
2. The referendum in NWFP decided in favour of Pakistan, the provincial Congress refrained from the referendum
Which of these statements are not correct?
Consider the following statements.
1. For Britain, the Dominion status offered a chance to keep India in the Commonwealth
2. Mountbatten's formula was to divide India but retain minimum Unity for the benefits of Britain
Which of these statements are not correct?
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