What were the factors responsible for People's uprisings?
1. Colonial land revenue settlements
2. Heavy burden of new taxes
3. Eviction of peasants from their land.
4. Growth of intermediary revenue collectors, tenants and money-lenders.
5. Expansion of revenue administration over tribal lands.
What were the general characteristics of civil uprisings?
1. These uprisings in most cases represented common conditions, though separated in time and place
2. Their leaders were semi-feudal in nature mainly backwards-looking and traditional in Outlook
3. Their basic objective to introduce new democratic forms of rule and social relations
Choose from the following options:
Consider the following statements.
1. The Moamarias were low-caste peasants who followed the teachings of Aniruddha Deva (1553-1624), and their rise was similar to that of other low-caste groups in north India
2. Their revolts weakened the Ahoms and opened the doors for others to attack the region
Which of these statements is/are correct?
The Massacre of Benaras is associated with
Arrange the Civil uprisings chronologically.
1. Sanyasi revolt
2. Revolt in Bednur
3. Poligars' revolt
4. Parlakimidi outbreak
Choose from the following options:
Arrange this Sepoy Mutinies chronologically
1. Mutiny of 34th native infantry
2. Mutiny in Solapur
3. Vellore mutiny
4. Mutiny of 47th native infantry unit
Choose from the following options:
What were the weaknesses of people's uprisings?
1. The mostly arose out of local grievances
2. These rebellions were centuries old in form and ideological/cultural extent
3. The methods and arms were practically obsolete
4. The leadership was semi-feudal in character
Choose from the following options.
Which of the following is\are matched correctly?
1. Ahoms' Revolt - Assam
2. Singphos' Rebellion - Manipur
3. Kukis' Revolt - Manipur
Choose from the following options:
Which of the following is matched correctly?
1. Kondh Uprising - Chakra Bishnoi
2. Santhal Uprising - Sido and Kanhu
3. Kol Uprising - Buddho Bhagat
Choose from the following options:
Which of the following are the causes for the tribal revolts under British rule?
1. The mainland tribal rebellions were sparked off by several factors, an important one concerned with the tribal lands or forests
2. The British's land settlements affected the joint ownership tradition among the tribals and disrupted their social fabric.
3. As agriculture was extended in a settled form by the Company government, the tribals lost their land
4. There was an influx of non-tribals to these areas.
5. Shifting cultivation in forests was curbed
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